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Will Non-Muslims Return To Turkey?

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  • Will Non-Muslims Return To Turkey?


    April 2 2013

    By: Orhan Kemal Cengiz for Al-Monitor Turkey Pulse. Posted on April 1.

    Omer Celik, minister of culture of Turkey's Justice and Development
    Party (AKP) government, has made repeated calls recently in which
    he invited non-Muslims to come back to Turkey. In his most recent TV
    interview on March 29, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan himself repeated
    this call and he said their government is calling non-Muslims back to
    Turkey. Do these calls have any potential to create a mass return of
    non-Muslims to Turkey? Has Turkey made profound changes in the way
    it handles its non-Muslim citizens?

    I do not think that these questions have simple yes-or-no answers.

    Before I try to give my own answers, I have to give little bit
    background to illustrate to what extent Turkey's non-Muslim policies
    have changed.

    Modern Turkey was based on the exclusion of non-Muslims from Turkey.

    You can understand this by simply looking at the percentages of
    non-Muslims in the population in Turkey. Before 1915, 25% of Turkey's
    population consisted of non-Muslims. With the current population of 70
    million citizens, we should have 17 million non-Muslims. But today,
    all non-Muslims (including Greeks, Jews, Armenians and Assyrians)
    just barely exceeds 100,000. So the current rate is well below 1%.

    Some of these people certainly had fallen victim to massacres in 1915
    and onward. Some had left the country in population exchanges with
    Greece, and some went to Israel. But during the whole Republican era,
    non-Muslims continued to leave the country to escape from the endless
    suffering they were subjected to. In 1934, Jews were targeted in the
    Thrace region, their homes and shops looted. In 1942, the so-called
    "wealth tax" dealt a huge blow to all non-Muslims who had to sell
    everything in their possession to pay these extremely arbitrary fees.

    In September 1955, Istanbul's Greek and Armenian residents fell victim
    to a two-day brutal pogrom. In 1974, with an extremely arbitrary
    judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeals, non-Muslim foundations lost
    all properties they had gained since 1936, as a result of legal tricks
    created by courts which made their acquisitions illegal.

    I do not want to suffocate you with all the details of this extremely
    complicated history. But all these pogroms, financial tricks and
    attacks were different applications of a fait accompli strategy to get
    rid of every single non-Muslim from Turkey. This strategy's application
    started in 1915 with the massacres of Armenians by the Committee of
    Union and Progress (CUP) and continued during the whole Republican era
    by so-called deep-state elements which inherited the its traditions.

    Here we come to one mind-boggling element which makes it extremely
    difficult for outsiders to understand Turkey. The people who were
    trying to create a nation-state by getting rid of non-Muslims were the
    same who modernized the country. But this secular elite was also the
    one who oppressed pious Muslims for not fitting the "ideal citizen"
    role they wanted to create in Turkey.

    It is obvious that the AKP, which consists of conservative and pious
    Muslims, is not an inheritor of this tradition. Therefore, it is not a
    coincidence that non-Muslims of Turkey have been going through their
    most comfortable period, relatively, since the beginning of Turkish
    Republic in 1923.

    However, not coming from the CUP tradition does not mean that the
    AKP is immune from this nationalist virus which created a hell for
    non-Muslims in Turkey.

    For example, when Erdogan cites different ethnic identities to show
    how heterogeneous Turkey is, he never adds non-Muslims to his long
    list of Kurds, Turks, Circassians and so forth. His government has
    never considered making an apology for 1915. On the contrary, they
    continued the old denialist attitude of the former elites when it
    comes to the Armenian genocide.

    The AKP put an end to the deep-rooted fait accompli strategy against
    non-Muslims, but they were not able to create a profound change in
    this area. All improvements remained unfinished, uncompleted. For
    example, they allowed non-Muslims to use their historic churches
    in different parts of the country; however, this permission was
    only given one single day a year. The government has restored some
    churches, but it did not returned them to their historic owners,
    instead recognizing them as "museums." The government changed the law
    of foundations to allow non-Muslims to gain new properties, but they
    gave back only limited numbers of the properties that were taken from
    these foundations. The Halki Theological School is still closed. It
    is this government that interfered with the election process in the
    Armenian patriarchate to get their favorite candidate chosen.

    When the Assyrian people started to return their traditional lands in
    southeast Turkey, feeling assured by the policies of this government,
    the 1,600-year-old Mor Gabriel monastery faced a devastating legal
    struggle, in which the treasury claimed to be the owner of its lands.

    The treasury won the case, and the Assyrian community, whose faith
    in the government has been shaken to the ground, is now planning to
    take the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

    The essence of this story is this: This government has ended the
    hostile and devastating policies of the secular nationalist elites,
    but they could not create a new paradigm to reassure everyone that
    there will be no return to the past and that a new Turkey, as far as
    non-Muslims are concerned, is established. We are not there yet.

    Orhan Kemal Cengiz (born in 1968) is a human rights lawyer, columnist
    and former president of the Human Rights Agenda Association, a
    respected Turkish NGO that works on human rights issues ranging from
    the prevention of torture to the rights of the mentally disabled.
