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The Most Important Thing On April 9

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  • The Most Important Thing On April 9


    Interview with Manvel Sargsyan, director of ACNIS

    Mr. Sargsyan, many people think that the post-electoral process ended
    on April 9. In your opinion, what happened on April?

    Something strange happened on that day. First, thousands of policemen
    blocked the way of only 2000 people at 1 km from the presidential
    administration, brining barbed wire and water cannons but the behavior
    of the police was even stranger, their actions were highly vulnerable,
    they simple kidnapped people. The purpose is not clear because they
    kidnapped those people who tried to maintain order, prevent people
    from active actions. The purpose of the police was not clear. The
    impression is that they wanted chaos, an uncontrollable crowd to use
    force because they had such an order.

    If this is not the purpose of the police, by kidnapping people they
    served a bad example with bad consequences for the state. It turns out
    that people can be kidnapped, they put it like bring to the police
    station, and then they say it is not arrest. Meanwhile, there is
    a procedure: first they come up to a person, introduce themselves,
    state the reason and only then take someone to the police station.

    Meanwhile, most policemen were wearing plain clothes. They think this
    is an effective way of solving problems but when illegal things are
    done, it will mean that the public has the right to do the same with
    the police, officials, Serzh Sargsyan, Tigran Sargsyan and others.

    Mr. Sargsyan, when will the regime surrender and is there an agenda
    in case the regime surrenders?

    If the only way the regime can protect itself is to surround itself
    with thousands of policemen, capitulation will take only one step. All
    the regimes have behaved so in the world. The societies have kept the
    police through peaceful actions in this situation until the police
    took to the side of people and yielded the regime. Now if the Armenian
    people succeed to self-organize, thousands of policemen will took to
    the side of people and will yield the regime. If people are organized,
    the use of force will not be effective for a long time. Therefore I am
    saying that something very important took place on April 9. It is not
    accidental that threats about another March 1 come from all the sides.

    It is the only weapon in the regime's arsenal which understands that
    use of force will mark the beginning of its end. Therefore the chief
    of police was praying.

    Lots of people were disappointed after April 9 because they did not
    get the promised action plan and left the square. Will the society
    be able to self-organize if nothing changes in the next five years?

    People are disappointed when they have expectations but who has
    invented expectations this time, what did people invent for April
    9 that did not come true? Did they hope to storm 26 Baghramyan? The
    period till April 9 was the post-electoral process which means that
    the election results can be disputed. Since 1996 people have been
    convinced that neither the CEC, nor the Constitutional Court would
    ever change their decisions, everyone was convinced but they disputed
    the results anyway? What did you expect that did not come true?

    I expected that inauguration would be followed by a new situation,
    a new process, clearly defined objectives, headquarters would be set
    up to achieve those objectives.

    In that case you have the right to be disappointed but I do not
    think that thousands of people thought so. If this were the general
    expectation, it would have come true. It's not too late. However, most
    people did not even understand the inauguration speech, they did not
    understand that a call for civil disobedience was made. This indicates
    how irrational all the actions are. It is time to understand that a
    post-electoral dispute is devoid of any content and comes and fades
    away. However, no dispute can resolve the problem that has been put
    forth to people. At best you will have a coup, something regressive.

    The main issue is that people want to rid of the system which is
    unfair. In the world such problems are resolved by civil movements
    which have nothing to do with elections. It is impossible to remove
    a regime through post-electoral procedures. The problem is blurred in
    the post-electoral period. In 2008 the issue was to remove the bandit
    state to which the issue of bringing a specific group to government,
    then the issue of disputing added. Then it is proposed to have 500,000
    people at one place but it is impossible to have so many people gather
    in one place to protest rigged elections. Not even for making the
    regime to enter into a dialogue. It is possible only when the goal is
    to remove the regime and convincing actions are taken. A civil movement
    is not ruled out but the civil movement has a different logic. You will
    never succeed unless you know how to bring the regime to its knees.

    Is it possible that political forces direct the civil actions?

    If a political party or figure wants to come to government through
    a civil movement, the movement will be doomed and will not succeed
    because coming to power cannot be combined with changing the system,
    as soon as these two are combined, everything will be over. Experience
    shows that in such countries as Armenia political parties are
    perceived as links of government. Therefore, civil movements in all
    the countries have realized that the parties should be made to give
    up deals with the regime and obey people. Freeing the mechanism
    of free elections from the regime stems from the interests of the
    same political parties. Political parties do not exist without free
    elections or exist in the Armenian way which is well-known to us.

    Siranuysh Papyan 18:38 15/04/2013 Story from News:
