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Turkey accuses Armenia of destabilizing regional situation

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  • Turkey accuses Armenia of destabilizing regional situation

    Turkey accuses Armenia of destabilizing regional situation
    October 06, 2012 | 14:38

    Remaining true to its policy of being the `little brother Azerbaijan's
    guardian,' Turkey has issued a statement with respect to the launch of
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic capital city's Stepanakert Airport.

    Official Ankara strongly condemned the opening of the airport and it
    believes this to be a provocative action because this will `harm the
    peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.' And this is why
    Turkey `calls for backing from steps that could have an impact on
    regional stability,' Turkish MFA's respective statement notes, News Agency of Azerbaijan reports.

    To note, however, Turkey - which exterminated 1.5 million Armenians
    simply because of their national belonging, which occupied a part of
    Cyprus, and, now, provokes the attack against Syria - is wearing a
    sheep's clothing and reproaching another state on charges of
    destabilizing the region. And the opening of a civil airport is the
    reason for this reproach.

    As per official Ankara, the regulating of transport
    communications - whose objective is to assist the development of
    Nagorno-Karabakh - is an `obstacle to stability.'

    At the same time, Turkey has reacted neither to Azerbaijan's unbridled
    arms race nor its refusal to remove snipers from the line of contact
    nor even its glorification of the murderer of an Armenian army officer
    in Budapest.
