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Baku: Azerbaijan's President: "We Will Use All Means To Further Keep

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  • Baku: Azerbaijan's President: "We Will Use All Means To Further Keep


    APA, Azerbaijan
    April 2 2013

    Ilham Aliyev: "According to Helsinki Final Act, the principle of
    countries' territorial integrity prevails over other principles,
    including the principle of self-determination"

    Bakı - APA. "Azerbaijan's position in the resolution
    of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh is
    unambiguous. This position is based both on the historical justice
    and international law. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity must be
    restored unconditionally," Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said
    at the opening of the new settlement for 760 IDP families in Masazir,
    Absheron district, APA reports.

    The head of state underlined that Nagorno Karabakh, as well as all
    the occupied territories are historical lands of Azerbaijan.

    "Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. A number of
    factors give us reason to say this. Among them legal, political,
    historical and economic factors can be mentioned.

    All international organizations recognize the territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan. No country recognizes nor will recognize Nagorno-Karabakh
    as an independent entity. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    must be restored. All of the resolutions adopted by international
    organizations show it. The resolution of the problem must be based
    legal and political conditions."

    President Ilham Aliyev said that the balance of forces has already
    changed in favor of Azerbaijan: "Today, Azerbaijan is the fastest
    growing country in the world, while Armenia suffers decline year by
    year. Our population is 9 300 000 people. According to the official
    statistics of Armenia, its population decreases approximately by 100
    000 people every year. Therefore, saying that Azerbaijan will restore
    its territorial integrity, I refer to these facts. Each of us wants
    this issue to be solved soon. We want urgent measures to be taken to
    put an end to the occupation. Unfortunately, the double standards and
    dual approach existing in the world impede the solution of the problem.

    In the first stage of the conflict, there was parity between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan in the military and economic spheres. However, we
    managed to change the parity. Today, the difference is enormous. As the
    gap grows, we receive new messages from international organizations and
    the countries dealing with this issue - the issue should be resolved
    only peacefully, there is no other way.

    Armenia has occupied our lands through military means. The UN Security
    Council adopted four resolutions to eliminate the consequences of the
    occupation. None of them has been fulfilled for 20 years. How come
    that a resolution is adopted on any other issue and its fulfillment
    is started within a day, but when it comes to us, the issue has not
    been settled for already 20 years and we just hear that the issue
    must be settled peacefully. Why? The reason is double standards. We
    have the full right and the international law allows us to restore
    our territorial integrity by all means. There are provisions in the
    UN Charter that every country must use all means for its protection.

    According to Helsinki Final Act, the principle of countries'
    territorial integrity prevails over other principles, including the
    principle of self-determination. However, injustice, double standards,
    Armenian lobby and its supporters around the word, as well as the
    mediators' passiveness don't create necessary conditions for the
    solution of the problem. In spite of this, we will resolutely and
    volitionally continue our political and diplomatic efforts. At the
    same time, we will take more serious steps towards military build-up.

    We will use all means to further keep Armenia in the isolated situation
    in economic and regional issues. I'm sure that due to these complex
    measures and ever-increasing power of our country we will restore
    our territorial integrity soon.

    I want to reiterate, I have no doubt that we will return to our
    native lands, including Zangilan, Karabakh, Shusha and Azerbaijan's
    flag will be raised in our all towns. I have no doubt. Simply, we
    want to solve it soon and send you to your native lands as soon as
    possible and construct beautiful buildings and settlements for you."
