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Ankara: A Chance To Revisit The 'Zero Problems' Policy

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  • Ankara: A Chance To Revisit The 'Zero Problems' Policy


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    April 2 2013

    There appears to be a consensus among diplomats I have talked to
    over the past few days that Israel's apology over the Mavi Marmara
    raid, and its acceptance by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
    "on behalf of the Turkish nation," as he put it, has provided Turkey
    with an opportunity to regain some of the regional influence it lost,
    particularly in terms of the Middle East peace process.

    This, however, is contingent on government officials staying away from
    the "we brought Israel to heel" narrative currently prevalent among
    Turkey's Islamists. Otherwise, it is clear that efforts to normalize
    ties between the two countries will not stand much of a chance.

    There are those who believe that Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet
    Davutoglu have a negative ideological fixation on Israel which will
    surface again and block any progress in ties. It is obvious that if
    this process is to succeed, Erdogan in particular is going to have
    to tone down his anti-Israeli rhetoric.

    There are, nevertheless, those who believe that if Israeli Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had not gotten solid assurances from U.S.

    President Barack Obama, who brokered the deal between Israel and
    Turkey, he would have never apologized. Whatever the truth may be,
    it remains to be seen if Erdogan and Davutoglu will consider Turkey's
    long-term interests or whether their ideological fixations will
    prevail in the end.

    But the general belief, not just among diplomats but also among
    analysts, is that should efforts to normalize ties with Israel be
    blocked again, this will mean that Turkey's influence in the region
    will be even less than today. Not only will Turkey not have a place
    in any efforts at securing a Middle East peace, but Ankara will not
    be able to take back some of the roles that Egypt took on as Ankara's
    regional influence waned after its breakup with Israel.

    It is also being assumed generally that Turkey's influence in
    Washington also increased after Erdogan accepted Netanyahu's apology.

    If Turkish-Israeli relations were to go into a tailspin once again,
    this will obviously butter the bread of the anti-Turkish lobbyists
    in Washington who are still active today.

    There is also the potential for cooperation in the energy field that
    has arisen now that Turkish-Israeli ties have been put on the right
    track. It is clear to industry sources that such cooperation will
    not only benefit the two countries but the whole of the eastern
    Mediterranean, contributing to security in this turbulent part of
    the world.

    If the means could be found to factor in Cyprus also into this equation
    this is all the better according to these sources. But if ties with
    Israel go wrong again it is clear that Ankara will face a completely
    different situation in the region with respect to the energy issue.

    Developments with Israel have in fact placed Turkey in a good light
    again, providing Ankara with a chance to revisit its failed "zero
    problems with neighbors" policy. Erdogan and Davutoglu must see that
    this potential exists now and should therefore engage in new diplomatic
    initiatives, which is Turkey's soft-power.

    These should include an effort to try once again to resolve age-old
    problems, starting off with the Cyprus problem. Any progress in Cyprus
    will obviously benefit Turkish-EU ties also. Another file Turkey can
    bring down from the shelf where it has been gathering dust involves
    relations with neighboring Armenia.

    Of course, there is the Azerbaijan factor here that Ankara can not
    overlook. But Baku could be made to understand that a Turkey, which
    has normal ties with Armenia, could play a role in trying to resolve
    the Nagorno-Karabakh problem too, especially if it has resolved its
    own Cyprus problem in the interim.

    Davutoglu is said to be a "visionary." However, his vision has
    given scant results thus far. He too must see, however, that a new
    opportunity has arisen for him to realize his vision and for Turkey
    to display its soft power. It remains to be seen how he will use
    this opportunity.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress