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Jews And Christians Are Offended In Azerbaijani Textbooks

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  • Jews And Christians Are Offended In Azerbaijani Textbooks


    10:34 22/04/2013 " SOCIETY

    The head of the community of Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan Melih
    Evdayev and senior pastor of the Baptist Church in Azerbaijan Ilya
    Zenchenko believe that the Azerbaijani textbook for the 5th grade
    offends Christians and Jews, the Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo states.

    As stated in the material, the fifth grade textbook entitled "Knowledge
    of the world", approved by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan
    in July 2012, reads:

    "The first man, Adam, is also the first prophet. All the prophets
    from Adam to Prophet Jesus preached people faith in one God, and how
    he should be worshiped. However, the roots and the dictates of creed
    they preach, were eventually broken, and their origins were lost. For
    example, over time, such traditional religions as Christianity and
    Judaism, were eventually changed by the Christian and Jewish religious
    leaders and lost their original meaning. Then Allah Almighty decided
    to warn all the people once again and chose the Prophet Muhammad so
    that he conveyed to them the most perfect religion which is Islam.

    Today Islam is the perfect religion in the world and the most
    acceptable for Allah. "

    It is this paragraph that is offensive to the representatives of two
    religions. "This is an offence to our religion. What does the phrase
    saying that "over time, such traditional religions as Christianity and
    Judaism were eventually changed by the Christian and Jewish religious
    leaders" mean? Does it mean we have changed the Torah?" Melih Evdayev
    the head of the community of Mountain Jews wonders.

    Not a letter can be changed in Torah, the head of the community
    stated. "Because it is a blasphemy," said Melih Evdayev.

    Ilya Zenchenko, the senior pastor of the Baptist Church in Azerbaijan,
    agrees with the head of the community of Mountain Jews. "Inclusion
    of the phrase "over time, such traditional religions as Christianity
    and Judaism were eventually changed by the Christian and Jewish
    religious leaders " in the textbook is an exaltation of one religion
    and humiliation of another one," I. Zenchenko notes.

    As the senior pastor noted, the question of which religion is more
    perfect, is a subject of debate among theologians. "I think there is
    no need to pull the school children into this discussion," he said
    and noted that he was familiar with this tutorial, because his son
    studies at school.

    Haji Shahin, the head of the religious community "Meshedi Dadash,"
    stated that Azerbaijan is a secular, but a Muslim state. "That is
    why I do not think that a serious error is made in this case," Haji
    Shahin said.

    Note that in the U.S. State Department report on "Freedom of religion"
    it says that despite of the fact that the Constitution of Azerbaijan
    provides freedom of religion, in practice, the laws and policies
    of the authorities restrict this freedom. In 2011, the Azerbaijani
    authorities carried out raids in some religious services, confiscated
    religious materials, and harassed and arrested members of Muslim and
    Christian communities.

    In addition, religious groups face onerous demands by the government
    when registering. Registration process itself is a kind of lever that
    is used by the authorities of Azerbaijan against unwanted religious
    groups. The groups that operate without registration are harassed by
    the authorities, including fines and court cases which demand their
    closure, U.S. State Department report reads.

    The International Organization for the protection of religious rights
    and freedoms "Forum 18" noted that Azerbaijani police regularly holds
    raids on the homes of religious people, and some Christian clergymen
    have even been imprisoned for their faith.

