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Genocide Prevention Symposium Held At UN

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  • Genocide Prevention Symposium Held At UN

    By Florence Avakian

    Special to the Mirror-Spectator

    NEW YORK - The trauma of genocide does not end with the killing. The
    tragic effects can be long-term and very damaging. In the 20th century
    alone, tens of millions have been killed in Armenia, Germany, Cambodia,
    Bosnia, Guatemala, Darfur, Iraq, Rwanda, Sarajevo, South Sudan,
    as well as countless Greeks, Assyrians and Palestinians.

    At the New York headquarters of the United Nations (UN), on Thursday,
    April 4, a special symposium took place, titled, "Toward Preventing
    Genocide - Nations Acknowledging their Dark History, and Practicing
    Mindful Non-Violence." It was organized and moderated by Dr. Ani
    Kalayjian, president of the Association for Trauma Outreach and
    Prevention (ATOP).

    Opening the conference was Armenia's Ambassador to the United Nations
    Garen Nazarian, who reminded the audience of more than 60 UN delegation
    representatives that the "horror of genocide is repeating itself in
    different parts of the world today, and innocent victims continue to
    be persecuted for no other reason than their ethnicity, religion or
    national origin. International cooperation and action are required
    to facilitate the timely prevention and punishment of the crime of
    genocide," he stated.

    Nazarian noted that the United Nations Human Rights Council recently
    adopted a resolution initiated by Armenia, and co-sponsored by
    almost 60 member states of the international body which "stresses the
    importance of truth, justice, reparation and that perpetrators should
    be held criminally responsible on the national or international level,
    and affirmed." He also emphasized the importance of education in the
    prevention of genocide.

    Concerning the Armenian Genocide, he stated that the process
    of international recognition of this genocide, the first of the
    20th century, "will be continued despite Turkey's denial of that
    indisputable historical fact."

    Following his remarks, Nazarian presented awards to the high school
    students who were winners of the Krieger Essay Contest on the
    prevention of genocide.

    A film by Dr. Michael Hagopian, and produced by Carla Garabedian,
    called "Voices from the Lake" was shown featuring eyewitness
    harrowing accounts by survivors of the Armenian Genocide. Archival
    photography detailed the atrocities, including the torturing of women
    and children. "Grieving Armenian parents gave up their children to
    Turks who were lined up in every town and city as the death marchers
    passed through. They gave their precious children up so they would
    not be killed even though they would probably go into harems or become
    slaves," said survivor Garabed Der Minassian.

    An aid worker, Marie Jacobsen, reported that "a nation was
    disappearing." An eyewitness to the atrocities, she said the Turkish
    gendarmes killed with axes and bayonets when they ran out of bullets."


    Introducing the distinguished panel of speakers who focused on
    lessons for prevention and healing, Dr. Kalayjian noted that the
    Ottoman Empire following the Genocide, in its court sessions was the
    first to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Twenty-eight countries of
    the world have also recognized the Armenian Genocide. "Both sides -
    victims and perpetrators need to heal," she stressed.

    Dr. Joyce Apsel, a professor at New York University and Institute for
    the Study of Genocide, in her talk on "Challenges and Initiatives
    for Prevention," recalled that two international declarations were
    passed in 1948: the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," and the
    "Declaration of the Prevention of Genocide." Across the world, the
    "human capacity to commit genocide has continued," she said. "It's
    important to understand and work for the prevention of any genocide."

    Apsel revealed that at the Zoryan Institute's Genocide and Human
    Rights University Program, where she has taught, Armenian and Turkish
    students would come and talk to each other, a process which has been
    created over the years. She outlined "transitional justice mechanisms"
    which include many courses of education; the development of a series of
    norms which have a responsibility to protect an international community
    when states fail to meet this responsibility; a series of tribunals
    which would make the perpetrators responsible; and truth commissions
    to acknowledge what has happened. Atrocity prevention also includes
    non-governmental organizations (NGO's), lawyers, ordinary people to
    prevent the escalation of violence, she said with emphasis.

    Thea Halo, a Pontian Greek and author of Not Even my Name, spoke
    about the role of memoir in the healing process. She confessed that
    growing up, she didn't know her heritage, and thus invented an ancient
    Egyptian one. She related that Greeks and Assyrians were ignored
    in Ottoman genocide history. Her mother, who is now almost 104, was
    on the death march for almost eight months with her five siblings,
    made into a slave and rescued by Armenians. "She never denigrated
    Turks, only the Turkish and Ottoman governments," said Halo, who read
    harrowing excerpts about the Genocide from her book. "A memoir can
    be a bridge for healing," she noted quietly.

    Alexander Dinelaris, who has written the award-winning play, "Red Dog
    Howls," which details how he found out about his Armenian heritage, was
    the recipient of the Armenian American Society for Studies on Stress
    and Genocide (AASSSG) 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award. He revealed
    that though he is part Cuban, Puerto Rican, Greek and Armenian, he was
    raised by his Armenian grandmother who never spoke about her travails
    during the Genocide. "I have carried the fear and guilt for decades,
    and worried that I would pass them on to my unborn child at the time. I
    wanted to break the cycle of guilt, fear, shame, humiliation. Genocide
    depends on dehumanization, and plays do the opposite. My play, "Red
    Dog Howls" was a 'collective catharsis,'" he said, quoting from Plato.

    During the question-and-answer period, it was pointed out that one of
    the major reasons that the Turks have not acknowledged the Armenian
    Genocide is because of the potentially expensive reparation. What
    is needed is the acknowledgment and validation of the Genocide, and
    appropriate reparation, the latter being a cause of vast differences
    of opinion in the Armenian community.

    Again, it was repeated that the effects of a genocide persist through
    generations with the subsequent generations carrying survivors' guilt.

    Before healing can be achieved, the roots of the problem must be
    addressed, it was stressed.

    The event concluded with a moment of silence for all victims of
    genocide in the past and present.

    Co-sponsors of the symposium included the Permanent Mission
    of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations, ATOP, AASSSG,
    Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Meaningfulworld, Armenian
    Constitutional Rights Protective Centre of Armenia, Voices for Freedom,
    and Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services,

    From: Baghdasarian