Published: Friday October 19, 2012
ASA students perform.
Radnor, Pa. - Hundreds of supporters from across the Philadelphia
area raised their voices in praise of the Armenian Sisters Academy of
Radnor, PA, in harmony with the school's multi-talented 6th, 7th and
8th grade students, who took to the school stage in song and dance
in salute of the 45th anniversary on the evening of September 30.
"Go Light the World," the children hailed, capturing the school's
mission in 1967 and still today to radiate the Philadelphia area
youth with a guiding light to the Armenian Christian cause.
Messages of congratulations engulfed the celebration, as guests enjoyed
a memorable night of warm reunions, sentimental reflections, moving
tributes, inspiring musical performances, and delicious ethnic fare.
Befitting an institution created through the combined efforts
of the five Philadelphia area Armenian churches, representatives
of all denominations toasted the school's continued academic and
cultural successes and saluted its leaders' efforts to raise the
bar ever-higher. The Academy is in the process of implementing
recommendations of a five-year strategic planning review, with many
new cutting-edge 21st Century teaching and learning endeavors on
the horizon.
Principal Sister Emma extended her heartfelt thanks to the students
and praised the Sisters, teachers, parents, alumni, volunteers and
friends throughout the years for making the school the outstanding
institution it is today. His Eminence, Bishop Mikael Mouradian, of the
Armenian Catholic Eparchy of the U.S. and Canada, opened and closed
the gala in prayer and expressed sincere gratitude for the work of
the Sisters and all segments of the community to create an Armenian
Christian school that puts the child's Armenian Christian education
first and foremost and above all else. Academy Board of Directors
President Asadur Minasian and the gala chair, Silva Santerian
(Class of 1977), saluted the school community for its invaluable
and decades-long work to keep the Armenian future strong, as Board
President Emeritus Joseph Hoplamazian reflected on the founders of the
school and the vision and courage it took to build an Armenian school
in a diverse community. The speakers drew particular attention to the
enormous accomplishments the school has enjoyed along the way. There
are 484 Academy graduates today, they said, many of them with advanced
degrees and professional credentials, impressive career pursuits and,
importantly, extensive involvements in the Armenian community.
Several letters of congratulations were read from those unable to
attend the gala, including Mother Eudoxie Kechichian, Superior General
of the Order of the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception; and
Sister Arousiag, former principal of the Radnor Academy and founding
director of the Sisters' orphanage in Armenia. Special recognition
went to Sister Hripsime Tchiftelian, Superior of the Armenian Sisters
of the Immaculate Conception, and a founding Sister of the Radnor
Academy. Sister Hripsime is a former principal of the Los Angeles
Armenian Sisters Academy, former Vicar General of the Order, and
former Mistress of Novices. Together with the late Sister Valentine,
Sister Hripsime and Sister Arousiag first opened the Philadelphia
Academy in 1967.
Celebrating their love for the Armenian heritage that the Academy
works tirelessly to foster, Academy students of the 6th, 7th and
8th grades sang the nationalistic song "Ask Parabandz," as 7th and
8th grade girls graced the stage with ethnic and contemporary dance,
and an alumnus of the Class of 2012, Brian Damerau, entertained with
an impressive piano solo.
The Gala's success was the result of the tireless efforts of the
committee, Sister Emma Moussayan, school principal; Silva Santerian
(Class of 1977), gala chair; Vivian Ghazarian Bouloutian (Class
of 1981), Virginia Garabedian, Jeanne Ellen Gulasarian (Class of
1977), Annette Megerian, Asadur Minasian, school board chair; Lena
Ohannessian, Linda Preske, Sona Selverian, Ani Semerjian, Ashkhen
Setrakian, Diane Uber, and Rosa Zeibari (Class of 1990). Special
acknowledgements were extended to the Academy's Class of 2012
for serving the evening meal, Phil Magee of Blake Florists for
centerpieces, Soprano's Catering for catering the event and for the
dessert, Lena Ohannesian for the champagne, Nora Babaian for flowers;
Aram Hovagimian, James Kzirian (Class of 1995) and Armen Sevag (Class
of 1990) for music; Raffi Jehanian for photography, Maroush Paneyan
Nigon, school musical director; and Fran Torcomian and Lauren Yeremian,
dance instructors.
Written by Melissa Selverian, Class of 1977
[email protected] 215-275-1641
Published: Friday October 19, 2012
ASA students perform.
