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Raising Awareness of Armenian Genocide

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  • Raising Awareness of Armenian Genocide

    Canadian Museum for Human RIghts
    Musie canadien pour les Droits de la Personne

    Raising awareness of Armenian Genocide

    POSTED BY: Clint Curle, Head, Stakeholder Relations, Apr 2, 2013
    Clint Curle, Head of Stakeholder Relations at the CMHR with
    representatives of the Zoryan Institute and the Armenian Genocide
    Museum-Institute beside a memorial dedicated to the victims of the
    Armenian Genocide in Yerevan, Armenia.

    Last month, I travelled to Yerevan, Armenia to meet with people from
    the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI). They're working to
    raise greater awareness of a horrific genocide that saw the murder of
    1.5 million people during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. Men,
    women and children - primarily Armenians, but also Greeks, Syrians and
    other minorities - were systematically targeted for destruction by the
    Ottoman government. The genocide began with the arrest, detainment,
    and execution of Armenian leaders and intellectuals. Then Armenian
    men, women, children, and the elderly were rounded up. Ottoman
    soldiers forced them on death marches through the desert. Many died of
    hunger, and others were raped or murdered by Turk forces or marauding
    gangs of collaborators. In 1915, the governments of Great Britain,
    France and Russia issued a joint statement accusing the Ottoman
    government of committing a "crime against humanity" - the first time
    the term was officially used to the describe such atrocities
    perpetrated by a state.

    Ongoing denial of this historic atrocity, waged in the name of ethnic
    homogeneity, makes it a contemporary human-rights concern. In April
    2004, Canada's Parliament passed a resolution acknowledging the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915 and condemning it as a crime against

    Civilitas, a non-profit organization, works to promote human rights in
    Armenia today.

    When the CMHR opens next year, information about this atrocity will be
    included in its galleries. We are also working to establish formal
    ties of cooperation with the Museum in Yerevan that could help both
    institutions in our efforts to use awareness and dialogue as a way to
    promote enhanced human rights for Armenians and all of humanity.

    The Museum in Armenia holds the world's strongest collection of
    artefacts, images and documents as evidence and commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide. Built directly into the side of a hill so as not
    to detract from the imposing presence of the nearby Genocide Monument,
    the Museum overlooks the scenic Ararat Valley and majestic Mount

    On my trip, I was accompanied and assisted by members of the
    Toronto-based Zoryan Institute of Canada, a group that supports
    scholarship and public awareness relating to issues of universal human
    rights, genocide, and diaspora-homeland relations.

    members of the Zoryan Institute of Canada From left to right: George
    Shirinian (Executive Director, Zoryan Institute), Greg Sarkissian
    (President, Zoryan Institute), Clint Curle (Head of Stakeholder
    Relations, CMHR) and Hayk Demoyan (Director, the Armenian Genocide

    While in Yerevan, I also met with a group called "Civilitas", which is
    working to promote human rights in Armenia today. Representatives
    were very interested in the CMHR and invited me to participate in an
    online interview.

    Knowledge and information can be powerful tools in the struggle for
    human rights, especially when secrecy, silence and denial of
    atrocities - whether historic or contemporary -- continue to violate
    the rights of people living today. Clint Curle, Head, Stakeholder
