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Yerevan enriched with more statues of Armenian writers

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  • Yerevan enriched with more statues of Armenian writers

    Yerevan enriched with more statues of Armenian writers
    19:11 - 07.10.12

    The sitting statues of great Armenian poet Paruuyr Sevak and renowned
    20th century fiction writer Hrant Matevosyan have been installed in
    Armenia's capital as part of the project entitled Our GeniusesBeside
    us in Yerevan.

    Matevosyan's statue has been placed in the vicinities of the Yeghishe
    Charents House Museum (Mashtots Park) while Sevak's statue is in the
    neighborhood of the Yerevan Drama Theatre.

    A similar sculptor portraying the popular Armenian actor, Mher
    Lazarian, had been earlier damaged by unknown individuals but after a
    short while to repaired and returned to its former site.

    The head of the Yerevan City Hall's External Design and Advertisement
    Department had earlier told that the statues are presents by
    Mayor Taron Margaryan ahead of the capital city's anniversary and
    Armenia's Independence Day.

    From: Baghdasarian