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Scavenging in "Better Yerevan"

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  • Scavenging in "Better Yerevan"

    Scavenging in "Better Yerevan" (video)'205&l=en
    2013-04-20 17:54:14

    It has been a long time since the election campaign of Yerevan Council
    of Elders started. Candidates nominated by parties meet with citizens,
    give some promises and try to restore confidence in Yerevan's

    Following the campaign of parties it becomes apparent that the latter
    focus on the problems that are possible and egregious, but are not
    very important for the residents of the capital.

    For example mayoral candidate from "Rule of Law" party Armen Yeritsyan
    promised to clean Yerevan's Komaygi park from guys, who have changed
    their sexual orientation, illuminate the park and put there cameras,
    even promised to immediately put on Youtube what is happening there.
    Yes, this is the only and the primary task of Yerevan!

    Incumbent Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan also conducts his election
    campaign and promises even better Yerevan. You would think that we
    live in a good Yerevan during the reign of the Mayor, who is limited
    to the city center.

    With regard to such problems, real problems of Yerevan are being left
    without solution, the issues that need urgent decision.

    For example, how scavenging is held in the outskirts of Yerevan. The
    following video is only one frame of scavenging in Shengavit
    administrative district. Of course, it's not the only problem of the
    outskirts of Yerevan, but it's one of them. The video shows how people
    pick up litter above their heads and throw into the garbage truck,
    which comes once a week. In summer such a stench spreads that it is
    just hard to breathe, let alone about the unsanitary conditions. What
    does it mean to show in online mode guys, who have changed their
    orientation, when there are no basic living conditions in the city,
    and the incumbent Mayor either ignores these problems, or does not
    know about these problems, or is engaged in kickbacks.

    This problem should be taken seriously, as not a person or party in
    power are important, but their activities are important for ordinary

    Nelli Avetisyan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress