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Hayk Kotanjyian Introduced Report In Frames Of Harvard Bssp Workshop

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  • Hayk Kotanjyian Introduced Report In Frames Of Harvard Bssp Workshop


    11:31, 5 April, 2013

    YEREVAN, APRIL 5, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Political Science
    Association of Armenia Dr. Hayk Kotanjian introduced report entitled
    "Regional Security Dynamics in the South Caucasus" within the framework
    of the Harvard Black Sea Security Program Workshop held in Bucharest
    on March, 2013. "Armenpress" represents the report in its entirety:

    "Dear Chairman,

    Dear Colleagues,

    I would like to express my gratitude for organizing this 11th Harvard
    Black Sea Security Program Regional Workshop in the format of Alumni
    Reunion which brings together distinguished experts on regional
    security dynamics to share ideas and discuss possible developments in
    the Greater Black Sea Area. In my presentation of personal capacity,
    I'm going mainly to deal with some aspects of regional security
    dynamics in the South Caucasus; such as perspectives of the Karabakh
    conflict resolution and current situation in the Armenian - Turkish

    First of all, it should be mentioned that the large-scale changes
    gaining an intense circulation in the geopolitical system of the
    Greater Middle East provide new problems for the security of the South
    Caucasus fraught with dangerous aggravation of existing intra-regional

    The unfolding "Arab Spring" with unpredictable developments in Syria
    and the neighboring countries, the growing role of Turkey in the
    Middle East with shift in its foreign policy from the traditional
    Western-oriented approach to the "Neo Ottomanism" vision with a broader
    emphasis on Turkey's relations with the Muslim world, the complexity
    of development prospects of the security dynamics in Central Asia in
    connection with the scheduled withdrawal of the Coalition troops from
    Afghanistan at the end of 2014, as well as the ongoing system crisis
    in the geostrategic space of the European Union - all these are the
    factors affecting the dynamics of security environment's changes in
    the South Caucasus.

    The dynamics of Armenia's, Georgia's and Azerbaijan's involvement in
    the international security system in both bilateral and multilateral
    dimensions plays a unique role in maintaining the security in the
    South Caucasus. Here as a positive factor it should be mentioned
    that in comparison with its neighbors Armenia is more effective
    in maintaining the balanced diversity of its security orientations
    and the development of security cooperation with NATO and the CSTO,
    Russia and the US, as well as with other world power centers like
    the EU actively influencing the region.

    Armenia's partnership with NATO within the framework of cooperative
    security goes back to 2002, when the country joined the PfP Planning
    and Review Process (PARP) and then the Individual Partnership
    Action Plan (IPAP), thereby getting the opportunity to make its own
    contribution to multinational training, exercises and operations, as
    well as to international security in general - under the auspices of
    the Alliance. Since 2004 Armenia has been engaged in the NATO-led
    peacekeeping Kosovo Force (KFOR) that furthered the relations
    between the parties. Armenia's peacekeepers participated in the
    US-led Coalition in Iraq in 2005 - 2008. Since 2009 Armenia has been
    contributing peacekeeping contingent to the International Security
    Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

    Armenia appears to be in a unique position combining the knowledge
    and experience gained both from the NATO-led peacekeeping operations
    and the CSTO drills within the framework of the Collective Rapid
    Reaction Forces and has a solid willingness to become a bridge for
    sharing experience with the members of the two respected partner
    organizations. For instance, the developments in Afghanistan and
    particularly NATO's decision to terminate its combat operations in
    that country by 2014 emphasize the importance of consultations on the
    NATO-CSTO cooperation in post-2014 Afghanistan - after the withdrawal
    of the NATO Coalition Forces. Both NATO and the CSTO are interested
    in neutralizing the possible threats coming from Afghanistan and in
    this context the Armenian experience can serve as a good basis for
    fertilizing the ground to launch the NATO-CSTO cooperation mechanisms.

    It should be emphasized that the main threat to the peace and security
    in the South Caucasus has been and remains the possible resumption
    of the war by Azerbaijan against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Thus,
    the peaceful and just resolution of the Karabakh armed conflict is of
    crucial importance for the security and stability of our vulnerable
    region. The peaceful civil movement for the protection of the
    Artsakh Armenians' rights in the process of Perestroika and Glasnost
    became a challenge to the inertia of the Stalinist value system not
    recognizing the priority of individual and collective human rights,
    ignoring the aspirations of ethnic minorities which were arbitrarily
    driven by the will of the "father of peoples" to the mini-empires of
    the Soviet Azerbaijan type.

