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Prizes for Articles on the Armenian Genocide in Int'l Scholarly Peri

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  • Prizes for Articles on the Armenian Genocide in Int'l Scholarly Peri

    PROJECT? AG100_DIFS-?.3_A-The Upcoming 100^th Anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide


    With respect to the impending 100^th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide, the Tashir Foundation and the Facebook initiative /We Demand
    an Increase in the Financing of Science/
    ) jointly announce a series
    of prizes for scholarly articles published in English, French, German
    and Spanish languages in peer-reviewed and/or indexed international
    academic periodicals, as well as in serial publications having an Impact
    Factor, by citizens of the Republic of Armenia and foreign nationals.

    Awards will be given to those scholarly works, which are indexed inthe
    Social Sciences Citation Index, the Arts and Humanities Citation Index,
    Thomson Reuters, Springer, Scopus, JSTOR, the International Bibliography
    of the Social Sciences, the Philosophy Documentataion Center
    eCollection, ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities),
    WestLaw, Linguistic Bibliography, Index Islamicus, ProQuest Research
    Libraryand analogous international databases.

    The impact factor of periodicals having that measure will be based on
    the calculations made by the databasesScopus and Web of
    Knowledge--Thomson Reuters.

    The citizens of the Republicof Armenia, as wells academics from abroad
    and the Armenian Diaspora are invited to participate in this competition.

    Applications will be received until March 31, 2015inclusive.
    Applications may be presented immediately after the publication of the
    article submitted and until the deadline mentioned. All articles to be
    submitted for consideration should be published after the release of
    this statement.

    The jury will select the successful applications on an annual basis, on
    the 20^th of April of each year.

    During the annual selection process, only articles published between the
    month of April of the previous year and the 31^st of March of that
    particular year will be considered. Articles, which receive prizes, will
    be ineligible for the subsequent annual competitions.

    The jury will consist of representatives of the Tashir Foundation, /We
    Demand an Increase in the Financing of Science/, as well as
    representatives of prestigious Armenian Studies centers in Armeniaand
    across the world.

    In order to participate in this competition, it is necessary to join the
    Facebook page add the
    following information related to the author and the article submitted
    under the comments section of the announcement for this competition:

    -First name, father's/middlename(if applicable), andsurname



    -Telephone Number

    -Full bibliographic details or links on the Internet of the submitted




    All fields are mandatory; the absence of any requested piece of
    information will make the application ineligible for consideration.
    Therefore, we ask you to submit the requested information in full and in
    the order listed above. The deadline for the last of these annual
    competitions is, as mentioned above, March 31, 2015.

    We request that you submit /only /the requested application packages in
    the comments section underneath this announcement. All other types of
    comments will be deleted.

    From: Baghdasarian