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New scandal maturing in Azerbaijani army

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  • New scandal maturing in Azerbaijani army

    New scandal maturing in Azerbaijani army

    12:26 - 08.04.13

    The Azerbaijani army is about to face a new scandal as the parents of
    an army private reported to have committed suicide claim their son was

    The death of the soldier, Ivanov Elman Yuzuboglu, was confirmed by the
    Azerbaijani Defense Ministry on Saturday.

    Speaking to a journalist of the opposition-run newspaper Azadliq, the
    parents said they had observed traces of stab wounds on the back of
    Ivanov's head.

    According to, the family doesn't believe their son could
    have committed suicide, saying that they every day talked to him on
    the mobile to know he was in high spirits. Days before the tragic
    incident, Imanov was promoted to a sergeant's rank.

    In 2012 alone, 76 deaths were recorded in the Azerbaijani army. Of
    them, 17 cases were suicides and 12 - murders by fellow servicemen.
    The other army privates were reported to have been killed in
    casualties (including border tensions across the Armenian Azerbaijani
    Contact Line).

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