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Looters Or Landlords?

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  • Looters Or Landlords?

    Opinion | October 3, 2012 3:39 pm

    Edmond Y. Azadian

    Since Fatih Sultan Mohammed occupied Constantinople in 1453, the
    Ottoman rulers have been destroying and desecrating churches, castles,
    architectural monuments of Hittites, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks and
    other nationalities who had been the indigenous people of Asia Minor,
    occupied and ruled through blood and sword.

    Now, all of a sudden, the destroyers of all these cultures presume
    to be landlords, claiming treasures originated in Asia Minor to be
    returned to the present government of Turkey. Those artifacts and
    treasures which have been preserved in the Metropolitan Museum of
    Art, the Getty Museum, the Louvre and Pergamon Museum have been
    saved from the Turks themselves, becoming part of the legacy of
    human civilization. Had they been left in the hands of the Turks,
    they would have been doomed to suffer the same fate as the 2,000
    Armenian churches, monasteries and architectural monuments which
    were systematically destroyed and rendered into ashes. After 200,000
    Armenians escaped from Van in 1915, the Turkish Army burned tens
    of thousands of illuminated manuscripts and Bibles on the island
    monastery of Leem in Lake Akhtamar.

    All that barbarism was tolerated and permitted by the Western powers
    because of political expediency, fueling the arrogance of the Turks,
    in turn, to get back at the West, which had saved antiquities from
    Turkish-Ottoman plundering hands in the first place.

    The latest example was the destruction of thousands of khachkars in
    Jugha, Nakhichevan, now an exclave ruled by Azerbaijan, by the Azeri
    Turks in broad daylight; not one finger was raised by the United
    Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) or
    other agencies or governments despite protests by Armenia's government.

    Also, in a cynical condescension towards small nations, the British
    Museum and other museums stubbornly keep mislabeling Kutahya tiles
    or the head of Diana (Anahid, "The Satala Aphrodite,") as Seljuk art
    or any other label in the name of academic propriety, rather than
    ascribing it to the Armenian talents and skills which are the true
    creators of those treasures.

    As late as this year, UNESCO refused to label Armenian architectural
    monuments in Europe their true name during an exhibition, giving in
    to Turkish threats. That policy today has opened up the major museums
    in the West to Turkish threats and lawsuits.

    In a front-page article on October 1, the New York Times covers
    Turkish arrogance under the title "Turkey Demands Return of Art,
    Alarming World's Museums." Museum curators consider Turkey's newfound
    aggressiveness "cultural blackmail."

    At issue are many art treasures originating in the countries occupied
    by Ottoman rulers. Mr. Murat Suslu, director-general of cultural
    heritage and museums, says, "we only want back what is rightfully

    "The Turks are engaging in polemics and nasty politics," answers
    Hermann Parzinger, president of the Prussian Cultural Heritage

    Foundation, which oversees the Pergamon in Berlin. "They should be
    careful about making moral claims when their museums are full of
    looted treasures."

    One example of such looted treasures is a sarcophagus named after
    Alexander the Great, which was discovered in Sidon, Lebanon, in 1887,
    and is now in Istanbul's Archeological Museum. According to Mr. Suslu
    the sarcophagus was legally Turkey's because it had been excavated
    on territory that belonged to Turkey at the time.

    With the same warped logic, Turkey can claim all the Armenian churches
    and art treasures in Jerusalem, because at one time Jerusalem was
    under Ottoman rule.

    There are no firm international laws that govern the ownership of art
    treasures originating from different parts of the world which are now
    preserved in museums in the West. There is a UNESCO convention that
    allows museums to acquire objects that were outside their countries
    of origin before 1970.

    Turkey wants its cake and to eat it. Although it has ratified the
    convention in 1981, it still cites a 1906 Ottoman law to claim any
    object removed after that date as its own.

    Since Turkey selectively wishes to use its Ottoman heritage, than it
    has to recognize the Ottoman Genocide against the Armenians, which
    not only destroyed millions of human lives but also the cultural
    heritage of that subject nation.

    Turkey, using its double standard, has been successfully suing Western
    museums and retrieving major pieces of art for its own museums.

    For example, in 2011, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston returned the
    top half of an 1,800-year-old statute, "Weary Herakles," which is an
    example of Greek cultural heritage.

    Throughout history, the Turks have not been known as creators in
    the fields of art and culture; they are rather known as destroyers
    of culture, valuing militarism and brute force. But since they have
    realized belatedly that art and culture have some monetary value in
    the form of tourism in their country, they are aggressively going
    after treasures originating in the land they presently occupy.

    This is a dangerous precedent. If it is not stopped in its track,
    the Turks may go after all Armenian treasures around the world,
    claiming by the same logic and citing the Ottoman law that those
    works had originated in territories under Ottoman rule.

    Especially in Turkey's case, UNESCO and the UN have to declare the
    universal ownership of treasures created by Armenians and other
    nationalities but occupied or looted by the Turks. Turkey must be
    held accountable for the destruction of Armenian cultural monuments on
    its occupied soil which to this day are kept in ruins. Those ancient
    churches and monuments that belong to the Armenians must be declared
    part of human civilization and thus warrant some protection from
    further damage.

    Otherwise, looters and plunderers will present themselves as owners
    of a cultural heritage, which does not belong to them and which has
    been abused by them for centuries.

    The irony is that the looters have become landlords under the
    tolerant gaze of the civilized world which is delinquent in its duty
    of preserving universal treasures of humanity.
