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ANCA-ER Executive Director Discusses Genocide Justice On Capitol Hil

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  • ANCA-ER Executive Director Discusses Genocide Justice On Capitol Hil

    Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

    ANCA-ER Executive Director Michelle Hagopian

    WASHINGTON-Armenian National Committee of America Eastern Region
    Executive Director Michelle Hagopian discussed a full array of Armenian
    American policy priorities, including efforts to end U.S.

    complicity in Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide, in a series
    of meetings with key legislators in Washington.

    These meetings reinforced the need for a just resolution of the
    Armenian Genocide to mirror those being held by local ANCA committees
    in the weeks leading to the April 24th commemoration of this unpunished

    Over the course of the past two weeks, Hagopian met with legislative
    offices from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, New York,
    Florida, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, building on the ongoing local
    relationship with Members of Congress from across the Eastern Region.

    In addition to justice for the Armenian Genocide, Hagopian focused
    on the vital role the U.S. can play to supporting Nagorno Karabakh
    self-determination and standing up to Azerbaijani aggression against
    its neighbors. Hagopian also discussed Armenian American foreign
    assistance and trade priorities, which were outlined in Congressional
    testimony by ANCA Legislative Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian
    earlier this month.

    "These Capitol Hill meetings - coupled with the grassroots efforts in
    states and districts across the Eastern U.S. - are the most basic way
    the Armenian-American community can continue to cultivate Congressional
    relationships so necessary in addressing our core advocacy priorities,"
    Hagopian said. "In the days leading up to April 24, we'll be following
    up with Senators and Representatives here in Washington, DC, and back
    home as we join together to commemorate the Armenian Genocide."

    These meetings were a precursor to visits by the ANCA Eastern Region
    that will take place on April 24, when constituents will travel to
    Washington, DC, to participate in the annual Capitol Hill commemoration
    of the Armenian Genocide, organized by the Congressional Armenian
    Caucus, with the participation of the Embassy of Armenia, the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic's Representative's office, and Armenian-American
    groups. The event will take place from 6pm to 8pm at Hart Senate
    Office Building Room 902.

    Armenian Americans and human rights advocates can urge
    their legislators to offer remarks at the annual Capitol Hill
    Armenian Genocide Observance by sending a free ANCA WebMail at:
