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What If It Was Giziryan's Son?

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  • What If It Was Giziryan's Son?


    Story from News:
    Published: 15:36:32 - 30/08/2012

    Shirak governor Ashot Giziryan, dwelling on the incident involving
    Spartak Ghukasyan, the son of Gyumri Mayor Ghukasyan, said offenders
    will be punished, no matter whose son he is.

    As we know, Vardan Ghukasyan's "odious" son is wanted because of
    a shooting incident in Gyumri. It is hard to say whether Vardan
    Ghukasyan's son will be "found". Most probably, everything depends
    on Ghukasyan's relations with the government.

    Fathers in Armenia count much in cases relating to their sons'
    responsibility. Even if Ashot Giziryan says there is no difference
    whose son commits a crime, it is hard to believe he would say the
    same about his own son. More, it is hard to believe that he thinks
    so even about Ghukasyan's son.

    In this sense, the thinking of the Armenian government representatives
    is very far from Christianity though from time to time they attend
    religious events. But what are we talking about in Armenia when most
    clergymen are far from the Christian thinking.

    So, according to the government of Armenia, sons do not pay for the
    sins of their fathers but the fathers are the guarantors of their
    sons' deeds.

    Certainly, there can be some exceptions, and Giziryan may be one of
    them. Who knows? But no doubt, many will say relating to Ghukasyan's
    son that it does not matter who his father is. They will say it hoping
    that their relations with the authorities will never get worse to
    such extent that their support to their sons will not be helpful.

    Fathers' sponsorship in Armenia has always been helpful and there
    is no son who has ever been held responsible for a crime. Vartan
    Oskanian's son who drove over a person in the ministerial car or the
    son of the "first brother of the country" Sashik Sargsyan with his
    numerous adventures.

    Though, apparently, the important thing is the fathers'
    responsibility. If the fathers account for their actions, there will
    be no need to speak about their sons' crimes.
