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Ex-FM Oskanian deems NSS summons `inroad upon Armenia's image'

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  • Ex-FM Oskanian deems NSS summons `inroad upon Armenia's image'

    Ex-FM Oskanian deems NSS summons `inroad upon Armenia's image'

    October 6, 2012 - 16:29 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Prosperous Armenia member, former foreign minister
    Vartan Oskanian commented on his Facebook page on the summons of
    National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia for questioning.

    According to him, the NSS notice says under the Art. 153 of RA
    Criminal-procedure Code, `the person summoned must beforehand inform
    of the reasonable excuses preventing his presence at the
    interrogation, otherwise he may be brought in by force.'

    `That's an inroad upon not only me, but Armenia's image and democracy.
    I want to thank all those who joined the signature campaign to avert
    this political persecution. I'm very pleased to read all the sincere
    comments of all those having joined the campaign from different
    countries' ex-minister posted on his Facebook page.
