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The Safarov Phenomenon Within The Context Of Azerbaijani Politics

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  • The Safarov Phenomenon Within The Context Of Azerbaijani Politics

    Dr. Gayane Novikova t
    September 14, 2012

    The extradition of Ramil Safarov from Hungary, his immediate pardon,
    and his definition as a national hero are all developments that fit
    neatly into the logic of Azerbaijan's foreign and internal politics.

    The reaction in Armenia to these immoral actions by Azerbaijani
    authorities was also quite predictable: waves of protests and
    indignation, suspension of diplomatic relations with Hungary,
    toughening of the rhetoric emanating from Yerevan, and re-inclusion
    of the question of recognizing the Nagorno Karabakh Republic's
    independence into the agenda of the Armenian Parliament. In addition,
    a flow of comments on the possibility of resumption of military action
    in the area of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict streamed from officials
    of a variety states and international organizations.

    Parallels to the events of August 2008, in the area of the "Georgian
    conflicts" inevitably come to mind. Reciprocal provocations by all
    parties to the Abkhazian and South Ossetian conflicts, including
    Russia, and a misunderstanding or neglect by the Georgian leadership
    of messages from Washington, brought catastrophic consequences for
    Georgia itself: the de facto independence of Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia became de jure independence.

    A simple question has crystallized: what has motivated the Azerbaijani
    leadership to play the Safarov card? It must be emphasized at the
    outset that the motivations of the Hungarian leadership were secondary:
    it was driven by its own interests.

    It should be recalled that the atrocious killing of an Armenian
    officer (and the prevention of the murder of a second Armenian, also
    a participant in the same NATO English-language course in Budapest)
    met with a variety of responses in 2004. Thousands of Azerbaijanis
    signed letters in support of the criminal, massive rallies occurred
    in Baku, and a special bank account was opened to donate money to
    support the "Safarov cause." He also was named "man of the year" in
    2005 (, and "a victim of
    the 16-year war of Armenia against Azerbaijan, a victim of Armenian
    terror, and of the indifference of international organizations to
    the destiny of the Azerbaijani people" (
    ety/39956.html). Wherever deprecatory statements emerged, they were
    always introduced in a similar way: "Everyone needs to understand that
    this happened in Europe. It is unacceptable under any circumstances
    to kill a sleeping person with an axe in Europe... It is acceptable
    to kill an officer of the enemy's army in the front line during a
    military operation, but not at a college in the center of peaceful
    Europe. Safarov took a step in the wrong direction" (The Echo"
    newspaper, No 19 (1500), Friday, Feb 2, 2007). Some well-known
    journalists, including Ilya Fainzilberg from, invited readers
    to think about the possible influence of this killing upon Azerbaijani
    society: "The condemnation of Safarov's action already intensified the
    country's social environment, and it can provoke further instability"
    ( Safarov was receiving
    birthday congratulations during his years of imprisonment even from
    some members of Parliament.

    After his sentence, discussions on the Safarov cause and his
    extradition appeared periodically (once or twice every month) in the
    Azerbaijani on-line media as direct reminders of "a victim of Armenian
    aggression" and indirectly as confirmation of Azerbaijani authorities'
    efforts on behalf of his rescue and return.


    What happened after the extradition of Safarov to Azerbaijan is a
    clear political provocation of such magnitude that it may provoke
    a resumption of full-scale military actions in the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict area. What is the purpose of the Azerbaijani leadership?

    What is the target of its activity? To answer these questions it
    is necessary briefly to analyze the processes directly influencing
    developments in the conflict area, as well as the reaction and
    motivations of the main external actors concerned.

    The aggravation of the situation in the area of the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict is now occurring against the background of the civil war in
    Syria, new waves of violence in Iraq, the hard-to-control situation
    in the North Caucasus and the activation of terrorist organizations,
    the increasingly overt Kurdish problem along the entire perimeter of
    the Middle East, and the unresolved Iranian nuclear crisis. Last but
    not least in this list of troubled spots is the growing contradiction
    within the Euro zone. In medias res, none of the external actors is
    interested in an escalation of tension in the South Caucasus, and
    all have actually condemned the actions of the Azerbaijani authorities.