    The Armenians responded to the pogroms organized by the Azerbaijani
    authorities in Sumgait, Kirovabad and Baku with a law-governed
    referendum in Artsakh that recorded the adamant will of its people to
    freedom. In the political-legal sense, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    is established as a result of the referendum on the basis of the USSR
    Law of the Perestroika period "On Procedures for Regulation of Issues
    Related to Separation from USSR Republics" during its effectiveness -
    before signing the Alma-Ata Declaration on the official dissolution
    of the Soviet Union.

    Another distinctive feature of the Karabakh referendum is that the
    Azeri minority in compliance with the aforementioned USSR Law was
    involved in the preparation of the referendum, although consequently
    boycotted it on the orders of the Baku authorities. This is evidenced
    by the saved documents of the Referendum Commission. World practice
    shows that in this way - without intervention of the metropolis -
    the right of peoples to self-determination of Bangladesh, Eritrea,
    East Timor, Montenegro, and just two years ago in the South Sudan
    were implemented through the expression of free will at referendums
    exactly among the self-determining peoples, and not the population
    in their former metropolises represented by Pakistan, Ethiopia,
    Indonesia or Yugoslavia - Serbia and Sudan.

    Since the armistice was signed in 1994 by the Azerbaijani, Armenian and
    Nagorno Karabakh parties to the armed conflict, both Armenia and the
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic have supported the peace process under the
    auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group. Armenia's and the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic's efforts aimed to foster confidence building, as mutual
    trust is the key for long term peace and stability among Armenia,
    NKR and Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani leadership actions are
    destroying any base of confidence building. As a symptomatic example
    of such activities we can mention a case of rude falsification of the
    history of the Eastern Transcaucasia with the efforts of political
    "balancing" the genocidal crimes against the Armenian population in
    the early 20th century with the non-existent "genocide against the
    Azerbaijanis". In 1998 the Decree of the President of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan "On the genocide against the Azerbaijanis" was issued
    on the basis of these falsifications.

    The Azerbaijani authorities are implementing generously financed
    campaign of falsifying authorship of mockery of the corpses of victims
    of the Khojaly tragedy. The details of this provocation as a tool of
    political struggle for power in Baku were freshly stated in the famous
    interview of the then Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov to the Czech
    journalist Dana Mazalova. The Armenian side has all the evidence that
    the corpses were in the vicinity of the city of Agdam, which then
    was in the area of responsibility of the Azerbaijani authorities,
    under the control of their military forces, and the physical contact
    of the Armenians with the dead bodies in order to mutilate them was
    not possible.

    The policy of fomenting the anti-Armenian sentiment currently is not
    limited only to fooling the Azerbaijani people, but also is exported to
    the international community. The denunciation of the "Ghuba" impulse of
    xenophobia against the Armenians - with the attempts of manipulatively
    involving the Jewish Diaspora in negative anti-Armenian sentiments,
    nurtured by the Head of the neighboring state - is symptomatic. It
    is his decree on the establishment of the genocide memorial complex
    that actually canonized the untested version of the perpetrators
    of the mass death of people buried in the excavated graves in North
    Azerbaijan and their national and religious affiliation. The colleagues
    from Israel and the Jewish Diaspora are resentful that the Head of
    Azerbaijan includes in the state protocol the visits of the Jewish
    organizations leaders to the memorial built allegedly on the remains
    of the Jews killed by the Armenians, but in fact - on the graves of
    the Armenians killed in expeditionary raid into the North Azerbaijan
    in 1918 by the Caucasian Islamic army led by Turkish General Khalil
    Pasha and Caucasian Tartar gangs.

    Another vivid example of Azerbaijani leadership deliberate policy
    toward preventing any possibility of confidence building process
    between Armenia, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan is the
    persecution orgy with public mass burning of books of Azerbaijani
    eminent writer Akram Aylisli. In his novel Aylisli dared to truthfully
    describe along with the peace and good neighborliness of the Armenians
    and Caucasian Tartars in Nakhichevani city of Agulis also the cruelty
    of Turkish and Caucasian Tartars against the Armenian population
    of Nakhichevan and Baku. The official and committed-to-authorities
    public circles reacted with repressions and treachery accusations as
    per the worst traditions of Nazi Germany. The parallels between the
    fires of the books by Heine, Mann, Freud, and Remarque burned by the
    Nazis of Hitler's Germany and the publications of the people's writer
    and honored artist of Azerbaijan are obvious.

