Thursday, October 11, 00:17
As of 3 September 2012, Bio-Chem LLC's output totaled 37.7 mln AMD
($92.8 thsd), which is twice as much as throughout 2011 (18 mln AMD).
The output growth was stimulated by hair-dye exports to Georgia since
September 2011 (in 2012 -23 mln AMD), Director of Bio-Chem LLC Ashot
Avetisyan told ArmInfo.
He said that today the company is negotiating to export Bio-Chem
LLC's whole assortment (which includes 25 products) to Georgia. He
also pointed out that the export was preceded by redesign of the
company's products.
Avetisyan said that Bio-Chem was set up in 1991 by four scientists.
The company started with producing means for permanent wave, then,
hair colors. The products were exported to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus,
but in 2000 the export was stopped because of growing competition.
Thursday, October 11, 00:17
As of 3 September 2012, Bio-Chem LLC's output totaled 37.7 mln AMD
($92.8 thsd), which is twice as much as throughout 2011 (18 mln AMD).
The output growth was stimulated by hair-dye exports to Georgia since
September 2011 (in 2012 -23 mln AMD), Director of Bio-Chem LLC Ashot
Avetisyan told ArmInfo.
He said that today the company is negotiating to export Bio-Chem
LLC's whole assortment (which includes 25 products) to Georgia. He
also pointed out that the export was preceded by redesign of the
company's products.
Avetisyan said that Bio-Chem was set up in 1991 by four scientists.
The company started with producing means for permanent wave, then,
hair colors. The products were exported to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus,
but in 2000 the export was stopped because of growing competition.