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Pleasure Button Of Oligarchs And Officials

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  • Pleasure Button Of Oligarchs And Officials


    Interview with Ashot Manucharyan, member of Karabakh Committee

    On March 22 you stated during the rally on Freedom Square that mines
    belong to people and it is enough to steal them and put them in the
    pockets of some people.

    There was another proposal that the economic person rules the world
    and us, the person for who the economic behavior is important of all.

    The philosophy of the economic behavior has a negative aspect - focus
    is on generating profit, not on creating something. What is happening
    about the mines is in this logic. The model of the economic person has
    seized not only the economy but also the state and spiritual cultural
    apparatus. When we watched a movie in the past, we were told it is
    necessary to be a kind person, now we are told to be a person who gets
    the utmost from the world. And you will kill if it will require that.

    This behavior is advertised and demonstrated in films, theater and
    other forms of culture, as well as music. "Being a king is good" here
    is the essence of our music which kills human traits, turning man
    to a predator and more because no predator will eat more than their
    stomach can take whereas man can eat endlessly and continuously. The
    economic man is sitting at all the levels of public administration
    who thinks how to use the public institutions to get utmost profit
    in both internal and external policy.

    What is the state of mining?

    A group of local thieves is created who say you are an economic person,
    you must generate maximum profit, we will grant you this opportunity
    in return for which the lion's share is given to us. What shall we
    do? Let's think. We can buy a tie and underwear for 50,000 dollars in
    a store in the United States. It is true that you can buy the same
    thing for a dollar but you are a rich man. You can buy an expensive
    car. I explained once for our oligarchs and officials that if 100 years
    ago they were officials, their transport would be a donkey. And an
    expensive car would be a donkey with a gilded tale, and it is difficult
    to tell who is the ass, the donkey whose tail is gilded or the master
    who guilds the donkey's tail. The Spaniards cheated Americans tribes
    that shiny objects are more expensive than their gold and exchanged
    beads with gold. Now our leadership and oligarchs are doing the same
    thing, they are destroying the country, the future of their children,
    their grandchildren will not have clean drinking water.

    What solutions do you propose to build an economy in Armenia?

    In an experiment the rat pushed the button connected to its pleasure
    center until it died of hunger. We can do something similar with our
    oligarchs and officials without death, of course. In another experiment
    the button was connected to the center of pleasure of one rat and
    the center of pain of another rat. When the rat pushed the button,
    the other rat squeaked from pain. 90% of rats did not continue to
    push the button, they sacrificed their own pleasure, whereas people
    cannot refuse their pleasure even though their people are suffering.

    This is not a simple issue. To rid of this we need to choose the life
    of a creative person. We take as much as we need to live a modest
    life but we live generously in creative life. We have had such an
    experience in our life but it was described as heretic because man
    thus differed from predator kind. In Latin America only 1-3% of profit
    remained with people who were suffering from poverty. Chavez did
    the contrary, and therefore he is worshipped, it is simple justice,
    there was growth and growth was used in modest life. But I say that
    they can be immodest in science, education, any creative life.

    Will great powers hinder?

    Armenia is one of the balanced spots of the world and all the
    countries have interests here. If we made autonomous decisions,
    everyone would respect those decisions and would try to be better
    to allow them to have what they need. For them our role and actions
    regarding geopolitical issues are more important than our mines.

    Karine Ionesyan 20:33 03/04/2013 Story from News:
