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LTP delivers extended speech at ANC party's congress,compares Gagik

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  • LTP delivers extended speech at ANC party's congress,compares Gagik

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan delivers extended speech at ANC party's congress,
    compares Gagik Tsraukyan with Khachatur Sukiasian

    17:19 - 13.04.13

    Armenian National Congress party's already elected leader Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan delivered a speech at the party's first founding
    congress today in Karen Demirtchyan Sports and Concert Complex.

    In his speech he referred to the Prosperous Armenia party leader and
    hailed the independent policy he has started carrying out.
    Ter-Petrosyan also criticized Raffi Hovannisian's prayer with Vova

    He referred to the ANC history, calling it the most exclusive unity in
    Armenia's history which in the beginning comprised of 18 parties and

    Referring to the party's program, Levon Ter-Petrosyan said that there
    is no need to put the accents on steps or landmarks but on philosophy.
    `There is also a part which is a conjuncture, which relates to the
    practical policy and this part may not be needed anymore when
    constitutional rules be really established in Armenia. This part
    reflects what we have in our Constitution,' he said, adding that every
    authorities that will succeed in the implementation of the provisions
    of Constitution will do a great work for Armenia and its people. He
    stressed that politics is a work reflected in the Constitution.

    He stressed that today he is of the same opinion that the prior thing
    is the implementation of bourgeois-democratic revolution, which he
    said was criticized by many.

    He said if bourgeois-democratic revolution is not implemented there
    will be no socialism. Explaining what bourgeois-democratic revolution
    is, Ter-Petrosyan said, `The producing forces must be freed from
    chains. Previously there were feudal chains, while today in Armenia
    they are bandocratic chains - no difference.' He stressed that until
    Armenia is freed from bandocratic chains the country will not prosper
    and no democracy will be established. `Until big bourgeoisie is freed
    from these chains small and medium-sized business will not develop in
    Armenia. There is no other secret,' he said.

    He said they want to do it in Armenia, while many accept it with
    hostility. `They say `how it is possible to cooperate with the PAP as
    it is part of authorities'...Of course, we understand it, the PAP was
    part of the coalition. But what's bad in our attempts to cut them from
    authorities, then the others, then the others. There is no other way,'
    he said.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan noted that though they were intertwined but still
    they had succeeded. `At least we have managed to sow doubts among the
    people. Who was Khachatur Sukiasyan? Part of the same bourgeoisie and
    oligarchy and there was such attitude against him as well but this
    person have realized and came and joined our movement getting nothing
    for it, just the opposite, the authorities gave the first blow to him.
    The authorities better understand where the danger is than the
    political forces. They understood where it is and made Khachatur
    Sukiasyan go bankrupt,' he said.

    Ter-Petrosyan said they could do it as Sukiasyan was alone, and if he
    was not they would have failed. `The same way has chosen Gagik
    Tsraukyan. And what are they doing instead of promoting this process
    to deepen? This person has not done anything to raise doubts that he
    is not trying to cut himself from the authorities. I do not say he has
    fully cut from them as he can't do it having great wealth and being
    tied with them with thousands of issues, but all steps he has done
    testify it. He has withdrawn from coalition, refused to back Serzh
    Sargsyan in the elections, participated alone in the parliamentary
    elections, did not attend Sargsyan's inauguration and is ready to
    fight at the Yerevan City Council elections. How can a force,
    promoting the fight gainst evil be revolted?'

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan said Serzh Sargsyan will change his attitude
    toward Raffi Hovannisian at City Council election and will not allow
    him get as much votes as he did during the presidential ones. `Serzh
    is a vindictive person and he will never forgive what was done against
    him. He will neither forgive Gagik Tsarukyan for his independent steps
    and will not allow him reinforce and become a serious political factor
    in Armenia. The same is with Raffi. It seems he allows him to become
    opposition's leader, control the street but will not forgive his 37%
    of votes which is just the official figure. Now he will show Raffi
    other figures,' he said.

    Referring to Hovannisian he said many are interested why they do not
    join him. `First of all, I do not want to say any negative thing about
    Raffi,' he said adding that they were first to announce that Raffi
    Hovannisian was the winner in elections which was a great political
    support that could have made the relations with Heritage party closer.
    `Secondly, the main part of our activists where in the Liberty Square.
    And finally, why has not the ANC leadership joined them? Like Serzh
    Sargsyan says - join them for doing what? For praying with Vova
    Gasparyan? Believe me or not, but praying with Vova was not my
    childhood dream,' he said.

    Speaking about the processes following presidential elections, Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan said everything was taking place except political
    process. `We are ready to cooperate with Heritage party now as well.
    By saying political process I understand elections only. You should
    understand, there is no other process. Let's unite, we have stated
    about readiness to go with joint list, we had no ambitions to have our
    mayor, it did not matter for us whether the list would have been
    topped by members of ARF-D or Heritage, or Prosperous Armenia party.
    We were ready to contribute to this process. They did not want it and
    did not do it. The ARF-D tried another format. They three tried to
    have a joint list but failed again. Who is guilty, I do not know. I
    just register a fact,' Ter-Petrosyan said.

    He said there is still an opportunity to carry out joint political
    process but seriously with the creation of mechanism that will allow
    controlling the elections, cooperate in future.

    `Believe me, this authorities are totalitarian. It does not allow any
    vacuum. If they succeed they will not allow even a village governor be
    from other party,' he stressed.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan also stated that there is an opportunity to defeat
    the Republican party in Yerevan. In his words if the regime undergoes
    such painful defeat it is condemned to collapse.

    `Those who want to become president must know the way to reach it is
    win Yerevan mayoral elections,' he said, adding that he does not want
    to personalize the campaign noting that Taron Margaryan is the
    system's marionette and any other appointed by the regime will not be
    better than he. `I am fighting not against persons but system,'
    Ter-Petrosyan said.
