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What Really Happened? Azeri-Hungarian Negotiations

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  • What Really Happened? Azeri-Hungarian Negotiations

    September 3, 2012

    Ever since Magyar Nemzet received a facsimile of the Azeri promises
    concerning Ramil Safarov's continued prison sentence, people in the
    opposition press kept asking why the Hungarian government was silent
    on the issue. If the Azeris went back on their word, why don't the
    Hungarians protest and condemn the action of Azerbaijan?

    Late yesterday afternoon there was a belated protest from the foreign
    ministry. The Azeri ambassador was told that the Hungarian government
    disapproves of his country's handling of Safarov's case because "it
    is contrary to the promises given to Hungary by the undersecretary of
    the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan." But the foreign ministry's
    protest was phony at best, and it is clear from the ambassador's
    reaction that the Azeris didn't take the protest very seriously
    either. The government of Azerbaijan had no reason to apologize. It
    hadn't transgressed any international law. And Hungary had no reason to
    protest; the protest was merely part of a cover-up of the real story.

    To my knowledge it was Péter Balázs, foreign minister in the Bajnai
    government, who first pointed out in an interview on ATV's Start
    program this morning that the August 15 letter sent to the Hungarian
    Ministry of Administration and Justice didn't include any guarantee,
    "and if the Hungarians saw any guarantee in this text they have
    problems with reading comprehension." I assume that Balázs spoke
    with an edge and didn't intend to accuse the government of either
    naivete or stupidity. The text of the August 15th letter was written
    as a result of a prior agreement between the negotiating partners. The
    Hungarians didn't ask for anything more than they got.

    So, let's go back to see what was promised in the letter signed by
    Vilayat Zahirov, deputy minister of justice of Azerbaijan. It promised
    to adhere to Art.9 ¶1 of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced
    Persons of 1983. This passage states: "The competent authorities
    of the administering State shall: a. continue the enforcement of
    the sentence immediately or through a court or administrative order,
    under the conditions set out in Article 10, or b. convert the sentence,
    through a judicial or administrative procedure, into a decision of that
    State, thereby substituting for the sanction imposed in the sentencing
    State a sanction prescribed by the law of the administering State for
    the same offence." But there is another article, no. 12, entitled
    "Pardon, amnesty, commutation." It is brief: "Each party may grant
    pardon, amnesty or commutation of the sentence in accordance with
    its Constitution or other laws."

    In conclusion, Azerbaijan is innocent in this ugly affair. They didn't
    promise not to pardon Ramil Safarov. The only guilty one is Hungary
    who wittingly assisted Azerbaijan in this dirty business. They had
    to know that the convicted murderer had become a national hero in
    Azerbaijan right after he committed that unspeakable murder in 2004.

    Surely, they also had to know that the Azeri government had no
    intention of keeping Safarov in jail and that more than likely he
    would receive a pardon from the president of Azerbaijan.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Hungarian request of August 8
    specifically mentioned that a reference to Art.9 ¶1 would do. At
    the very least the negotiating partners had to agree at one of their
    several meetings that the Azeris' so-called guarantee would focus on
    Art.9 ¶1. That would be enough for a cover story. They could blithely
    forget about Art.12.

    Viktor Orbán and Ilham Aliyev: "and with this ... in his sleep"
    Montage that appeared on EgyenlÅ' TV This morning at last Viktor
    Orbán said a few words about the Azeri-Armenian-Hungarian crisis
    that erupted on Friday. Although he didn't look exactly calm and
    rested, he tried to give the impression of a man who doesn't care
    what's going on with regard to his decision to release the Azeri
    "national hero" or the consequences of this decision. He tried to
    look cool and give the impression of a man who handles "everything
    according to its significance."

    The indication was that this affair is simply not important enough
    to worry about. The Armenian government's decision to break off
    diplomatic relations with Hungary also didn't seem to bother the
    Hungarian prime minister.