    The symptoms of hyper-chauvinism of the Aliyev regime is also expressed
    in the glorification of Ramil Safarov - a cowardly murderer of the
    sleeping colleague - an Armenian officer at the NATO international
    training program. This provocation by the Azerbaijani authorities
    aimed at undermining the participation of the three permanent members
    of the UN Security Council - Russia, the US and France - in the format
    of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs in the peaceful resolution of the
    Karabakh conflict - has been condemned by the authorities of all the
    three Co-Chair countries.

    We believe that the only realistic way which can lead to a lasting
    peace between Armenia, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan
    passes through the recognition of the legitimacy of 1991 referendum
    and independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic by Azerbaijan. The
    participants of the confidential negotiations based on the results
    of the Karabakh war of 1992-1994 witnessed that the former President
    of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev with his Armenian counterparts was also
    inclined to the possibility of such an effective resolution of the

    The preparation of the Azerbaijani, Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh
    populations for the recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, as
    well as for parallel negotiations among the Republic of Azerbaijan,
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia on the
    status of some territories of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic's security
    zone - to guarantee the security of the population and sustainable
    development of all the three independent states - could be a factor in
    the establishment of lasting peace and security in the South Caucasus
    and its integration into the international community.

    Another obstacle on the road toward peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus is the Turkey's policy of isolation and blackmail against
    Armenia. As we know, heavily influenced by Azerbaijan the Turkish
    leadership has rejected the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish
    protocols signed in 2009 with mediation efforts of Switzerland
    and support of the US, Russia, France and the EU. Being involved in
    struggle with the Turkey's "Deep State", current Turkish leadership in
    its relations with Azerbaijan ironically backs the ideological notion
    of "one people, two states" which was jointly elaborated by the former
    leaders of Azerbaijan and their partners from Turkey's "Deep State".

    Turkey continues to put preconditions on Armenia demanding unilateral
    concessions in the Karabakh negotiations as well as stepping up its
    state policy of denial concerning the fact of the Armenian Genocide
    committed in the Ottoman Empire.

    As it is well known, Armenia strongly believes that the productive way
    ahead in the Armenian - Turkish relations is the ratification of the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols without preconditions and establishment of
    diplomatic relations between two states with simultaneous opening of
    the Turkish - Armenian border, as it was signed under the auspices
    of the three permanent members of the UN Security Council - France,
    Russia and the United States. Meanwhile, as the Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan has recently emphasized, Armenia cannot and will not
    wait indefinitely for the ratification and will consider the recall of
    its signature from protocols within the reasonable time frame. In my
    personal view, normalization of the Armenian - Turkish relations on
    the basis of 2009 Protocols could foster significantly the security
    and stability in the South Caucasus and the surrounding Greater Black
    Sea Region.

    I would like also to touch upon the perspectives of Georgia's
    domestic and foreign policy in the light of recent political
    developments in Georgia. It's worthy of mention that after October
    2012 well-done democratic Parliamentary Elections we are witnessing
    the ongoing consultations and sometimes tensions between the President
    Saakahsvili's team and the Prime Minister Ivanishvili's coalition. One
    thing is obvious: till now the level of uncertainty is too high for
    making any valid forecasts either on Georgia's domestic or foreign
    policy mid- and long-term developments. At the same time, we expect
    that normalization of the Georgian - Russian relations in parallel
    with keeping the advanced Georgia-West strategic partnership in
    balanced harmony may play a significant role in furthering mid-
    and long-term regional stability.

    In the meantime, taking into account the constitutional amendments
    which are set to come into force in October 2013, the center of
    political power will be gradually shifted from the Government and the
    President's Office to the Georgian parliament and, in my viewpoint,
    our expert community should pay more attention to the developments
    within the Georgian National Assembly where the Prime Minister's
    coalition holds a majority.

    At the end of my presentation I would like to highlight the importance
    of the Harvard Black Sea Security Program role which since its
    inception in 1997 has been playing a key role in fostering the frank
    and academic discussions at expert and political level on several
    issues concerning the Greater Black Sea Region. These workshops present
    an important opportunity for expert community and policymakers to share
    views on regional security dynamics and to come up with new ideas
    which may be useful in overcoming the complicated set of challenges
    facing our region through its sustainable development. I would also
    like to express my gratitude to the Romanian side for hospitality and
    creating all conditions necessary for organization of this workshop."
