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Workshop On Potential Impacts Of The EU-Armenia Deep And Comprehensi

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  • Workshop On Potential Impacts Of The EU-Armenia Deep And Comprehensi

    14:56 16.04.2013

    A workshop on potential impacts of the proposed EU-Armenia Deep
    and Comprehensive Free Trade Area will be held in Yerevan on April
    17. The workshop aims to ensure a better understanding by national
    representatives, business associations, social partners and civil
    society of the Trade SIA process and to promote an interactive dialogue
    between the different players.

    The workshop is held in the same week as the 5th round of DCFTA
    negotiations between the EU and Armenia, which take place in Yerevan
    on April 16 and 17. While these negotiations take place behind closed
    doors, the TSIA workshop provides an opportunity for key non-state
    stakeholders and the wider public to let their voices be heard in
    the process.

    During the workshop the Ecorys-CASE consortium will present the
    findings from the first phase of the study, which concerned the
    quantitative analysis of macro-economic and sector level impacts (e.g.
    expected impacts in terms of national income, employment and trade).

    Invited guest speakers will subsequently provide their views on
    potential effects of the DCFTA at specific sector level, and in the,
    social and environmental spheres.

    The preliminary findings of the study suggest that the DCFTA should
    bring positive and significant effects for Armenian national income
    with GDP increasing 2.3 percent in the long run (5-10 years). The
    expected DCFTA effects on Armenian exports are significant, with a
    projected 15.2 percent increase in exports and an 8.2 percent increase
    in imports in the long run, leading to an improvement in Armenia's
    trade balance. Wages are expected to increase with 2.6 percent on
    average, while consumer prices slightly decrease, leading to a quite
    substantial increase in disposable income.

    However, less affluent households are expected to benefit slightly
    less from the DCFTA, compared to the relatively rich strata of
    population. This is largely due to differences in income and
    expenditure patterns. More specifically, although average prices
    go down, food prices are expected to increase slightly, and poorer
    strata of the population spend a larger share of their income on food
    products. Thus a slight increase in inequality may occur.

    The DCFTA will bring a combination of positive and negative
    environmental effects and the overall impact is difficult to
    predict - it should be kept in mind that especially in the social
    and environmental spheres, many other factors are at play as well
    with a potentially much greater impact.

    At sector level, the DCFTA is expected to have positive effects for
    those sectors that have a competitive advantage, while sectors with
    a competitive disadvantage may face some reductions in output and
    employment. The study team has selected a number of sectors which
    are expected to see substantial impacts for further analysis in the
    last phase of the study. These include primary metals, textiles
    and clothing and brandy making. Labour mobility is considered as
    well, as it is seen as an important factor in easing the (necessary)
    transition of workers between sectors, from rural to urban areas and
    from the informal to the formal sectors.

    While the overall impacts of the DCFTA are thus expected to be positive
    for Armenia, there may be winners and losers and considering these
    various groups and how short term losses may be reduced or cushioned
    is an important objective of the final phase of this study, for which
    the inputs of the actual stakeholders are considered crucial.
