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The 2013 Elections: Armenia's Prospects For Democracy And Geopolitic

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  • The 2013 Elections: Armenia's Prospects For Democracy And Geopolitic


    * EUROPE,0
    By Armen Ayvazyan | April 9, 2013 | 11:52 AM


    Since regaining independence in 1991, Armenia's presidential elections
    have been marred by fraud, while the incumbent political authorities
    have always reestablished themselves. Massive post-election protests
    took place after the presidential elections in 1996, 2003, and 2008. In
    2013, this unfortunate scenario was repeated once more. With over
    58 percent of the votes, the incumbent, President Serzh Sargsyan,
    was declared the winner, while Raffi Hovannisian, the leader of the
    Heritage Party, received about 37 percent of the vote.

    A novel feature of the 2013 elections was that they were
    manipulated even before the formal start of the campaign: President
    Sargsyan managed to coax and/or browbeat all major opposition political
    parties into sitting out of the elections. Not only did the Prosperous
    Armenia Party (PAP), the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF),
    and the opposition bloc Armenian National Congress (ANC) refuse
    to nominate or support any candidate, but they also relinquished
    their organizational capabilities for monitoring the electoral
    process. Moreover, these parties did not call for elections boycott per
    se, even though, as a reason for their shocking inactivity, they cited
    distrust in the existing democratic mechanisms for regime change. Since
    1991, such behind-the-scenes horse trading between the government and
    the oppositional political forces has been significantly responsible
    for the loss of public trust in Armenia's political institutions. 

    During President Sargsyan's first term in office, corruption,
    nepotism, and cronyism were rampant at all political and bureaucratic
    levels. Sargsyan failed to encourage the independence of the judiciary
    or the legislature, both of which continue to act as mere appendages
    of the executive. He reinvented the Soviet methods of direct party
    control over higher educational institutions and secondary schools: the
    President, the Prime Minister, and the Speaker of the Parliament (all
    members of the ruling Republican Party) have been "elected" heads of
    the governing councils of major state universities. The pseudo student
    councils are also run by the Republican youth, and approximately 90
    percent of the secondary school principals are Republicans.

    Sargsyan also pointedly blurred the distinction between the organs
    of state and the current political administration. He consolidated
    monopolistic control and actual censorship over Armenian main broadcast
    media, including the state-funded public television H1 and other
    popular Armenian TV channels. Therefore, the blatant deactivation of
    the major political parties just ahead of the presidential elections
    threatened to completely bring down the ostensibly democratic
    political system of the Republic. However, this premeditated political
    desolation produced a boomerang effect, landing Raffi Hovannissian,
    until then a non-heavyweight politician, right back in the face of the
    overconfident authorities. His emphasis on poverty, emigration, and
    other long-standing social grievances, coupled with the fact that
    he is a candidate thought to be relatively uninvolved in corrupt
    acts was sufficient in mobilizing the existing anti-government
    sentiment. Irrespective of where further developments could take
    Armenia, Hovannissian's success has already proved to be an important
    democratic achievement that shook the foundations of Sargsyan's
    nascent authoritarianism.

    This societal awakening has prompted previously unthought of mass
    defiance against the government's pressure to vote for the incumbent
    as well as post-election protests throughout provinces in Armenia. 

    Large segments of the population have rejected the conduct of both
    the poll and vote counting as profoundly fraudulent. They also
    dismissed the "ratification" of the elections in the initial reports
    of international monitoring missions. Citizen activist Lena Nazaryan
    and her supporters effectively disrupted the press conference by the
    observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
    (OSCE), branding them as "political tourists," who were "legitimizing
    the fraudulent election." Arthur Sakunts, a leading Western-backed
    activist and recipient of the Freedom Defender Award, challenged US
    President Barack Obama's congratulations for Sargsyan's reelection. He
    claimed that Obama "has clearly got himself among those restricting
    freedom and encouraging the restriction of freedom" and even questioned
    the value of the award received from the US government. This acute
    and wide-spread disappointment in Western attitude towards democracy
    in Armenia is echoed by various Armenian-American civic groups and
    activists who have closely followed the elections and held a series
    of protest gatherings. 

    On the whole, the 2013 Armenian elections left the masses feeling
    more alienated and disenfranchised with the president enjoying less
    internal legitimacy and thus exposed to external pressures more than
    ever. The hasty recognitions of the election results by Russia, the
    United States, NATO, France, Iran, Turkey, and other international
    actors signaled that the incumbent President is the preferred candidate
    for the world and regional centers of power. Each of them has received
    and expects to receive its share of political and economic concessions
    from Sargsyan's fragile regime. This unfortunate setting unfolds when
    Armenia finds itself in the midst of an all-encompassing crisis.


