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The American Dream Runs Amok In Aris Janigian's This Angelic Land

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  • The American Dream Runs Amok In Aris Janigian's This Angelic Land


    The Huffington Post
    April 15, 2013 Monday 7:09 PM EST

    The 1992 Los Angeles riots belong to an almost forgotten part of
    contemporary American history. Though they were deadlier than the
    '65 Watts riots, claiming over fifty dead and causing billions of
    dollars in damage, they have more or less faded into our collective
    unconscious. No major film--Hollywood or otherwise--has emerged
    to claim the tragic events which officially lasted an entire five
    days--from April 29th to May 4th. Little has been written to attempt
    to come to terms with the complex emotions and tensions that erupted
    into open racial and class conflict one fateful night when the brutal
    videotaped beating of Rodney King by white policemen unleashed
    a veritable hell of hatred and fire onto Los Angeles--until Aris
    Janigian's This Angelic Land, that is.

    Janigian's perceptive and sometimes gripping novel brings together
    some of LA's many tribes--African-American, WASP, Korean, Armenian,
    Jewish--into an emotional and intellectual conflagration that mirrors
    the burning and looting that the city suffered. Like some concrete
    carcass laid bare no one--not police or armed shop owner or concerned
    citizen--seems capable of saving the City of Angels from its dire
    fate in what the novel aptly terms a Korean Kristallnacht. Janigian,
    the talented author of two previous novels Bloodvine and Riverbig,
    recounts the events through multiple lenses, but mainly through the
    eyes of narrator Eric Derderian who lives in New York City and his 27
    year-old Angeleno brother Adam. The Derderians are refugees twice over,
    having settled in Lebanon after the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 and
    once again fled the carnage of the Lebanese Civil War to settle in LA:
    "My name is Eric Derderian. My family were refugees from the Lebanese
    Civil War, and yes there was dark irony in the fact that they were
    now reliving the horrors we had crossed half the world to escape. Yes,
    I worried about them, but alongside the worry, I confess was a vague
    satisfaction in watching LA get exactly what it deserved for the very
    reasons I had left it." (p7)

    Once in LA the Derderians must start over, not an easy thing for the
    family patriarch who is no longer young and speaks inflected English at
    best. Adam studies business at USC but is an artist at heart, someone
    struggling to find himself amidst the conflicting pull of family
    expectations, get-rich-quick schemes and a Protestant work ethic gone
    awry--much to his surprise, he comes to realize, for example, that his
    best friend from USC has grown up in a family of alcoholic WASPS that
    lie around the pool all day drinking and will only support their own
    in business. In high school, we learn that as an Armenian, Derderian
    (who now supports himself as a bar owner), also battled wacked-out
    notions of color and race: "Some figured he was kind of Messican, some
    wondered whether Arm-onion was A-rab. Say whah, Lebuhn-on where de fuck
    ih dat? Syria, and Israel, in that general direction, he might've said,
    if he'd thought it would help." (P46) Derderian has never considered
    himself white but to the African-Americans he encounters he is just
    another cracker until he earns their respect by matching their verbal
    agility with a pun of his own, achieving a type of Pax Ethnicana:

    "Lebah-on, huh?

    "That's where the war was man, being Armenian in Lebanon is like
    being black in America.


    "Exactly; Armain-yun. When you hear it you think, OUR MAIN
    MAN. Get it?!" He spread his arms out. It was an all-in absurdist
    wager...Suddenly they had smiles on their faces, and their heads began
    to bob like dashboard dogs. 'Awright den. Ah main man. U coo.'" (p47)

    Written partly as a third-person account and partly from a first-person
    perspective, This Angelic Land also intercuts re-imagined dialogue
    from television reports of the events. It's a bizarre feeling for
    the Derderians and others spread about who actually watch the city
    simultaneously burn right before their very eyes and on television, as
    if video confirmation of the events were necessary. Janigian cleverly
    reproduces the type of staid, meaningless dialogue that we have come
    to expect from TV. Here are news anchors Tim and Trish:

    TIM Disturbing, very disturbing.

    TRISH (contemplating the sign [BLACK OWNED]) It is.

    TIM Very, a a way, we can understand."


    Janigian's prose hits just the right spot: it is not overly-realistic,
    and although he experiments with linguistic juxtapositions,
    regionalisms and levels of language, he never goes as far as some
    contemporary writers whose prose is so abstruse that the story itself
    loses all interest. This Angelic Land makes a sensible contribution
    to contemporary American letters on its way to sparing no one in
    its wake. One of its main characters, though, offers a message of
    hope in the Prologue: "At the heart of a story, the Kurd told me,
    there should be love--a man and woman, or friends, two people, anyway,
    who, amid the destruction, find in each other what may be worth dying
    for, what may even require it. As the city burns, imagine them at the
    kitchen table with cups of coffee, an atom of intimacy in a galaxy of
    waste...certain that if such goodness between two people were possible
    then all was not lost, even if it might all be destroyed." (P1)

    Adam finds his one refuge amidst this violence and galaxy of Hollywood
    waste thanks to a wise old professor, a Jewish homosexual improbably
    named The Wizard who gives Adam a room in his house on the hills,
    to which our Derderian retreats whenever possible. The Wizard, to my
    mind, is the one character who rings a bit false in an otherwise nearly
    flawless novel: born on a Midwestern farm and partly self-educated,
    he dispenses his brand of all-knowing wisdom with a type of haughty
    detachment that makes him hard to empathize with. The Wizard, it
    turns out, has also suffered much in life, his books and intellectual
    condescension also a refuge from the horrors that he has seen and
    experienced. And yet, in a life otherwise full of turns and twists,
    it turns out that even he will not be able to spare his friend and
    confidant Adam Derderian a most tragic of endings.

    This Angelic Land, on West for West Books is available at

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress