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Armenian FFA Boss Comments On Remarks By Dimitry Seluk

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  • Armenian FFA Boss Comments On Remarks By Dimitry Seluk


    April 3

    FFA President Mr. Ruben Hayrapetyan commented on the recent interview
    given by Dimitry Seluk to the Sport correspondent and directed
    to him personally.

    I have repeatedly declared that for the sake of the development
    of Armenian football I am ready to collaborate with persons or
    organizations that want and are able to contribute to the progress
    of Armenian football. However, in the given circumstances how can
    he turn to me for cooperation when at the same time he is trying
    to criticize a person who has done and is doing everything possible
    for the advancement of Armenian football and for whom the success of
    Armenian football is above any personal interests? One should either
    be blind not to notice this or be totally unaware of football reality
    not to know the mentioned, or ~E you can judge yourself. How can a
    person who finds his being in football, often at the expenses of the
    players, judge people who make personal investments for the progression
    of football and do not save anything for the well being of the players.

    My words concern the well known businessmen Oleg Lazarian and
    Suleyman Kerimov. While the first has undeniable contribution in the
    development of Ukrainian, Russian and Armenian football, Suleyman
    Kerimov gives his efforts for the progression of Dagestanian football,
    with this helping the rise of Russian football to a completely new
    level. Finally, how can I cooperate with a person who first declares
    to be Henrikh Mkhitaryan~Rs agent even never being in this role, and
    then announces that he has transferred Aras Ozbilis to FC Kuban, whilst
    I have personally asked Oleg Lazarian to buy the transfer rights of
    Aras and talked to Aras and encouraged him to move to FC Kuban.

    A person with a similar behavior cannot even have anything to do with
    me, let alone cooperate.

    Taking into consideration all the above-mentioned, I would ask Mr.

    Seluk not to interfere in Armenian football and save Armenian football
    players from his so called ~Swars~T. They have more important things
    to do, i.e. - playing football. Sport