    Between 2009 and 2011, some 250,000 Armenians became poor and currently
    one-third of the population lives below the poverty line.

    According to the Armenian government, average monthly real consumption
    of Armenia's population decreased by 6.1 percent in 2011 as compared
    to 2008. The economy's slow recovery from a contraction of over
    14 percent in 2009 (mainly due to the global economic crisis)
    will be severely hampered by the continuing outflow of both human
    and monetary capital, as well as by the sharp surge in current and
    future external debt servicing: about US$418 million in 2013 and over
    1.5 times more than in 2012. Armenia's balance of payments is more and
    more reliant on foreign credits. It is expected that the government
    would acquire new international loans this year, most of which will
    be unproductively spent on managing foreign debt, thus squandering
    precious funds. In addition, the economic and transport blockade by
    Turkey and Azerbaijan continues to suffocate the Armenian economy. The
    net result is Armenia's ever- growing economic and political dependence
    on foreign powers.

    On the geostrategic level, the attainment of reliable security
    guarantees and, above all, defensible borders are central issues
    for Armenia. After all, the Ottoman Turkish purpose in perpetrating
    the Genocide of 1915-1923 was not so much to physically exterminate
    the Armenians as it was to eliminate Armenia - a country, which had
    all demographic, political, and cultural capacities to re-establish
    an independent state. Since 1991, neither Turkey nor Azerbaijan
    reconciled with the emergence of Armenian statehood even on the much
    smaller territory of 42,000 square kilometers, where it is realized
    as the Republic of Armenia (RoA) and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    (NKR). The Armenian-Azerbaijani war over the Armenian-populated
    Nagorno-Karabakh in 1991-1994 was an organic extension of
    Armenian-Turkish conflict of the beginning of the 20th century.

    The current strategic objectives of both Turkey and Azerbaijan
    converge on trying to eliminate the narrow "Armenian wedge" between
    them, consisting of the NKR and the RoA's southernmost province
    which separates Azerbaijan proper from its exclave Nakhichevan and
    Turkey. Therefore, the conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh is not only
    about the realization of self-determination right of its population,
    but about the long-term security and minimally sufficient strategic
    depth for Armenia. Recently, however, Azerbaijan's newly found
    military conceit , boosted by huge oil revenues and large acquisition
    of offensive armaments as well as unequivocal Turkish backing,
    have practically rendered the international negotiations over the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict redundant. Now the threat of a resumption
    of war with Azerbaijan seems more real than ever.

    In this unenviably difficult situation, it will be of utmost importance
    for Armenia to somehow adjust to the opposing geopolitical agendas
    of the dominant powers in the region - the Russian Federation and
    the US-NATO-EU bloc.


    Allied to Russia by the bilateral Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation,
    and Mutual Aid (1997) and as a member of both the Russian-led
    Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Collective Security
    Treaty Organization (CSTO), Armenia is the fulcrum for Russian
    efforts to rebuild its clout in the post-Soviet Transcaucasia,
    recently rechristened the South Caucasus (incidentally, both
    designations are politically and geographically inaccurate, inasmuch
    as Armenia and much of modern Georgia and Azerbaijan are not part
    of the Caucasus). However, while Washington has gone out of its
    way to strengthen its own ally in the region with Sahakashvili's
    Georgia, Russian policies toward Armenia have taken a different turn.

    Russia did not strive to improve Armenia's economy by direct
    investment into its industrial sectors or infrastructure which
    were shattered by the effects of the 1988 earthquake, the collapse of
    the Soviet Union, 1991-1994 war with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakhm,
    and the economic blockade of Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan. In
    a seemingly paradoxical move, between 2007 and December 2012, its
    "Compatriots" state program lured some 26,000 Armenians to apply
    to migrate into sparsely inhabited regions of Russia with contracts
    guaranteeing work and a naturalization process of six months rather
    than five years. The Armenian government, tight- cornered by domestic
    critics and a severe demographic crisis - the post-Soviet exodus of
    about a third of its population and the resultant low birthrate -
    belatedly expressed its disapproval to this Russian project. Due to
    Armenia's economic depravity, large numbers are emigrating to Russia
    and other countries without state-organized promotion. 

    This Russian position is manifestly unreasonable. The question is
    whether this attitude toward Armenia represents an erratic and
    inconsistent policy on the part of post-Soviet governments (who
    have often been blamed by the Russian analysts for ignoring their
    own geopolitical interests) or whether it is a calculated program
    to weaken Armenia into complete submission and incorporation into
    the newly-created trade and economic organizations under the Russian
    umbrella, namely the Eurasian Union and Customs Union. Two indicators
    in particular strongly suggest that the latter assumption is nearer
    the mark.

