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Ankara: New Poisoning Evidence Spurs Call For Expanded Probe Into Oz

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  • Ankara: New Poisoning Evidence Spurs Call For Expanded Probe Into Oz


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 25 2012

    25 November 2012 / CAĞLAR AVCI / GOKSEL GENC, İSTANBUL Calls have been
    raised by various circles that the scope of an ongoing investigation
    should be expanded into the 1993 death of former President Turgut
    Ozal in light of evidence that four different poisonous substances
    were detected in the former president's remains.

    According to sources from the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK), who
    spoke to Today's Zaman over the weekend on the condition of anonymity,
    Ozal was mostly likely poisoned with four separate substances.

    An investigation into the former president's suspicious death began
    earlier this year after a number of witnesses spoke of unusual
    circumstances on the day of Ozal's death, who was reported to have
    suffered a heart attack. His remains were exhumed in October for
    toxicological testing.

    Political figures who served during Ozal's terms as either prime
    minister or president told Today's Zaman that the investigation into
    his suspicious death should continue in a more detailed manner. Former
    Education Minister Vehbi Dincerler said all staff at Ozal's residence,
    including guards and servants, and his family members should be
    questioned in connection to the former president's death. "In addition,
    a failed assassination attempt against Ozal [in 1988] should also be
    probed, and the reality behind the attempt should be exposed.

    The State Audit Institution [DDK] should spur action to investigate
    the assassination attempt," Dincerler stated.

    ATK sources said that among poisonous substances found in Ozal's
    remains were DDT (dikloro difenol trikloroethan), which is used in
    killing insects and was forbidden in Turkey in 1980, and DDE, which
    causes heavy damage to the liver after being absorbed by the body.

    Experts noted that the poison, which is found in nature and the
    human body naturally, was present in Ozal's body at 10 times
    the normal level. Experts also detected the presence of cadmium,
    a chemical element, in his body. Additionally, experts also found
    radioactive elements in the remains of the former president. Americium,
    a transuranic radioactive chemical element, and polonium were detected
    in Ozal's remains.

    According to the experts, the former president's body was weakened
    with americium and polonium in the long run, and with the use of DDT
    his death was accelerated. The DDT might have entered Ozal's body
    through food or drink, experts suggested. They are now investigating
    what kind of food the former president consumed in the meals he ate
    during his last days.

    The ATK has yet to finalize the report about its findings on Ozal's
    remains by December and hand it over to the Ankara Chief Public
    Prosecutor's Office, which is investigating the former president's

    Former Minister Hasan Celal Guzel said there is much to suspect about
    Ozal's death. "The [ATK] findings are so saddening. They show that the
    former president was martyred. He was one of the leading politicians
    of his time, and he was killed treacherously. The people who were
    behind the murder should immediately be exposed. Had an investigation
    been launched then, Ozal's killers would have been found," he noted.

    The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's office is also investigating a
    number of unusual circumstances that came to light following Ozal's
    alleged heart attack. Certain facts -- including that on the day of
    his death his in-house doctor and nurse were both out, the staff were
    not able to start the ambulance due to a mechanical problem, there
    was a lack of first aid equipment at the presidential residence and
    other similarly unusual issues -- have led to suspicions surrounding
    the death of the former president.

    Additionally, the office has focused on inconsistencies between the
    statements made by Ozal's doctor and his family members regarding the
    initial failure to perform an autopsy. Ozal's doctor, Cengiz Aslan,
    claimed that the family of the former president did not request an
    autopsy, but the Ozal family denies this claim.

    In early November, a Turkish daily cited an unpublished autopsy report
    by the ATK and claimed that Ozal was poisoned by "strychnine creatine,"
    a powerful poison that leads to respiratory arrest in 15-20 minutes
    and could also cause a heart attack.

    'I cannot understand how a president could be poisoned' It is hard
    to understand how a president, with the protection of many guards,
    could have been poisoned, according to Ozal's close circle.

    Sait Yazıcıoğlu, a former minister, said presidents are offered
    special food and the meals specially prepared for him are closely
    monitored by his guards. "It is really hard to figure out how the
    poisonous substances were added gradually to his meals," he said,
    and added that Ozal was killed at very critical times for Turkey.

    Ozal, known for his reformist policies that paved the way for a more
    democratic and liberal Turkey, was working to solve the long-standing
    Kurdish and Armenian questions at the time he was pronounced dead.

    There have been rumors for long that he was killed for his efforts
    to solve the two questions.

    Ekrem Pakdemirli, a former deputy prime minister who is known to be
    a close friend of Ozal, stated that Ozal's cook and housekeeper left
    work and settled in Canada and Sweden, respectively, around only one
    week to 10 days after Ozal's death, raising suspicion that they may
    have had a hand in the poisoning incident. "It is not hard to bring
    the cook and housekeeper back to Turkey [for interrogation]. I think
    the prosecutors [involved in Ozal's death investigation] will think
    to interrogate them," Pakdemirli stated.

    According to former Health Minister Halil Şıvgın, it is clear to all
    observers that Ozal's death was not a natural one, and a parliamentary
    commission should be set up to investigate the incident.

    Retired military judge Faik Tarımcıoğlu stated that the circumstances
    that came to light following Ozal's alleged heart attack, such as that
    there was no ambulance around the presidential palace and the bottle
    of blood taken as a sample from the former president shortly before
    he was pronounced dead was later broken, are ridiculous. Tarımcıoğlu
    extended his thanks to President Abdullah Gul for giving an order
    to the DDK to investigate the death of Ozal, which eventually led
    to the discovery that Ozal may have been poisoned, but expressed his
    concerns that the findings may be covered up. "Prosecutors should be
    extremely careful," he added.

    'Ozal was killed slowly over a month' Retired military judge Arif
    Yuksel, who served as Ozal's chief advisor, stated that Ozal was not
    killed suddenly, but over the period of a month.

    Yuksel said Ozal became ill around two weeks before his scheduled
    visit to Azerbaijan, and that he begged the former president to cancel
    his visit. "He was frequently perspiring and looked very tired at the
    time, not like he had looked before. I talked to Ozal to convince him
    to cancel his visit to Azerbaijan, and he agreed. But then Semra Ozal
    [Ozal's wife] said he would not cancel the visit by any means. After
    that Ozal decided not to cancel the visit and went to Azerbaijan,"
    the retired judge noted, calling on prosecutors to investigate what
    went on during the Azerbaijan visit.

    Yuksel also claimed that Ozal was killed by the same shadowy circles,
    hinting at the Ergenekon terrorist organization, that killed Gen.

    Eşref Bitlis, who died in a place crash in 1993, while he was
    investigating questionable links between the military, the terrorist
    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and other groups. "When Ozal learned
    about the death of Bitlis, he said that another son of the country had
    been killed. He never believed that the crash was an accident. Ozal
    was killed by the same group that killed Bitlis," Yuksel said.