Radnor, Pa. - Hundreds of supporters from across the Philadelphia
area raised their voices in praise of the Armenian Sisters Academy of
Radnor, PA, in harmony with the school's multi-talented 6th, 7th and
8th grade students, who took to the school stage in song and dance
in salute of the 45th anniversary on the evening of September 30.
"Go Light the World," the children hailed, capturing the school's
mission in 1967 and still today to radiate the Philadelphia area
youth with a guiding light to the Armenian Christian cause.
Messages of congratulations engulfed the celebration, as guests enjoyed
a memorable night of warm reunions, sentimental reflections, moving
tributes, inspiring musical performances, and delicious ethnic fare.
Befitting an institution created through the combined efforts
of the five Philadelphia area Armenian churches, representatives
of all denominations toasted the school's continued academic and
cultural successes and saluted its leaders' efforts to raise the
bar ever-higher. The Academy is in the process of implementing
recommendations of a five-year strategic planning review, with many
new cutting-edge 21st Century teaching and learning endeavors on
the horizon.
Principal Sister Emma extended her heartfelt thanks to the students
and praised the Sisters, teachers, parents, alumni, volunteers and
friends throughout the years for making the school the outstanding
institution it is today. His Eminence, Bishop Mikael Mouradian, of the
Armenian Catholic Eparchy of the U.S. and Canada, opened and closed
the gala in prayer and expressed sincere gratitude for the work of
the Sisters and all segments of the community to create an Armenian
Christian school that puts the child's Armenian Christian education
first and foremost and above all else. Academy Board of Directors
President Asadur Minasian and the gala chair, Silva Santerian
(Class of 1977), saluted the school community for its invaluable
and decades-long work to keep the Armenian future strong, as Board
President Emeritus Joseph Hoplamazian reflected on the founders of the
school and the vision and courage it took to build an Armenian school
in a diverse community. The speakers drew particular attention to the
enormous accomplishments the school has enjoyed along the way. There
are 484 Academy graduates today, they said, many of them with advanced
degrees and professional credentials, impressive career pursuits and,
importantly, extensive involvements in the Armenian community.
Several letters of congratulations were read from those unable to
attend the gala, including Mother Eudoxie Kechichian, Superior General
of the Order of the Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception; and
Sister Arousiag, former principal of the Radnor Academy and founding
director of the Sisters' orphanage in Armenia. Special recognition
went to Sister Hripsime Tchiftelian, Superior of the Armenian Sisters
of the Immaculate Conception, and a founding Sister of the Radnor
Academy. Sister Hripsime is a former principal of the Los Angeles
Armenian Sisters Academy, former Vicar General of the Order, and
former Mistress of Novices. Together with the late Sister Valentine,
Sister Hripsime and Sister Arousiag first opened the Philadelphia
Academy in 1967.
Celebrating their love for the Armenian heritage that the Academy
works tirelessly to foster, Academy students of the 6th, 7th and
8th grades sang the nationalistic song "Ask Parabandz," as 7th and
8th grade girls graced the stage with ethnic and contemporary dance,
and an alumnus of the Class of 2012, Brian Damerau, entertained with
an impressive piano solo.
The Gala's success was the result of the tireless efforts of the
committee, Sister Emma Moussayan, school principal; Silva Santerian
(Class of 1977), gala chair; Vivian Ghazarian Bouloutian (Class
of 1981), Virginia Garabedian, Jeanne Ellen Gulasarian (Class of
1977), Annette Megerian, Asadur Minasian, school board chair; Lena
Ohannessian, Linda Preske, Sona Selverian, Ani Semerjian, Ashkhen
Setrakian, Diane Uber, and Rosa Zeibari (Class of 1990). Special
acknowledgements were extended to the Academy's Class of 2012
for serving the evening meal, Phil Magee of Blake Florists for
centerpieces, Soprano's Catering for catering the event and for the
dessert, Lena Ohannesian for the champagne, Nora Babaian for flowers;
Aram Hovagimian, James Kzirian (Class of 1995) and Armen Sevag (Class
of 1990) for music; Raffi Jehanian for photography, Maroush Paneyan
Nigon, school musical director; and Fran Torcomian and Lauren Yeremian,
dance instructors.
Written by Melissa Selverian, Class of 1977
[email protected] 215-275-1641