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The Great (Armenian) Lent: Lessons Learned

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  • The Great (Armenian) Lent: Lessons Learned


    ianyan Magazine
    April 11 2013

    Posted by Robert Fullam on April 11, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    For some people the Lenten season passes without much thought, ending
    on Easter with family and friends and people move on, go and mark
    the next holiday on their calendar but I've spent the past week or
    so mulling over what I've learned in this grand experiment of mine.

    If you were not aware, I embarked a 40 day journey of fasting
    throughout Lent, avoiding all animal products as dictated by the
    Armenian Apostolic Church as well as reflecting on the values that go
    along with it. My forty day trial of willpower may not have been as
    epic as Jesus' forty days and nights of being tempted by the Devil
    in the Judean desert but in a world where giving up chocolate or
    television is considered impressive, it's worthy of mention.

    The characteristics that mark Lent such as fasting, moderation and
    discipline were all tangible to my atheistic mind while some, such
    as reflecting on Jesus' suffering and prayer are out of the question.

    Nonetheless, much what I learned is universal and made me a better
    person, even if haven't emerged as a repentant Christian so I'll
    throw out some examples of what I have improved on.

    â- I've managed to commit to an exercise regimen, working out at
    least five times a week for more than a week! My past attempts used
    to mirror the New Year's resolutions of so many but now that I've
    started a system it's become much easier. I credit a lot of this to
    the fasting and because of the mindset of sacrifice, I felt I could
    just as easily sacrifice my time, my energy and my body to achieve
    my goal, something I will continue going forward. (Seriously, if you
    can keep yourself from eating cheese, you can do anything.) â- In a
    bid for self-reliance I learned to cook my own meals, partially out
    of desire and partially out of necessity because vegan fare is not
    common in the average American household. Reading lists of ingredients
    became a familiar ritual as I scanned for anything containing the
    words "egg" or "milk" in it. I learned to be patient and not quit
    the cooking process if something goes wrong like when I made my
    eggplant burger patties to large and they didn't cook all the way or
    I overcooked the lentils are they became mush. (The eggplant patties
    were actually fantastic when rolled up with lavash, the lentils on
    the other hand were a lost cause.) â- Perhaps most significant for
    a young adult, I made a hefty cut into my alcohol intake, partaking
    in it's consumption to just one or two days a week, with only a beer
    or two in each sitting. I'll drink to that. Dietary standards aside,
    I found myself less abrasive, less likely to snap at people and an
    eagerness to get out of my comfort zone.

    The most poignant change came on Easter and the days preceding it, no,
    not in a church pew but in my own home. Our family's Easter tradition
    does not have us dressing in our Sunday best but instead down on our
    hands and knees wiping, cleaning and scrubbing everywhere imaginable.

    My mother was given the responsibility to host Easter, a day that
    was previously celebrated at my grandparent's house when my mom was
    growing up. Meanwhile, Thanksgiving and Christmas were hosted by
    my grandfather's brothers and now those days have been given to my
    mother's sisters. As I found myself scrubbing hard through the muck
    and grime that has collected over the past year or so, I had not so
    much a revelation but something close to it.

    The simple process of cleaning the windows and floor of my deck
    mirrored the changes I had made in my life during those 40 days. It
    was clear that while this work was humbling I could not do I just a
    couple of days out of the year, I have to do it everyday or at least
    as often as I can. When I see trash on the ground I pick it up instead
    of just complaining that people litter, after I'm done eating I'll
    clean the dish instead of letting it sit in the sink and I'll take
    the empty milk/juice carton out of the fridge instead of placing it
    back in. These may seem like small things but they are a beginning
    and they present an opportunity to live an active life instead of
    a passive one, for the benefit of the environment, my family, our
    community and myself. The journey did not really end on Easter,
    it will go on as long as I allow it to and as far as I can tell,
    I'm not stopping anytime soon.