    The United States is coming closer to the conclusion of a very
    tense presidential race. National Security Council Spokesman
    T. Vietor was among the first to comment upon recent developments
    in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. His comment on August 31, 2012,
    was focused upon the possibility of the resumption of war. Noting the
    negative influence of Azerbaijan's pardon of the convicted murderer,
    the White House representative made the following statement:
    "President Obama is deeply concerned by today's announcement that
    the President of Azerbaijan has pardoned Ramil Safarov following
    his return from Hungary. Safarov confessed to the murder of Armenian
    Army officer Gurgen Margaryan in Budapest in 2004, and was serving a
    life sentence in Hungary for this brutal crime. We are communicating
    to Azerbaijani authorities our disappointment about the decision to
    pardon Safarov. This action is contrary to ongoing efforts to reduce
    regional tensions and promote reconciliation. The United States is
    also requesting an explanation from Hungary regarding its decision
    to transfer Safarov to Azerbaijan." Furthermore, the US Department of
    State demanded on September 11 that Azerbaijan fulfill its obligations
    to Hungary as concern to the conditions of Safarov's extradition.

    NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated during his
    visit to Baku on September 7 that he was "deeply concerned by the
    Azerbaijani decision to pardon Ramil Safarov. The act he committed
    in 2004 was a crime which should not be glorified, as this damages
    trust and does not contribute to the peace process." Other European
    institutions offered similar statements and the European Parliament
    discussed this issue at its September 10-13 session.

    Russia and Turkey have found themselves in quite complicated
    situations. Currently Russia - taking into account the importance of
    its relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan - cannot allow itself
    to take a clear and unambiguous stand in regard to the resolution
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict; as a whole, the status quo in the
    area of the conflict suits its interests. However, developments in
    the bilateral Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Hungarian relations
    allow Russia to criticize European states and structures for their
    inability to influence positively the resolution of the conflicts
    in the South Caucasus, and for their provoking of further escalation
    as a result of poorly thought-out steps and actions. In turn, it is
    possible that Russia will use the "Safarov factor" to push Armenia
    into the Eurasian Union.

    The status quo in the South Caucasus suits Turkey as well; however,
    its reasons are different from those of Russia. Developments in the
    Middle East have significantly complicated Turkey's attempts to play
    the role of a stabilizing regional power. The failure of its announced
    foreign policy - "zero problems with the neighbors" - is obvious. Thus,
    Turkey needs to improve its position in the area with the support of
    two regional states: Azerbaijan and Israel.

    Indeed, and in spite of existing tensions and contradictions among
    these three states, they have strong common strategic interests and
    specific links:

    - Turkey and Israel are interested in Azerbaijani energy sources;

    - Azerbaijan and Turkey are interested in Israeli armament supplies
    and maintenance contracts;

    - Azerbaijan and Israel seek to utilize the geographical location of
    Turkey and its membership in NATO on behalf of their interests.

    It is possible to judge Turkey's role in the "Savarov cause" through
    information in the European and Azerbaijani press. In particular, on
    August 23, 2012, Reuters reported, citing an unnamed source close to
    Hungary's Economy Ministry, that "Azerbaijan could lend Hungary 2-3
    billion Euros by buying a specially-issued sovereign bond denominated
    in Turkish lira, as Hungary looks to tap potential new markets for
    debt financing."

    ( ArticleHeadline=Hungary_in_talks_with_Azerba
    ijan_about_sovereign_issuepaper). It is worth mentioning that Safarov,
    immediately after arriving in Baku stated that he always felt Turkey's


    However, all of these considerations in respect to the regional actors
    constitute only the background playing field; the significant actors
    are Armenia and Azerbaijan. At the current stage of the game the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic moves to a secondary plane.