    First, Moscow vigorously pursues the Russian-language education
    in Armenia at the expense of the Armenian language. In 2010, in
    clear violation of the constitutional status of Armenian as the
    country's sole official language, the Law on Language (1993) was
    loosened to allow foreign -language instruction in public schools and
    universities. Because of the existing teaching cadres and traditions,
    this "amendment" promoted mostly Russian-language instruction. At
    the time it was widely believed that this legal allowance was made
    to meet the Russian demands.

    Moscow also sold advanced weaponry to Armenia's rival, Azerbaijan,
    including two surface-to-air missile systems of S-300 PMU2 Favorite
    type, which is a more advanced version of S-300 PS that was delivered
    to Armenia. This move, besides generating a crisis of confidence in
    Armenia about the credibility of Russian security commitments, speaks
    volumes about Moscow's stance vis-a-vis its traditional Armenian
    ally. The Kremlin strategists suspect that Armenia's oligarchic
    elite, concerned with its own financial fortune, could easily switch
    camps and embrace the West's patronage. Dwindling Armenia's human
    resources to the point where the nation would not be capable of
    resisting Azerbaijani aggression alone and could survive only as a de
    facto Russian province seems to be the most realistic, if seemingly
    conspiratorial, explanation for Russia's strategy regarding Armenia.

    Nagorno-Karabakh then could, again, become a bargaining chip between
    Moscow and Baku. Meanwhile, the Armenian migrants in Russia could be
    used as an additional means by which to attach Armenia to its former
    imperial master. Evidently, Moscow does not believe that under current
    geopolitical conditions it would be far more beneficial for Russia
    to help Armenia become a strong ally than for it to remain a weak
    client state.

    It is of considerable interest to observe that these Russian
    strategies strikingly remind one of the millennium-old Byzantine
    policies towards Armenia. Precisely a thousand years ago, the
    Byzantine Empire, undermined Armenia politically, militarily,
    and demographically; this both compelled and attracted hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians, especially their military elite, to migrate
    to its remote western regions. Subsequently, a debilitated Armenia
    was devoured by the Empire. However, as a consequence, the Byzantines
    shouldered the burden of defending Armenia's southern and eastern
    frontiers, hitherto effectively held by the established Armenian
    military, which was by now significantly demoralized and partly
    removed from the operational zone. Yet, this soft destruction of an
    ally as a successful buffer state proved to be a strategic mistake of
    disastrous proportions: soon after, the Empire was forced to surrender
    Armenia to the Seljuk Turks, forever forsaking its former political
    and military clout in the region. 

    One can presume that the Russians think big: they are planning to
    widen their sphere of influence over the entirety of Armenia.  But
    their miscalculation could bring a depleted and drained Armenia to
    a complete demographic and political collapse, resulting in Russian
    and European loss.


    In a far cry from its declared commitment to promote democratic
    principles and the rule of law, the US-NATO-EU alliance is first
    and foremost aiming to achieve - through strategic submission of
    Armenia's foreign policy to its geopolitical agenda in the ring of
    former southern Soviet republics - the following specific objectives:
    the containment of Russia, the political isolation of Iran, and an
    unrestricted access through Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and then
    across the Caspian Sea for the transport of hydrocarbon reserves
    of Central Asia. This agenda, however, is subtly attuned to the
    dangerous projections of a hegemonic-minded Turkey - an increasingly
    unpredictable NATO ally in the region.

    Turkey brings into the general Western plan its neo-Ottoman and
    pan-Turkic expansionary visions, designed to gain preeminence in the
    region. One of Ankara's undeclared objectives is to nullify Armenia's
    conceivable demands of justice and reparations for the immense damage
    inflicted on the Armenian nation by the Genocide.

    Since the early 1990s, Turkey has sought to economically strangle the
    infant Armenian state, or, if at all possible, militarily destroy it
    through the intercession of Azerbaijan.

    The West's unwillingness to confront the essentially genocidal
    strategic objectives of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc regarding
    Armenia has been exemplified by inaction in a number of remarkable
    cases. The reluctance to acknowledge the rights of the Armenian nation
    to restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation has sent wrong signals
    to both Turkey and Azerbaijan, encouraging their unending hostility to
    Armenia and undermining chances for a sustainable reconciliation. The
    West's acquiescence to Turkey's twenty year-old economic blockade
    of Armenia, a development contrary to international law, has cost
    Armenia billions of dollars.

    Azerbaijan's publicly threatening military aggression is notably
    promoted by the West's refusal to recognize the legitimacy of
    self-proclaimed independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, even
    though the NKR possesses all historical, political, demographic,
    legal, and moral credentials for seceding from Azerbaijan.

