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Ambassador Djerejian: An Illustrious Us Diplomat Tarnishes Own Reput

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  • Ambassador Djerejian: An Illustrious Us Diplomat Tarnishes Own Reput

    By Appo Jabarian

    Executive Publisher/Managing Editor
    USA Armenian Life Magazine
    October 10, 2012

    On Friday October 5 Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian presented a lecture
    in Los Angeles titled "Arab Awakening, The Turkish Role in The Region
    and The Future of Armenians in the Middle East".

    Nearly 500 Armenian Americans attended the event organized by Armenian
    General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Asbeds.

    Holding himself true to his principle "as a diplomat to think twice
    before saying nothing," Amb. Djerejian talked for over 50 minutes
    without making important revelations on the current situation in
    the Middle East and Syria in particular. He went on to narrate
    the situation in the Middle East by delivering certain details with
    eloquence, mesmerizing his audience. He also shared anecdotal stories
    during his tenure as US Ambassador in Syria.

    However on the 56th minute as he shifted his focus to the Caucasus
    region, he dropped the nuclear bomb on his Armenian American audience
    when he claimed that 2014 is a potentially deadly deadline for Armenia
    and Armenians worldwide imposed by Azerbaijan. He sternly cautioned
    Diaspora Armenians about the so-called "Azerbaijan deadline" for
    political settlement of the Artsakh (Karabagh) conflict by 2014 "or
    else" face the dismal possibility of a new war. He tersely warned
    that a formidable military buildup by Azerbaijan spelled trouble
    for Armenia, and that the war this time "may not be as favorable"
    to Armenians as the first war. Many members of Southern California
    Armenian American community were concerned with his promotion of
    fear among Diaspora Armenians on the 'dire' consequences of a new
    war with Azerbaijan.

    His lecture also agitated several members of the audience who were
    disturbed by his pro-Azeri claims that Armenians are 'occupying'
    lands that "belong" to Azerbaijan.

    Before making such anti-Armenia and anti-Artsakh declarations, that
    the lands around Artsakh (Karabagh) are 'occupied', Amb. Djerejian
    should investigate for himself the true identity of the territories
    in lower Artsakh (Karabagh). His research will reveal the undeniable
    fact that the borders of Armenian Territory of Artsakh encompassing
    both mountainous and lowland Artsakh run from western border of
    contemporary Armenia to Kura River to the east of mountainous Artsakh;
    and from Gantsak ("Gendje" under Azeri rule) just north of Shahumian
    in the north all the way to the current Iranian border in the south.

    Under infamous Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, the Territories of Artsakh
    and Nakhitchevan were carved out of then newly Sovietized Republic of
    Armenia and were 'gifted' to then newly sovietized Azerbaijan in early
    1920's thus completing 'stalinization' of Armenian territories. Artsakh
    Liberation War of 1988-1994 facilitated the reversal of that process
    which can be appropriately labeled 'de-stalinization.'

    He also underlined how Turkey is fast-becoming a regional super power.

    Then he expressed support for Armenian-Turkish reconciliation and
    normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey with "honorable
    terms" for Armenians on critical issues. But he did not elaborate on
    the issues.

    For a moment the former U.S. Ambassador sounded more like an Ambassador
    of Azerbaijan or Turkey rather than a veteran diplomat representing
    United States as an honest broker in Caucasus.

    During the question-and-answer period, they caught him off-guard
    by presenting pointed questions such as whether Armenians in
    Artsakh should pursue or give up self-determination as opposed
    to capitulating to Azeri demands to settle for autonomy within
    Azerbaijan. The parade of inquisitive and intelligent questions
    reflected deep Armenian-American concerns for Armenia and Artsakh as
    Amb. Djerejian backtracked and modified his position to come across
    as a more 'balanced' diplomat.

    Amb. Djerejian pointed out the proliferation of "ism"s such as
    "extremism" and "terrorism" in today's world. Interestingly, his
    position on vital Armenian American issues has illustrated that he is
    influenced by petroleum interests, and is an adherent of "petrolism."

    A well-respected writer and political observer David Boyajian of
    Belmont, MA recently wrote: "Djerejian, whose parents were Genocide
    survivors, is a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Syria. He is now
    the Founding Director of the James A. Baker III Institute in Houston.

    The Institutes namesake is James Baker. He is a former Secretary
    of State and an Armenian genocide denier, as is Madeline Albright,
    an ex-officio member of the Institute. Its Board of Advisors is
    filled with current and former executives of Chevron, Marathon
    Oil, Shell Oil, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and
    similar corporations, several of which also fund the Institute. Not
    surprisingly, human rights are nearly invisible on the Institutes
    agenda. In a depressing political presentation to Armenian Americans
    in Texas in 2011, Djerejian uttered not one word of criticism of
    Turkey or Azerbaijan. Nor did he mention Artsakh/Karabagh's rights,
    human or otherwise. Instead, he took a neutral position on the issue,
    and approvingly quoted Azeri President Ilham Aliyev that 'Azerbaijan
    has the upper hand.' Regarding the Genocide, Djerejian noted only
    that 'the Armenian Genocide can best be resolved within the context
    of improved state to state relations between Armenia and Turkey.'"

    As noted above, ironically, many of Amb. Djerejian's comments were
    echoes of his own remarks of 2011 in Texas.

    Similarly, the following comments that were presented in 2011 in Texas
    are almost identical to his observations made in Los Angeles: "Armenia
    must look at current trends in the region. The Russian-Georgia conflict
    destabilized the Caucasus region and beyond. Russia is asserting
    itself in the "near abroad." While Armenia's relations with Russia will
    remain very important, Armenia must avoid becoming over-dependent on
    Russia. Turkey is looking westward, seeking to be part of the European
    Community, while strengthening its ties in the Middle East and Central
    Asia and improving its relationship with the United States. Georgia
    and Azerbaijan are actively pursuing stronger relations with the
    West. Iran's future direction remains problematic, but it is a major
    regional player. Increasingly, change in Iran is not a question of
    if, but of when. Iran's policies will have important implications
    for Armenia, a neighboring border country. Armenia's relations with
    the United States are very important and involve interaction on issues
    such as non-proliferation and border security, international narcotics,
    money laundering and the trafficking in persons, and the development
    of democratic institutions and sustainable economic growth. Washington
    also appreciated Armenia's support in Iraq. Thus, the promise for
    Armenia's security and prosperity rests with following the major trends
    toward regional and international integration. Armenia can no longer
    risk being "the odd man out." Indeed, Armenia should rediscover and
    reaffirm its historic role as a bridge between the North and South,
    and the East and West."

    While sounding genuinely concerned with Armenia's and Armenians'
    future, Mr. Djerejian trashed Armenia's performance as a viable state.

    Under succeeding US administrations of the last few decades, U.S.

    State Department has been siding with oil-producing dictators such
    as Pres. Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan at the cost of trampling upon
    the human rights of people like Armenians of Artsakh (Karabagh). By
    doing so, US administrations risk exposing themselves to the ire
    of international public opinion in Middle East, the Caucasus and

    Abundance of social and diversified mass media has helped the masses
    unmask this American double standard.

    It is obvious that he is not a champion of human rights for Armenians
    of Artsakh. But he could have at least steered clear of making
    anti-Artsakh (Karabagh) Armenian pronouncements by respecting his
    diplomatic rule of 'thinking twice before saying nothing;' and by
    declining to unfairly agree with Azeri false claims that Armenians
    "are occupying" lands in Azerbaijan.

    Ambassador Djerejian not only did not alleviate Armenian American
    concerns on U.S. State Department being a dishonest broker in Asia
    Minor and Caucasus in regards to Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azeri
    issues, but he also ended up tarnishing his own reputation as an
    illustrious US Diplomat.
