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The Last Fall Of The Patriarch Or Going To Jerusalem Is A Must

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  • The Last Fall Of The Patriarch Or Going To Jerusalem Is A Must


    Mediamax News Agency
    Oct 17 2012

    In January 2000, I happened to witness an exceptional scene in
    the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Three people were quietly
    standing by the Star of Bethlehem - President of the Palestinian
    Autonomy Yasser Arafat, President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and
    Catholicos of All-Armenians Garegin II. For me, it became one of the
    most vivid proofs to the fact that we are a global nation.

    The funeral of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem Torgom Manukyan
    will take October 22. It seems that the leaders of our state and church
    only decided to send telegrams of condolence. Top officials or church
    representatives weren't announced to take part in the funeral of the
    Patriarch in Jerusalem yet.

    After the aggravation of the situation in Syria the disputes on what
    Armenia can do for supporting the Armenian communities when they
    find themselves in severe situations aren't ceasing in Armenia. It's
    just the day now when not much is needed for supporting the Armenian
    community of Jerusalem - the country's and church leaders should just
    get seated in the plane and set off there.

    When the Armenian President visited Israel and Palestine in 2000,
    Yerevan didn't conceal that demonstration of moral support to
    the Armenian community was one of his main goals. In particular,
    spokesman for the President Vahe Gabrielyan said then that the issue
    of Jerusalem's status concerns all Armenians as the spiritual and
    material values accumulated there belong to the whole Armenian people.

    However, after the visit just a little was done and the Armenian
    community of Jerusalem kept on shrinking in number and losing
    influence. It's clear that Armenia's resources are limited and don't
    allow implementing big projects outside the country. It's also clear
    that Armenia's such attempts can hardly make Israel happy. However,
    one can always find ways to reach if not 100% but partial results if
    he wants to.

    We are proud of the presence we have in the Holy Land. Indeed,
    one feels indescribable sensations while seeing Armenian clergymen
    in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem or the Church of
    the Nativity in Bethlehem. But one should fight for preserving these
    riches. If none of Armenian leaders or leaders of the Armenian Church
    go to the Patriarch's funeral it will be definitely beneficial for
    those who have "some intentions" on our heritage.

    I suppose the support to the Armenian community in Jerusalem is of
    special importance now when tremendous changes take place in the
    Middle East. We can't allow ourselves to reject the "card" called
    the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem. Let's not forget that the issue
    of Armenian Quarter's future became one of the principal issues that
    Israeli and Palestinians couldn't agree upon in Camp David in 2000.

    I think the leaders of our state and church should go to Jerusalem to
    say their last farewell to the Patriarch as he deserves and demonstrate
    the whole world that we are protecting the interests of the Armenian
    Quarter, Armenians living there and our heritage.

    Otherwise, it will mean that the concept of "the Armenian world"
    lacks real content.

    Ara Tadevosyan is the Director of Mediamax.

    From: A. Papazian