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Review of the Azerbaijani press by the press service of the Embassy

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  • Review of the Azerbaijani press by the press service of the Embassy

    Review of the Azerbaijani press by the press service of the Embassy of
    France in Baku
    Domestic policy

    "Zerkalo" devotes an article to the comments Elmira Suleymanova
    ombudswoman, about the incident involving two Azerbaijani students in
    the French National Assembly. She recalled that France is a founding
    member of the European Union and the Council of Europe, a country
    active in the Eastern Partnership and co-chair of the Minsk Group.
    "This event took place in the French Parliament is an act of
    vandalism, unacceptable for a democratic state." 02/03/2013

    Elman Abdullayev, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan,
    said in a statement: "Azerbaijan calls for the perpetrators of the
    aggression against Azerbaijani students to be punished Parliament in
    Paris" reports the entire press. (2.03.2013)

    The entire Azerbaijani press reported congratulated President Aliyev
    of Azerbaijan women on the occasion of the International Women's Day
    on March 8.

    Parliament has expressed its displeasure against the many deaths of
    soldiers during their service. At the plenary session of Parliament,
    MP Ganira PASHAYEVA said it would investigate further and more
    seriously on the issue of suicide in the military. "Ekho", "Zerkalo"

    "Azadlig" covers the protest demonstrations held by the inhabitants of
    Goranboy Massalli to buildings and power of the Governor. According to
    residents of these areas, their problems are not heard by the local
    authorities. 06/03/2013

    "Azadlig" refers to the transmission of a broadcast broadcasting
    videos of Elshad ABDULLAYEV and riots Ismayilli on the site "Qolos
    Rossii" radio Russian State. According to political scientist Vafa
    GULUZADEH, this choice comes from Russian official instructions.
    "Golos Rossii" is not the only broadcast criticizing the situation in
    Azerbaijan and its authorities. Russia wants this year, Azerbaijan,
    came to power a person or group being more favorable to him. There is
    no doubt that Russia's goal. This is why the Russian media try to
    spread a negative image of Azerbaijan. "Said the political scientist.

    Headlines of March 8 all relate the opening of a judicial
    investigation against Elshad Abdullayev for corruption. " "525 This
    gazet", "Yeni Musavat", "Azadlig", "Bizim Yol", "Ekspress".

    Opposition newspapers announced a demonstration against the death out
    of combat soldiers in the army on March 10 at Place des Fontaines.

    International relations

    The Parliamentary Aydin Mirzazadeh sent an open letter related to
    incidents involving two Azerbaijani students in the French National
    Assembly to its counterpart François ROCHEBLOINE, group president of
    France-Armenia friendship. He expressed his astonishment at the attack
    against two Azerbaijani by participants of Armenian origin in the
    presence of a French deputy at the conference held on February 26,
    informs "Khalg qazeti" March 2.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan met the co-chairs of the
    Minsk Group, Ian Kelly, Jacques Faure and Igor Popov, accompanied by
    the representative of the OSCE Chairmanship Andrzej KASPRZYK. At this
    meeting, Elmar Mammedyarov have expressed concern of Azerbaijan about
    the situation of the Nagorno Karabakh. The co-chairs of the Minsk
    Group have again emphasized that changing the status quo in the region
    was unacceptable, Azerbaijani media reported on 5 March 2013.

    NABUCCO, Gas Pipeline International GmbH and TANAP, transanatolien
    pipeline, have signed a joint memorandum of cooperation. The document
    stresses the need to diversify gas transit routes to enhance energy
    security of the EU as well as the South-East Europe recount "Ekho" and
    "Express" on March 5.

    The Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, Ismat ABBASOV was visiting
    France on the occasion of the 50th edition of International Fair of
    Agriculture, evoke "525 it gazet" March 2 and "Azerbaijan" dated March

    Image of France

    "Khalg qazeti" takes information broadcast by Associated Press on the
    continuation of French military operations in Mali. 02/03/2013

    A 13-minute film showing the potential of tourism of Azerbaijan was
    aired on French television channel TV5 Monde, announced the same day

    "Khalg qazeti" published an article entitled: "The popularity of
    François HOLLANDE sharply down (lowest)» 03.02.2013

    "Zerkalo" reported holding a concert of Azerbaijani musicians in the
    competition-exhibition Gourmand Awards in Paris national cuisines.
    Azerbaijani cuisine was presented by the Centre of Culinary Arts of
    Azerbaijan under the direction of Tair AMIRASMLANOV. 6 .03 .2013

    Mc Donald's, of which France is the second market in the world,
    achieved a turnover of 4.35 billion euros last year, when Quick saw
    its sales increase by 5% to 1.032 billion euros . "Khalg gazeti"

    Saudi Princess Maha Al-Sudairi tried to slip away from Shangri-La
    Parisian palace without honoring a 6 million euros, takes "Express"
    referring to the France Presse. 07/03/2013

    The French Defence Minister Jean-Yves lE DRIAN went to Mali. "Khalg
    gazeti" 03/08/2013

    Tuesday, April 9, 2013,
    Stéphane ©

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress