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Syria Sending Guerrilla Fighters To Iran For Training

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  • Syria Sending Guerrilla Fighters To Iran For Training


    April 4, 2013 - 18:13 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Syrian government is sending members of its
    irregular militias for guerrilla combat training at a secret base
    in Iran, in a move to bolster its armed forces drained by two years
    of fighting and defections, fighters and activists said, according
    to Reuters.

    The discreet program has been described as an open secret in some
    areas loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, who is trying to crush a
    revolt against his family's four-decade hold on power.

    Reuters interviewed four fighters who said they were taken on the
    combat course in Iran, as well as opposition sources who said they
    had also been documenting such cases.

    Israel's intelligence chief and a Western diplomat have said Iran,
    Assad's main backer, is helping to train at least 50,000 militiamen
    and aims to increase the force to 100,000 - though they did not say
    where the training occurred.

    No one at Iran's foreign ministry was available for comment, but
    Iranian officials have repeatedly denied military involvement in the
    Syrian conflict, saying they have only provided humanitarian aid and
    political support for Assad.

    A Syrian government security source, who declined to be named, denied
    that Syria was sending fighters to Iran.

    But if the reports by Syrian fighters are true, the move to train
    combatants in Iran suggests that their country's increasingly
    regionalized conflict has grown well beyond - and could even outlast -
    a battle for power between Assad's circle and the opposition.

    The fighters also appear to come largely from minority groups that
    have supported Assad against the mostly Sunni Muslim-led uprising.

    Such a move could exacerbate the dangerous sectarian dimensions of
    a conflict that has turned into a civil war that has cost the lives
    of more than 70,000 people, Reuters reported.

    From: Baghdasarian