    This degrading scenario stemming from the West has emboldened
    Azerbaijan's well-documented destruction of thousands of irreplaceable
    medieval monuments of Armenian and European cultural heritage in the
    province of Nakhijevan during the 2000s and the racially-motivated
    murder of an Armenian officer at the NATO-organized courses in Budapest
    in 2004 by an Azerbaijani colleague, as well as his subsequent
    premature release by a NATO-member Hungary to Azerbaijan, where
    the murderer was immediately pardoned, promoted in military rank,
    and glorified by Ilham Aliyev's regime in 2012.

    The convergence of irrational set of strategic interests of the West
    and Turkey was best demonstrated by the imposition of the now ill-fated
    Turkish-Armenian "reconciliation process" and the highly unpopular and
    still unratified, Protocols between Turkey and Armenia, shortly after
    President Sargsyan came to power in 2008. The Protocols recognized the
    borders between Armenia and Turkey "without any preconditions," which
    simply meant a dishonest and dangerous endorsing of the consequences
    of the Genocide on Armenia permanently.

    In full accordance with Turkey's long-standing position, the
    two governments have agreed to sidestep all "historical issues"
    (including Genocide) by appointing a "historical commission" to discuss
    them. No Turkish acknowledgment of the Genocide preceded the possible
    diplomatic opening between the two countries. This was like allowing
    an unrepentant Nazi Germany to call for a "historical commission" to
    debate the Holocaust - an outrageous prospect that President Sargsyan
    actually agreed upon to possibly alleviate his low legitimacy, but
    simultaneously undermining the country externally.

    The West's long-standing cynical indifference to the security
    needs of genocide-stricken Armenia, not to mention the derisory
    economic assistance, pushes it towards integration with Russia. The
    West constantly refuses to provide effective security guarantees to
    Armenia. What is offered to Armenia is only advancement in political
    and economic relations with the European Union through the so-called
    Eastern Partnership (EaP), which is seen as a provisional stage to
    the final accession to the EU.


    The former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed "to figure
    out effective ways to slow down or prevent" Russian efforts to
    create Customs Union and Eurasian Union describing them as "a
    move to re-Sovietize the region." At the same time, Russia has
    voiced opposition to the Eastern Partnership particularly Armenia's
    participation. Clearly, the West and Russia have specific and largely
    opposing expectations from Armenia, thus severely limiting president
    Sargsyan's maneuvering capacity

    In a rapidly changing world, this rivalry between the West and
    Russia could render them both as losers: without a strong and viable
    Armenia, an Islamic Turkey can emerge as the sole and unruly winner
    of this short-sighted brinkmanship. Ominously, such a prospect evokes
    another historical parallel, when in the seventh century the Arab
    Islamic armies brought catastrophe upon both the Byzantine Empire and
    Sassanid Persia , after these two regional super-powers had worn each
    other down in the never-ending military conflicts which were fought,
    incidentally, in and around Armenia.

    This tense regional atmosphere between Russia and the West as well as
    the intransigence of Azerbaijan are unfavorable factors for reaching
    any sustainable agreement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, mediated
    jointly by Russia, America, and France as Co-Chairs of the OSCE
    Minsk Group. Undoubtedly, the low internal legitimacy of president
    Sargsyan is an additional factor that may affect crucial issues on
    the negotiating table. Nagorno-Karabakh remains the most sensitive
    issue of Armenian politics.

    The geopolitical frictions in the region are generally not conducive
    to the democratic process in Armenia, since neither of the mentioned
    foreign powers intends to see a genuinely democratic regime which
    could act independently, on the basis of national interests, rather
    than according to their zero-sum regional agendas. Nevertheless,
    the majority of Armenians want change, while the Sargsyan, through
    his two-decade-long career of heading the highest state posts (as
    chief of defense and national security establishments, Prime Minister,
    and a one-term president) has amply demonstrated that he is inflicted
    with substantial limitations in providing much needed socio-economic
    and political reforms. Therefore, social change can hardly ensue
    during Sargsyan's presidency. Moreover, no great power appears to be
    interested in such progress. On the other hand, thanks to the newly
    emerged Armenian protest movement, Sargsyan's authoritarian leanings
    may be regulated effectively.

    DR. ARMEN AYVAZYAN (Aivazian) is the founding director of the
    ARARAT Center for Strategic Research. From 1992 to 1994, he worked
    as Assistant to the President of Armenia, Adviser to the Foreign
    Minister of Armenia, and Acting Head of the Armenian Delegation to
    the Conference (now Organization) on Security and Cooperation in
    Europe in Vienna, Austria.