    Among the opposition parties it was the Demokratikus Koalíció that
    formulated the clearest condemnation of the Hungarian government's
    role in this crisis. It was also DK that outlined the most likely
    scenario. Csaba Molnár, the second in charge in DK, summarized the
    party's opinion this way. "After a day of silence the government
    began to lie." By dragging out the August 15th letter of the
    deputy minister of justice of Azerbaijan they kept claiming that
    "Azerbaijan conned Hungary." But nothing of the sort happened. Viktor
    Orbán knowingly left a loophole for the Azeris by not insisting on
    guarantees concerning a possible pardon. Surely, Molnár continued,
    "the experienced and talented lawyers in the ministry of justice were
    fully aware of Art.12 of the Convention."

    So, "the whole responsibility for this fiasco lies entirely with
    Viktor Orbán and his government."

    The deal, it seems, was struck on the strength of a promise by the
    Azeris that Azerbaijan would purchase 2-3 billion euros' worth of
    Hungarian government bonds. The first news about this possibility
    appeared in FigyelÅ', a financial paper. On August 23 the paper
    reported that "a source close to the economy ministry of György
    Matolcsy" said that the negotiations with Azerbaijan includes the
    possibility of floating Hungarian government bonds in Azeri currency,
    the manat. The amount received from Azerbaijan would cover the
    greater portion of Hungary's sovereign debt for this year. However,
    István Madár, an economist working for Portfolio, has his doubts
    that anything will come of the deal. He was told by an expert close to
    the government a few months back when Hungary made a futile attempt
    to tap Arab funds that "you can hardly expect a country to invest
    in your government securities before establishing trade relations,
    relations between parent companies and subsidiaries and personal
    business experiences..... Azerbaijan eerily resembles a country with
    which Hungary has no meaningful trade relations."

    According to Madár, Azerbaijan can easily go back on its word unless
    "honor will rule over rationality in President Aliyev's mind." As far
    as the costs and benefits of the case, he continued, "there is a good
    chance that yet another attempt at an unorthodox way of debt financing
    has gone up in flames, and that Hungary's perception worsened even
    further in the eyes of the country's creditors."

    A Turkish bank has confirmed that it is in fact preparing the manat
    bond issuance. The only question is whether there will be a ready

    After DK's comments on the Azeri-Hungarian deal were released, Attila
    Mesterházy, chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Party, also spoke. He
    asked twelve questions from Viktor Orbán. 1. Did the question of
    Ramil Safarov's release come up during the talks between the Hungarian
    prime minister and Ilhan Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan? 2. Does
    Novruz Mammadov, the foreign relations chief of the office of the
    Azeri president, tell the truth when he says that negotiations between
    Hungary and Azerbaijan have been going on for at least a year? 3. What
    were the new facts on the basis of which the government decided
    to change the opinion of the former governments about the release
    of Ramil Safarov? 4. Did Azerbaijan offer anything for the release
    of Ramil Safarov? 5. Is it true that the Azeri government offered
    the purchase of 2-3 billion euros' worth of Hungarian government
    bonds? Is there any connection between the offering and the release
    of the murderer? 6. Did the Hungarian government study the reality of
    the Azeri guarantee that the murderer will not be pardoned after his
    return? 7. Did you [Viktor Orbán] receive any objections against the
    extradition from either the foreign ministry or from the ministry of
    administration? 8. Why was the government silent on the topic for 48
    hours after the news broke? 9. Was the final decision yours or that
    of your deputy, Tibor Navracsics? 10. Did you anticipate the domestic
    and international scandal caused by extradition and did you think of
    the potential damage caused by it? 11. Did you think of the potential
    national security threat as a result of this decision? 12. Given the
    situation do you [Orbán] contemplate the dismissal of Deputy Prime
    Minister Tibor Navracsics and Foreign Minister János Martonyi?

    Finally, Mesterházy called on Orbán to apologize to the relatives
    of the murdered Gurgen Margaryan.

    In the past Tibor Navracsics had the reputation of being a moderate
    man in the the top Fidesz leadership. There was also talk about his
    disapproval of certain aspects of government policies as dictated by
    Viktor Orbán. I for one never thought that anyone who got as far as
    Navracsics did in the Orbán administration could offer a significantly
    better alternative to Orbán. And indeed. After DK released its
    conclusions concerning the Azeri-Hungarian deal, the ministry of
    administration and justice released a communique claiming that the
    Azeri letter was a sufficient guarantee as far as the Hungarians were
    concerned. After all, Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe.

    This story will go on and on.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress