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Azerbaijani Delegation Head Reminds Pace About Hayrikyan

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  • Azerbaijani Delegation Head Reminds Pace About Hayrikyan

    08:11 PM | TODAY | POLITICS

    Azerbaijani delegates were the last to address the opening of the
    Spring Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
    (PACE). All the registered delegates who did not have an opportunity
    to address the Strasbourg-based PACE session can submit their speeches
    in written form.

    PACE delegates today debated the Election Observation Report on the
    presidential election in Armenia authored by the Ad hoc Committee of
    the Bureau.

    Semid Seyidov, Head of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE,
    announced that they are well aware of the events taking place in
    the neighboring country (Armenia) and advised PACE delegates to open
    their eyes.

    "It is written in the report that "Election day was calm and peaceful
    overall." Have you forgotten about the assassination attempt upon
    one of the presidential candidates?" he said meaning Paruyr Hairikyan.

    In her report, Karin Woldseth (Norway, EDG), head of the mission which
    observed the election, welcomes in particular that the candidates were
    able to campaign without hindrance, that the public media provided
    balanced coverage and that election day was calm and peaceful.

    The report approved today by the Assembly does point out, however,
    that "a number of shortcomings" were observed, in particular "abuse of
    administrative resources" and "interference in the election process by
    candidate proxies and supporters". In addition, the Assembly regretted
    that voters saw their possible choices narrowed by the decision of
    major political parties not to present candidates.

    PACE urged the Armenian authorities to address these shortcomings,
    which undermine public trust in the electoral process, in order to
    ensure that they do not resurface in future elections, whether at
    national, local or regional level. It also asked the authorities to
    investigate all allegations of electoral fraud and misconduct and to
    punish any perpetrators.

    The full report is available here