    Azerbaijani authorities are pursuing several goals, each of which
    must be perceived as implying several constituent aims. The major
    goal is to demonstrate to Azerbaijani society that the government,
    and Azerbaijan as a strong sovereign state, is capable of defending
    its interests and that the "father of the nation" is concerned about
    "his children" and keeps his word: the "hero" returned home after only
    eight years of imprisonment. Because this event must be acknowledged
    as the single achievement by Azerbaijani diplomacy in recent years,
    it of necessity had to be proclaimed as a great victory. Indeed, the
    triumphal return of Safarov forced the ever-diminishing Azerbaijani
    secular opposition to remain silent and visibly decreased its
    already low hope of achieving success in the forthcoming presidential
    election. According to widespread commentary on Azerbaijani Internet
    forums, Ilham Aliyev's polling numbers will grow - and this is an
    important pre-election development, even for an authoritarian ruler.

    The second component part is related to the slow-moving process of
    pre-recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic: two American states,
    Rhode Island and Massachusetts, have adopted resolutions calling
    for President Obama and Congress to recognize the NKR. There are
    also discussions by experts at leading research centers in the US
    and Europe on the necessity to seek avenues of cooperation with NKR
    elected authorities. In the light of the absence of visible shifts
    and achievements within the frameworks of the OSCE Minsk Group,
    these trends constitute a threat to the Azerbaijani leadership.

    The third component part is aimed against Armenia: Azerbaijan intends
    to demonstrate that it can - if necessary - ignore international
    opinion and defend its national interests to the end. It is
    obvious that the pardon of a murderer will not provoke a sharp
    negative reaction by the international community (such as one that
    would introduce sanctions against Azerbaijan or its exclusion from
    international programs). Any action aimed to condemn Azerbaijan will
    be framed by a declaration of "deep concern" in respect to possible
    negative developments in the area of the conflict. However, all of the
    recent developments possess a further seek to test Armenia's reaction.

    Demarche related to Safarov sought to provoke the Armenian side to
    engage in dangerous actions, such as a unilateral recognition by
    Armenia of NKR independence - an action, that would contribute to a
    further aggravation of tensions. (It is worth mentioning that calls
    to recognize the NKR, which echo throughout the Armenian Parliament
    after every escalation of tension in the area of the conflict,
    devalue recognition as constituting an important, deliberate,
    and serious step in the relationship between the two Armenian state
    entities: the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.)
    If this occurs, any negotiations on behalf of a peaceful resolution
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict will become meaningless; instead,
    war will become the only means to resolve the conflict. It should also
    be noted that Azerbaijan over the last several years has attempted to
    change the negotiation format, not least in order to ensure Turkey's
    participation in it.

    Several questions now come together. Does Azerbaijan need a war? The
    answer is more and more evident: the war will diminish tensions inside
    Azerbaijan and direct waves of social discontent externally - toward
    Armenia and the NKR. It will also neutralize temporarily a growing
    Islamist opposition that, against the background of the Arab awakening,
    begins gradually to threaten the Aliyev regime. Is the international
    environment favorable for a resumption of war by Azerbaijan? Yes,
    it is. Against the backdrop of developments throughout the Middle
    East and North Africa and serious internal difficulties in all of the
    three concerned world powers (the USA, Europe and Russia), the next
    "small" Caucasus war will become a focus of international attention
    for a few days only.

    What, then, restrains Azerbaijan from a further escalation of the
    conflict? There are several factors: the established political-military
    balance in the region, comprehension by the Azerbaijani leaders that
    the level of losses will be very high, and the strong probability
    that Azerbaijani oil and gas pipelines will be destroyed by the
    Armenian side.

    Nonetheless, for all of the reasons noted above, Azerbaijan's major
    agenda has now become apparent: to provoke Armenia into dangerous
    actions, including a withdrawal from the negotiation process.

    Azerbaijan's clear intentions have been revealed by the "Safarov

    Dr. Gayane Novikova, Founder and Director of Center for Strategic
    Analysis, Yerevan, Armenia; Visiting Scholar at the Davis Center for
    Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
