Naira Hayrumyan
Story from News:
Published: 12:53:41 - 22/10/2012
The silence of the prime minister of Armenia in relation to
the statements of the head of the State Revenue Committee Gagik
Khachatryan means either approval or effortlessness, or that he has
his "share". Otherwise, the prime minister, who keeps speaking about
the fight against corruption and monopolies, would not bear such
statements by the head of the tax service, who openly states about
the privileges of monopolies.
Recall Gagik Khachatryan, in answer to the question why the cash
register coupons are imported only by one company, said that it is
done to rule out any intervention and breaches. "You know, we don't
want to have other companies. It depends on the business position. We
will do the same with the import of cash register machines", he said.
It is noteworthy that Alexerve Company is registered at the same
address as Ucom Company, whose co-owners, according to the same
Khachatryan, are his sons.
If the prime minister and the president don't give an assessment to
this, it will mean there is no fight against monopolies and Armenia
is drowning into the oligarchic marsh. The government must clarify
to its citizens why the SRC head dares to say "we did it, in order
to..." Does the tax service have any relation to the tender on the
import of cash tickets and else? The government must answer whether
it took the decision to change the cash register machines for Gagik
Khachatryan to obtain the regular major order.
The Armenian opposition, the civil society and the international
financial structures make it clear that the main obstacle for the
economic development of Armenia is the tax and custom systems. Laws
change but the work style of these units is the same. The fact that
the president does not want to retire a person, who hinders the
development of the system, means this person is necessary to him or
he is afraid of him.
It is not necessary to charge the wolf of guarding the sheep. The fact
that a person running major business holds the office of the head of
the tax service is something like that. The solution of the dilemma
"businessman or proprietor" can be easily found, if the relatives
of businessmen, who want to be state officers, are also banned from
business, for the State Revenue Committee not to order software
provision to Ucom which belongs to the sons of the SRC head. For the
businessmen not to become MPs in order to receive state orders. And
that the concept of oligarch becomes a household word and not praise.
Because the oligarch is a person combined with the authority who
promotes their own business through our country.
Naira Hayrumyan
Story from News:
Published: 12:53:41 - 22/10/2012
The silence of the prime minister of Armenia in relation to
the statements of the head of the State Revenue Committee Gagik
Khachatryan means either approval or effortlessness, or that he has
his "share". Otherwise, the prime minister, who keeps speaking about
the fight against corruption and monopolies, would not bear such
statements by the head of the tax service, who openly states about
the privileges of monopolies.
Recall Gagik Khachatryan, in answer to the question why the cash
register coupons are imported only by one company, said that it is
done to rule out any intervention and breaches. "You know, we don't
want to have other companies. It depends on the business position. We
will do the same with the import of cash register machines", he said.
It is noteworthy that Alexerve Company is registered at the same
address as Ucom Company, whose co-owners, according to the same
Khachatryan, are his sons.
If the prime minister and the president don't give an assessment to
this, it will mean there is no fight against monopolies and Armenia
is drowning into the oligarchic marsh. The government must clarify
to its citizens why the SRC head dares to say "we did it, in order
to..." Does the tax service have any relation to the tender on the
import of cash tickets and else? The government must answer whether
it took the decision to change the cash register machines for Gagik
Khachatryan to obtain the regular major order.
The Armenian opposition, the civil society and the international
financial structures make it clear that the main obstacle for the
economic development of Armenia is the tax and custom systems. Laws
change but the work style of these units is the same. The fact that
the president does not want to retire a person, who hinders the
development of the system, means this person is necessary to him or
he is afraid of him.
It is not necessary to charge the wolf of guarding the sheep. The fact
that a person running major business holds the office of the head of
the tax service is something like that. The solution of the dilemma
"businessman or proprietor" can be easily found, if the relatives
of businessmen, who want to be state officers, are also banned from
business, for the State Revenue Committee not to order software
provision to Ucom which belongs to the sons of the SRC head. For the
businessmen not to become MPs in order to receive state orders. And
that the concept of oligarch becomes a household word and not praise.
Because the oligarch is a person combined with the authority who
promotes their own business through our country.