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Genocide - Why Remembering Is Important

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  • Genocide - Why Remembering Is Important


    The New Times (Kigali) Rwanda
    April 07, 2013

    by Stephen Rwembeho

    The Genocide week in Rwanda is characterized by a complexity of issues
    like elsewhere in the world. It sets an experience that provokes a
    debate whether people need to remember the genocide or not.

    Genocide is remembered in all villages where it happened for obvious
    reasons. If you burry your father and forget him, you will never
    have to tell his grandchildren, and this will ridicule you. We are
    told stories by typical events and whether we want or not we shall
    keep on experiencing the ills left by the genocide both the survivors
    and perpetrators.

    Therefore, there are inevitable commemorations all over communities
    where Genocide occurred. The Genocide commemorations are not unique
    to Rwanda, but the whole world where it occurred.

    For example, every year on April 24, people of Armenian descent
    organise blood drives and picket Turkish embassies to celebrate special
    church services to commemorate the anniversary of the 1915 arrest of
    several hundred prominent Armenians in Constantinople. The arrests
    were the beginning of the Genocide in which an estimated 1.5 million
    Armenians were slaughtered by Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1923.

    However, they find themselves in similar circumstances that Rwanda
    faces - of some people who do not want to remember. Reasons for fear
    to remember remain the same in both cases. This is one utterance
    reacting to the yearly commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

    The Holocaust and Genocide Memorial Day of 27 January is the
    anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration and
    extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, seen as a powerful symbol
    of the horrors of the Holocaust. Holocaust Memorial Day is about
    commemorating all of the communities that suffered as a result of the
    Holocaust and Nazi persecution, and demonstrating that the Holocaust
    is relevant.

    The day provides a focus through the national and local events and
    activities for people to think about the continuing repercussions of
    the Holocaust and more recent Genocides on our society. Remembering
    is as important as that.

    However, critics claim that the Holocaust is too old to be remembered
    now as other crimes have overtaken it.

    If someone wants to honour the victims of holocaust, war etc, then
    they should do so in their own private way. 'National memorial' days
    just drag up the past and do not necessarily look to the future,
    holocaust critics claim.

    Similar negative criticism does not spare the Genocide against the
    Tutsi either.

    And what do Rwandan critics on the commemoration of the 1994 Genocide
    against the Tutsi say?

    Rwandans have mixed reactions with some against, others for and those
    who do not care about the Genocide at all.

    Whatever the line one takes, the fact is that we cannot afford to live
    with hate. People have to be reminded about this. Genocide Memorial
    Days should influence behaviour changes today. We need to put it in
    context of all suffering. Everyone should remember in their own way.

    Lectures given in the days of commemoration must be able to
    contextualize the issue of hatred and Genocide in Rwanda.

    The Holocaust Memorial Days for example aim to remember all victims
    of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution and reflect upon those affected
    by more recent atrocities in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo and
    to educate about the dangers of anti-Semitism, racism and all forms
    of discrimination.

    Ultimately, the day aims to restate the continuing need for vigilance
    and to motivate people, individually and collectively, to ensure that
    the horrendous crimes, racism and victimization committed during the
    Holocaust are neither forgotten nor repeated, whether in Europe or
    elsewhere in the world.

    While teaching about the Genocide in Rwanda, similar enlightenments
    must be brought to surface in all discussions.

    Comparative studies and explanations are essential and ignorance
    about other world genocides does not provide a clear cut explanation
    of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

    For example, the massacre of the Armenians in Turkey in 1915-23,
    the Holocaust of the Jews in Hitler's Germany, the mass killing of
    Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994, etc, must give us reflective examples as
    we forge a new world without Genocide.

    The unfortunate part of it is that very few people have the concern,
    the will and ability to take the comparisons down to earth and use them
    in the context of Rwanda. Those few, therefore, should come in to help.

    Is there any unique Genocide?

    The answer is YES! Any Genocide has its own uniqueness and it is
    wrong to portray any Genocide as the same as others. This kind of
    understanding will allow you to refute that the Holocaust should be
    regarded as the only unique genocide to have happened on planet earth.

    If you want you would also regard the Genocide in Rwanda as unique,
    because the uniqueness in the Tutsi Genocide was evident. For example,
    the speed with which it was carried out and the relationship between
    the victims and the killers make it an extremely unique Genocide. But
    the problem should not be in the degree of uniqueness but the context.

    Remembering is very important in as far as the concept of evil
    deterrence is concerned.

    It gives us the benchmark of our morality as a society and the
    ability to say no to evil. It is one of the steps in the long chain
    of procedures to de-poison the Rwandan psyche and psychologically
    rehabilitate the dehumanized psyche of the survivors.

    From: Baghdasarian