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The Voice Of Russia: In Azerbaijan Murder On Ethnic Grounds Is A Gov

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  • The Voice Of Russia: In Azerbaijan Murder On Ethnic Grounds Is A Gov

    19:39 02/04/2013 " SOCIETY

    In Azerbaijan, the murder on ethnic grounds is a governmental policy,
    reads the article published on the Site of the Radio "The Voice
    of Russia", written by the candidate of historical sciences, Ruben
    Zargaryan, candidate of historical sciences, Advisor of the 1st class
    of the NKR MFA.

    The article says that recently the 25th anniversary of the genocide
    of the Armenians was marked in Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, the world
    community still has not given a proper political and legal assessment
    of this crime of the Azerbaijan authorities, and thus has not secured
    itself against the future recurrence of genocide in other regions
    of the world. "The genocide of the Armenians in Sumgait organized
    by the authorities of Azerbaijan became the answer to the peaceful
    constitutional decision of Nagorny Karabakh's unification with
    Armenia," the author writes.

    He reminds that on February 27-29, 1988, in the city of Sumgait,
    located hundreds of kilometers away from Nagorno-Karabakh, there
    occurred mass pogroms and killings of Armenians, crimes against
    humanity that stunned the world public by its savagery and brutality.

    During the three days of massacres and pogroms, dozens of Armenians
    were killed, hundreds were wounded, a huge amount was subjected to
    violence, torture and harassment, 18 thousand people became refugees.

    "The genocide in Sumgait became the embodiment of hatred for Armenians
    that was inherent for the policy of the leadership of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan," the article says.

    Azerbaijan pogrom-makers armed with metal rods made at factories
    and other thrust weapons commenced to the implementation of their
    planned criminal actions. Piles of stones were stockpiled in the
    centre of the city in order to throw them at motor transport and
    forces of law and order. In the days of the pogroms, telephones of
    the Armenian residents of Sumgait were turned off, and, as a rule,
    they were turned off after people called the militia or the City
    Committee of the Communist party with the request to help. The phones
    of many Russian residents were also turned off.

    "The pogrom-makers knew their tasks very well; they had on hand lists
    of Armenians and their addresses. Groups of 50-80 bandits broke into
    the houses of Armenians, killing people, not only in their homes,
    but they often took them out in the street or courtyard for public
    humiliation. After severe tortures, the victims were doused with
    gasoline and burned alive. Thus they destroyed entire families,"
    the author writes.

    The article says that the genocide in Sumgait gave the "green light"
    to new unprecedented crimes against the civilian population in
    Nagorno-Karabakh, and ultimately led to the beginning of an open
    military aggression of Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in 1991-94.

    "After the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic was proclaimed in accordance
    with the norms of the international law and the legislation of the
    USSR, Azerbaijan undertook a large-scale terrorist aggression. The
    Baku administration had committed crimes against peace and humanity,
    such as planning, preparation, unleashing and waging an aggressive
    war, murder and extermination of civilian population, killing and
    ill-treatment of prisoners of war, and intentional destruction of
    towns and villages," Zargaryan writes.

    It says that, in February 1992, the Azerbaijan leadership committed
    the murder of their own people in the territory of Khojalu controlled
    by the Azerbaijan army, or more precisely in the outskirts of Aghdam,
    whence the continuous bombardment of the NKR territory and attacks
    on the cities and villages were carried out.

    "The Azerbaijan authorities systematically falsify the events in
    Khojalu. The Azerbaijan library still represents computer-edited photos
    and displays other historical events in other geographical locations,"
    he writes.

    It also says, that Photos that allegedly represent the Khojalu
    tragedy, in fact, are the photos of the earthquake in Turkey in 1983,
    Afghan children-refugees, photos of Albanians killed in Kosovo, the
    pogroms in the Balkans in 1999, etc. "Regularly playing the card of
    "Khojalu", the official Baku tries to distract the attention of the
    international community from the genocide of the Armenians in Sumgait,
    Baku, Kirovabad, Khanlar and otherAzerbaijan settlements, as well as
    in the border settlements of Nagorno-Karabakh," the article says.

    The scientist notes that In the course of the large-scale aggression
    of Azerbaijan against the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in 1991-94,
    in the Karabakh village of Maragha occupied by the Azerbaijan army
    for several hours on April 10, 1992, 81 people were brutally killed,
    67 people were taken hostage, and the fate of many of them is still
    not known. People, who had not managed to leave the village, were
    dismembered with axes, doused with gasoline and burned alive.

    "Unfortunately, to this day, all these crimes committed by Azerbaijan
    against humanity, have not been adequately assessed by the world
    community. Today, in Azerbaijan, instead of repentance for endless
    atrocities and murderous acts, instead of legal procedures against
    the criminals, we only see and hear sabre-rattling and threats of
    revanchism, terrorist calls for shooting down civilian aircrafts,
    falsification of the facts of history and persistent racist
    misanthropic insults of the Armenian people," the author says.

    According to the article the shameful release and glorification of
    the murderer with an axe Safarov has once again demonstrated to the
    world community that in Azerbaijan murder owing to national reasons
    had been raised to the rank of state policy, and systematic and
    deliberate lies and breakdowns of international agreements lie in
    the basis of the Baku policy.

    On 26-29 February 1988 in terms of actual complicity of local
    authorities and inaction of the USSR government mass pogroms
    of civilians were organized in Sumgait city of Azerbaijani SSR,
    accompanied with unprecedented brutal murders, violence and pillaging
    against the Armenian population of the city. Armenian pogroms in
    Sumgait were carefully organized. At the meetings, which began on
    February 26 in the central square, city leaders openly called for
    violence against the Armenians.

    On February 27 protests which were attended by hundreds of rioters
    turned into violence. Armed with axes, knives, specially sharpened
    rebar, rocks and cans of gasoline and with the pre-compiled lists of
    apartments where Armenians lived the rioters broke into the houses,
    turning everything upside down there and killing the owners. In
    the same time, people were often taken out to the streets or to the
    courtyard for jeering at them publicly. After painful humiliations
    and torture the victims were doused with gasoline and burnt alive.

    On February 29 army troops entered Sumgait but without an order to
    intervene. Only in the evening, when the mad crowd began to attack
    the soldiers the military units took up decisive steps.

    The exact number of victims of Sumgait pogroms is still unknown.

    According to official data, 32 people were killed; however there
    is ample evidence that several hundred Armenians have been killed
    in the city in three days. There is also evidence that the riots
    were coordinated by KGB in Azerbaijan. Executioners of Sumgait were
    subsequently declared as national heroes of Azerbaijan.

    Documentary "Ordinary Genocide: Sumgait 1988"


    From: A. Papazian