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Henry Renault: Relations Have Always Been Close And Reliable

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  • Henry Renault: Relations Have Always Been Close And Reliable


    Exclusive interview with Ambassador of France to Armenia Henry Renault

    Mr. Ambassador, thank you for accepting our interview request. And my
    first question. I would like to know your opinion on the post-electoral
    developments in Armenia.

    The embassy is very attentively following the post-electoral events in
    Armenia. We can only express satisfaction that the latter was held in
    an atmosphere of peace and dialogue. The point is about a satisfying
    change in comparison to the past.

    High-level Armenia-France meetings have been quite frequent recently.

    This year the visit of the president of France to Armenia is expected.

    Is this an indicator of France's growing interest in Armenia?

    France's relations with Armenia have always been close and reliable.

    High-level meetings certainly boost mutual relations, including the
    upcoming visit of the French president to Armenia.

    In fact, French-Armenian economic relations are weaker than political
    relations. What is needed to be done in Armenia to boost French
    investments, the presence of French capital here?

    France and Armenia are eager to develop mutual economic relations and
    are actively engaged in this task. We aspire to not only increase
    French investments in Armenia, but promote Armenian investments in
    France too. There is a wide field of maneuvering in terms of trade
    relations. We can bring one example: there are very few French
    car brands in the Armenian market. While, the presence of Armenian
    agricultural products would be beneficial in the French market. The
    French-Armenian business club, supported by the embassy, is working
    to strengthen economic ties.

    To continue, on these days the French retailer Carrefour is the
    public focus which is willing to invest in Armenia but the process
    is delayed. Do you follow this issue and what can you say about it?

    We're attentively following the Carrefour project in Armenia and
    we are in constant dialogue with the French distributor and local
    authorities. We're happy with the high-level interest of Armenia to
    see Carrefour here and we know we can count on their support. We're
    convinced after Georgia Carrefour will soon open also in Armenia.

    In October 2011 the French president Nicolas Sarkozy visiting Armenia
    stated that France is ready to send a working group to Armenia to
    discuss the possibility of France's participation in the construction
    of a new nuclear power plant. Mr. Ambassador, what can you say about
    the relating developments?

    The French interest in building the new nuclear power plant in Armenia
    is big. Interested parties are studying the plant.

    Does France take tangible interest in the energy sector in Armenia
    and what is it, also in a regional scope?

    France and the European Union fully understand the importance of energy
    issues in South Caucasus in terms of reliability and diversification
    of their supplies. Besides, works is carried out within the frameworks
    of Eastern Partnership to render the energy sector a factor of regional
    cooperation, agreement and unity.

    Mr. Ambassador, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide will
    be marked in three years. France assisted the Armenians greatly, both
    by providing refuge to genocide survivals and later in the process of
    international recognition of the genocide. Recently the new French
    government has been felt to have softened its attitude to Turkey's
    accession to the EU, namely in terms of the highlight on the Armenian
    issue. What is the attitude of official Paris?

    France is the first country to have formally recognized Armenian
    genocide in 2001. Besides, our country keeps expressing in favor
    of the international recognition of the Armenian genocide and will
    continue this course with the same determination.

    The Armenian-Turkish protocols, and the French ministry of foreign
    affairs participated in the ceremony of pre-signing of these protocols,
    have been frozen for three years. In your opinion, what scenario of
    Armenian-Turkish normalization is realistic, and is normalization in
    the nearest future realistic?

    The settlement of the Armenian-Turkish relations is a key regional
    issue for the establishment of relations between both countries and
    opening of the border. This, actually, is a primary factor for peace,
    cooperation and dialogue. We hope progress in this relation will be
    ensures ahead of the 100-th anniversary of genocide.

    France is a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group that mediates the
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict. What is your opinion on the
    current process of settlement?

    Minsk Group co-chairs keep working to find a negotiated solution to
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The sides to the conflict appreciate
    their efforts and both want to continue the mediation in the existing
    format. It is up to the sides to agree on concessions based on the
    principles of Madrid.

    The Armenian side puts forth its own formula of regional integration
    and settlement of issues which suggests that an unresolved conflict
    should not be an obstacle to integration and integration should be
    based on purely economic interests which may subsequently help form
    an enabling environment for the settlement of conflicts. Isn't it
    worthwhile to start from the other end - economic integration?

    The economic cooperation can and should promote political
    rapprochement, like the latter boosts economic integration. The EU
    path adopted since the beginning is a highlighting example. In turn,
    the Eastern Partnership between the EU and six countries of former
    Soviet Union involves both political and economic comprehension and
    both are called to be strengthened.

    16:42 12/04/2013 Story from News:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress