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'The Roots Have Taken Hold'

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  • 'The Roots Have Taken Hold'

    Monday, April 15th, 2013

    Thousands gather at Liberty Square for one of many rallies since
    election day


    "What use is it to dream and try to change anything when the ax comes
    down to destroy it all, just at the moment when the roots have taken
    hold in the soil"

    Raffi (Hagop Melik - Hagopian, 1835 - 1888)

    Now that "the roots have taken hold in the soil", the future of Armenia
    depends on all of us. The people have arisen and there is no going
    back. There has been dramatic change in Armenia. It is our duty in the
    diaspora to support those brave men and women that have taken to the
    streets to reclaim ownership of their destiny and for a brighter future
    for Armenia. Regrettably, because of an absence of a clear strategy it
    is difficult to have a clear vision of future political developments.

    One may think the specter of change in Armenia may never materialize.

    There may be no change in the ruling government, there may be no social
    change, no social justice, no rule of law, no end to oligarchs who
    are stifling the economy, no unity of purpose, no national ideology.

    One may predict that nothing will change, the revolution that was
    started by the citizens of Armenia, was never to be. There was no
    revolution of any color. Thankfully, no blood was spilled but the
    police did use force and arrested some protesters. Those who are
    entrenched in their comfortable posts may never step down. The people
    who are downtrodden may rise once again because they have overcome
    their fear.

    Opposition political parties have not been able to unite on a common
    platform. They did not want to cede to their individual ambitions.

    They were not able to agree on one candidate representing all
    opposition forces.

    An opposition party that belongs to an oligarch follows its own
    course. Not long ago it was part of the ruling government. Its leader
    can not alienate his former partners and jeopardize his business

    An opposition party led by a former president who squandered the
    nation's wealth; who sold entire factories and government property
    to acolytes in a giant garage sale, who outlawed the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation and imprisoned its members; and described
    national ideology as a "fake category" is waiting for the right moment
    to stage a comeback.

    An opposition party that got up to 37 percent of the vote in the recent
    presidential elections and could have won the election outright,
    were it not for massive election fraud, is unable to capitalize on
    a popular uprising and lacks the organizational capability to bring
    the change to fruition.

    Another opposition party that wants to safeguard the security and
    stability of a reborn nation, that cannot afford dangerous upheavals,
    that will not condone a bloody revolution, that is opposed to any kind
    of change by force has resolved to change the regime at all levels,
    for the creation of a homeland based on democratic principles, social
    justice, the rule of law and a national ideology.

    There are other parties that do not truly represent the popular will,
    and are set to support the ruling party, with utmost disregard for
    the welfare of the populace, vying for good graces with the "elected"
    president. Then there are fringe political parties in the Diaspora
    that have rushed to align themselves with the ruling government,
    while well aware of the sad state of our nation. They have evolved
    into several splinters and their membership does not necessarily
    agree with their alliances.

    A national non profit benevolent organization that professes not to
    delve in politics does so energetically, supporting all that is wrong
    with the gang of oligarchs ruling Armenia.

    It is imperative that the Armenian Church that historically has
    sustained the survival of our people in times of turmoil or occupation,
    will forcefully speak out in favor of the plight of the people,
    or refrain from taking sides in the present situation.

    Finally, a diaspora that with a few exceptions looks at Armenia
    with nostalgia and high expectations, does his duty by supporting
    financially and visiting the homeland, but is apathetic to the plight
    of the citizens of Armenia, condemns those who leave rather than stay
    and fight for change, but is not willing to support those who are on
    the ramparts.


    This is definitely not the Armenia that generation after generation
    dreamed of. A reborn independent Armenia should be based on a
    pan-Armenian National Ideology. It should be the homeland for all
    Armenians with equal obligations, equal representation, and equal
    rights. It should be democratic, prosperous and a safe haven for a
    people that has suffered enough, endured the first genocide of the
    twentieth century, that has endured Soviet rule and is spread out in
    all corners of the world.

    The popular movement that has arisen in Armenia is genuine in all
    aspects. People have deep rooted grievances and are angry. They want
    change. However there is no cohesive plan of action and the system is
    such that it will stifle change. The people who have a stranglehold
    on leadership positions, will not relinquish power. Too much is at
    stake for Oligarchs who are in possession of the nation's wealth.

    What is disturbing is the fact that the West is supporting the ruling
    government. One would think that a popular revolution of some color
    would be acclaimed and democracy would be promoted. One can only
    suspect that this kind of blind support for the ruling government
    in Armenia, makes it more amenable to foreign interests and hence
    susceptible to unwanted intervention.


    Starting with the rebirth of our nation, there has not been security.

    A series of assassinations have plagued Armenia; The assassination
    of the first president of Nagorno - Karabakh, the assassination of
    prominent Nagorno - Karabakh military commanders, the attack on the
    parliament in Armenia with the assassination of the defense minister
    and a multitude of sporadic assassinations of public officials have
    not been elicited or resolved.

    It is a sad day for our nation. A Nagorno - Karabakh war hero, an
    ARF member, mayor of the city of Proshian was assassinated. It is an
    assassination with a political subtext. Was it aimed at the ARF? Is
    it a message to the ARF not to support the popular movement? Or is
    it a plot to draw the ARF into a face-off.

    This is a red line that should not have been crossed. It brings back
    memories of dark periods in our history. No national hero deserves
    to be killed by his own people. This killing should not go unpunished.

    One would hope that "The roots have taken hold in the soil" even if the
    movement runs out of steam. The citizens of Armenia will eventually
    overcome the forces of evil by sustaining the pressure and bring
    about genuine change. One can only hope that the aspiring forces in
    Armenia will put the nation's interests above personal ambitions.

    The only way out of the present deadlock is for the government
    and the opposition to come together and implement real radical and
    substantive changes.
