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Committee To Protect Journalists Report: No Justice For Hrant Dink

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  • Committee To Protect Journalists Report: No Justice For Hrant Dink


    The Committee to Protect Journalists has released a report entitled
    'Turkey's Press Freedom Crisis The Dark Days of Jailing Journalists and
    Criminalizing Dissent' Along with other issues, the reports addresses
    the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink.

    The sidebar entitled "No Justice for Hrant Dink" reads:

    Nearly six years after Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was shot
    in front of his Istanbul office by a 17-year-old ultranationalist,
    the real instigators, their links to state institutions, and the role
    played by the Turkish media in making the well-known journalist and
    human rights activist a target have yet to be fully investigated.

    Captured shortly after he killed Dink on January 19, 2007, Ogun Samast
    was sentenced by a juvenile court in July 2011 to nearly 23 years of
    imprisonment. From the onset of the investigation, it was evident
    that the young man, who had traveled to Istanbul from the Black
    Sea city of Trabzon to commit the crime, had not acted alone. In
    the course of the inquiry, it emerged that police, gendarmerie, and
    intelligence officials in Trabzon, Istanbul, and Ankara were aware
    that an assassination attempt was planned, but did nothing to warn or
    protect Dink. On January 17, 2012, the 14th Criminal Court in Istanbul
    ruled on the fate of other key suspects. It sentenced Yasin Hayal,
    seen as the mastermind, to life behind bars.

    Two defendants were sentenced to 12 years and six months of
    imprisonment as accessories to Dink's murder, while another was
    punished for illegal gun possession. But to the dismay of Dink's
    relatives and supporters, the court ruled that Erhan Tuncel, an
    ultranationalist police informant believed to be a major player,
    had no involvement in the assassination. All 19 suspects were cleared
    of being part of a criminal organization. "Turkey has a tradition of
    political murders that goes back to Ottoman times. The judiciary still
    has the automatic reflex to protect the state and civil servants,"
    said Fethiye Cetin, lawyer for the Dink family. "They can't reveal
    the truth about the Dink case because it was part of state policies."

    Paradoxically, the presiding judge himself acknowledged that the
    verdict was flawed. "We acquitted the suspects of organized crime
    charges," Judge Rustem Eryılmaz told Vatan newspaper. "This ruling
    does not mean that there was no organization involved. This means
    that there was not enough evidence to prove the actions of this

    In prescient articles published days before his death, Dink expressed
    fears that he was in danger. "Why was I made a target?" he wrote in
    Agos, the weekly Armenian-Turkish newspaper he founded in 1996.

    Pressure against the ethnic Armenian writer had been building for
    years. A series of articles on Armenian identity published in 2004 led
    to his prosecution under the controversial Article 301 of the penal
    code for "insulting Turkishness." He received a six-month suspended
    sentence, which was upheld on appeal in 2006. The campaign against Dink
    and other nonMuslims may have its roots in a policy document adopted
    in 2001 by the National Security Council, which listed "minorities" and
    "missionary activities" among the threats to national security. "After
    the document was prepared, articles started appearing in the media
    suggesting the country was overrun by missionaries and Christian
    churches were being built everywhere," Cetin said.

    In 2006, Catholic priest Andrea Santoro was killed by a right-wing
    teenager, also from Trabzon, and a few months after Dink's
    assassination, three Protestant missionaries were slaughtered in
    the eastern city of Malatya. In this case, too, state involvement
    is suspected.

    At a time when power balances are shifting and the influence of the
    military is waning, the judicial investigation into Dink's murder has
    been widely seen as a test: Can Turkey end a culture of impunity and
    shed a rigid state ideology that views some segments of society as
    internal foes? The case also highlights troubling issues regarding the
    Turkish media--though TURKEY'S PRESS FREEDOM CRISIS 19 restrictions are
    imposed on press freedom, media outlets also play an active role in
    the smear campaigns directed at Dink and others deemed to be enemies
    of the state.

    "The media were used as an instrument in the run-up to Hrant
    Dink's murder," said Rober KoptaÅ~_, Dink's successor as editor of
    Agos. "There was a trial against him, but he was also attacked first
    by the right-wing press, then by mainstream media."

    "The murder of a journalist known for his peace efforts shook Turkey
    to the core. KoptaÅ~_ says the emotions it generated have contributed
    to improving perceptions of Turkey's 50,000-strong ethnic Armenian
    community. The debate on the 1915 massacres has also broadened
    significantly, even if the Turkish authorities continue to deny
    strenuously that they amounted to genocide. "Hrant Dink's murder has
    decreased pressure on Agos. Article 301 was amended after the murder,
    and any prosecution now has to get prior approval of the justice
    minister," KoptaÅ~_ said.

    "There has been no court case against us for the past four years."

    In the past few years, dozens of army officers and other figures
    suspected of plotting to overthrow the government have been arrested,
    among them officials who harassed Dink and tried to intimidate him.

    Journalists are among those facing terrorism charges, including Nedim
    Å~^ener, who wrote a book alleging a police coverup in the Dink case.

    Released pending trial in March 2012 after more than a year in
    prison, the reporter is accused of belonging to the very network
    he investigated.

    Prosecutors looking into the past misdeeds of the "deep state" have
    limited their inquiries to elements perceived to pose a direct threat
    to the conservative government. Injustices committed against minorities
    have not received the same attention. As Cetin points out, "the Hrant
    Dink murder case has remained on the other side of the line."

    The Dink family has appealed the criminal court's verdict, underscoring
    the prosecution's failure to pursue crucial lines of inquiry pointing
    to state involvement in the journalist's murder. The case will be
    reviewed by the Supreme Court of Appeals, which can confirm the ruling
    or order a retrial. A decision is not expected until the end of the
    year. Interest in the final outcome remains strong, in Turkey and
    abroad, and the ruling party is under pressure to ensure that justice
    is properly served. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pledged after
    the January 2012 criminal court ruling that "the Hrant Dink case will
    not be lost in the dark corridors of Ankara.

    No provocation, no plot will remain concealed."

    Cetin has publicly documented the inconsistencies and weaknesses of
    the judicial procedure. "Everything is out in the open," she said. In
    spite of the legal team's insistence, security camera footage and
    phone records that could have offered proof of other suspects'
    presence at the murder scene were not produced in court.

    Prosecutors turned a blind eye to bureaucratic stonewalling.

    Cetin remains hopeful that the upper court will reject the judgment and
    demand a wider judicial inquiry. A report prepared in February by the
    official watchdog, the State Audit Institution, stated that the role
    of public officials has not been sufficiently investigated. In 2010,
    the European Court of Human Rights came to a similar conclusion,
    based on the early results of the murder inquiry. The court also
    ruled that Turkey had violated Hrant Dink's freedom of expression
    and failed to protect his life.
