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Results Of The Ipa Cis Conference Were Summed Up

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  • Results Of The Ipa Cis Conference Were Summed Up


    At October 22 press conference the NA Vice President Eduard
    Sharmazanov summed up the results of the conference held within the
    IPA CIS framework in Saint Petersburg. The conference, where Eduard
    Sharmazanov has delivered a speech, has referred to the prevention
    of violations of laws in terms of honouring of human rights and the
    struggle against crimes in ciber territory.

    The NA Vice President has noted that in his speech touching upon the
    necessity of intensive struggle against racism and xenophobia, has
    recorded that there is a country Azerbaijan on the CIS territory,
    where the phenomena of racism are encouraged. In that country the
    military rhetoric is of more frequent nature, whereas Armenia prepares
    its society for peace. In this context he has quoted the RA President
    Serzh Sargsyan's words on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of
    Armenia's independence. "We should not make turbid the people's
    thought and spirit with all-human ideas and null and should not make
    the young people zombies. The moral and spiritual decent picture of
    the children growing up in Armenia is extremely dear to me".

    Unlike this view Eduard Sharmazanov has reminded the words of the
    speech made in the government by the President of Azerbaijan in spring
    of this year that their main enemy is the Armenians spread worldwide.

    The NA Vice President also said that the Azerbaijani mass media
    and the network are filled with such anti-human statements and
    anti-Armenian campaign.

    The NA Vice President reminded the representatives of the CIS member
    countries the fact of extradition of the Azerbaijani officer Ramil
    Safarov, who had killed with an axe the Armenian officer Gurgen
    Margaryan, who was taking part in NATO joint teaching courses in
    Budapest, while sleeping, and had been sentenced to life imprisonment
    and granting him pardon by Azerbaijan, characterizing it as the most
    vivid example of xenophobia.

    "It is not accidental that numerous countries and international
    influential organizations, including the CSTO General Secretary and
    the RF MFA official representative, have announced that granting
    pardon Safarov contradicts the norms of international law and
    promotes the growth of destabilization and tension in the region",
    Eduard Sharmazanov said.

    In his speech the NA Vice President once again has ensured that
    Armenia has chosen the democracy and tolerance, but not the swamp
    of xenophobia.

    Eduard Sharmazanov also said that his speech made with mentioning
    facts had been perceived by everybody except the representatives
    of Azerbaijan, who had tried to load the events of Khojalu on the
    Armenians. In response to that the NA Vice President reminded the
    words of the ex-President of Azerbaijan spreading light on the events,
    noticing that the shooting of Khojalu residents had been the work of
    the Azerbaijani "National Front" representatives, and the provocation
    had been organized with political considerations.

    On the next day of the conference Eduard Sharmazanov had met in
    St Petersburg with the General Secretary of the Inter-Parliamentary
    Assembly of the CIS Alexey Sergeyev. The sides have exchanged thoughts
    on the further deepening of the CIS integration processes and possible
    regional developments. The NA Vice President has noted Armenia is
    concerned with deepening of the CIS integration processes and is
    actively involved in it. In his word, one of the vivid evidence of
    it is the ratification of the treaty on creation of free trade area
    in the CIS.

    Touching upon the current phase of the NK conflict settlement in the
    context of regional stability and security Eduard Sharmazanov has
    underlined that the military solution of the problem and destructive
    stance of Azerbaijan are inadmissible. He has added that international
    community should not tolerate any provocation from Azerbaijan.

    The NA Vice President reaffirmed the RA official view that the NK
    conflict should be settled within the OSCE Minsk Group framework as
    a result of peaceful negotiations based on three well-known principles.

    In his turn Alexey Sergeyev has hailed the RA NA deputies' active
    work in the IPA CIS, expressing hope that effective cooperation will
    continue in future, too.

    Touching upon the NK conflict settlement the IPA CIS General Secretary
    has underscored that Russia, as OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair country,
    is exclusively for the peaceful solution of the problem.

    In the course of the meeting the sides also touched upon the upcoming
    presidential elections in Armenia. Alexey Sergeyev has said that the
    IPA CIS is also ready to be an observer in these elections.

    Eduard Sharmazanov ensured the IPA CIS General Secretary on readiness
    and resoluteness of the Armenian authorities to hold democratic,
    fair and transparent elections
