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Global Gold Mining Armenia Branch Statement

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  • Global Gold Mining Armenia Branch Statement


    It has been for some time that some individual representatives of some
    NGOs in Armenia continue to make deliberately unsubstantiated,
    contradicting to facts and reality claims regarding the environmental
    situation at Toukhmanuk mine, including through internet and letters
    to various organizations and individuals.
    Since November 2, 2012, the time when the Company transparently and
    openly presented the construction project for its next tailings dam to
    be constructed at Toukhmanuk property for public discussions, these
    individual representatives (including, specifically, Silva Adamian,
    representing Bird - Fanciers NGO, Hakop Sanasarian, representing
    Armenian Greens Association, Artur Grigorian, representing Ecoright
    NGO, and others), started posting claims that contradict the reality
    regarding Toukhmanuk new tailings dam, specifically, and the
    activities of Mego Gold in general, in the internet and media.
    Deliberate, and often simply insulting statements and claims were
    made, including, through selectively presenting, by falsely
    misrepresenting and misinterpreting the different parts of the
    Toukhmanuk new tailings dam construction project documents, often
    twisting and forging the clear and undeniable facts and realities,
    including through acting `unaware' about well known facts and
    realities, for the purposes of a deliberate and smear propaganda
    agasnt the Company's activities.
    Thus, during November 2012, through some internet and media
    publications, these individuals claimed, that (i) `Mego Gold is going
    to contstruct a tailings dam with a territory of about 7 hectares',
    (while, in fact, the territory of the tailings dam is only 1,53
    hectares, according to presented project documents), (ii) due to Mego
    Gold activities `no babies are born in Melikgyough anymore', or
    `infant natality became almost zero', (while, in fact, only in 2012,
    25 babies were born in Melikgyough, and 7 more babies were born since
    January 2013 until now, i.e., infant natality rate in Melikgyough is
    higher than average rate in Armenia by 1,7 times), (iii) due to
    activities of Mego Gold `the cases of cancer disease multiplied in the
    community', (while, in fact, during the activities of Mego Gold since
    2008 only three cases of cancer was registered in the community, all
    patients being older than the age of 75, i.e. only 0,26% of the
    community, while the average rate in Armenia is 1%, and, for example,
    another community with the same population in the same province,
    Katnakhpyur, that has no mining property or any industrial activities
    around, registered 18 cases of cancer, i.e., 6 times more than in
    Melikgyough, during the same period), (iv) `there were numerous cases
    of accidents at the tailings dam, and it collapsed', (while, in fact,
    there were no accidents at tailings dam, and it never collapsed, there
    were no such signals even from unofficial sources), (v) that `no one
    knows about the mining plan', `the public is not being informed about
    such plans', and, `only small amount of information was possible to
    extract forcefully', (while, in fact, the mining plan, including the
    open pit plan, treatment plant plan, and the tailings dam plan were
    prepared, examined, including for environmental and health protection
    aspects, filed and subjected to special expertise, including through
    public hearings with participation of the representatives of the
    community back in 2008, and these plans, along with all accompanying
    documents, are available at the respective bodies and at the Company,
    all publicly available, including pursuant to Armenian Law on Freedom
    of Information), (vi) due to activities of Mego Gold `land fertility
    declined multiple times', `villagers reap no harvest', `land fertility
    dropped, fields are being destroyed and deserted', `huge damage is
    caused to the community's agriculture', (while, in fact, the harvest
    of oat as a general culture raised in the community during 2012 was
    record high, for non - irrigational lands, amounting 25 metric
    centners/ha, the potato harvest was also much higher than the average,
    amounting 35 tonns/ha), (vii) due to activities of Mego Gold
    `territory necessary for cattle breading dramatically declined',
    (while, in fact, Mego Gold is using only industrial lands, Melikgyough
    community agricultural lands territory amounts to 2,337.3 hectares,
    vs. Mego Gold mining territory amounting to only 46,7 hectares, i.e.,
    only 2% of territory compared to the community's agricultural lands),
    (viii) that `drinking water is contaminated, because the tailings
    infiltrate the irrigation water', `the quality of drinking and
    irrigation water supplied to Melikgyough dramatically worsened),
    (while, in fact, Mego Gold conducts permanent environmental monitoring
    in and around Toukhmanuk property through an independent expert
    organization, since 2006, such monitoring including some 23 elements,
    including the metals, the results are disclosed by the expert
    organization to the community, local government, state bodies, NGOs,
    and also posted on the internet, during these 6 years of monitoring no
    cases of any release of any element into the environment, including
    into the drinking and irrigation water of Melikgyough, was recorded),
    (ix) that `water generation and water supply systems are breached and
    destroyed', that `it is impossible not to breach or destroy water
    generation systems, since property exploited by the Company is the
    part of such system of water generation and water supply', (while, in
    fact, the territory of such water generation and water supply is
    consisting of 80 to 100 square kilometers, comprising the most part of
    the Tsakhunyats plato, while the mining territory of Mego Gold is only
    0,46 square kilometers, i.e., only 0,46% or 0,57% of the whole water
    generation and supply system, and all water generation and supply
    systems are being preserved even in the mining territory of the
    Aside from these claims, there were also other, numerous, deliberately
    false and fabricated claims, from the same individual representatives.
    Generally, individuals making these claims are not only well aware
    about the nature of their claims being false and fabricated. They are
    also aware that the Company and Mego Gold are taking care and spend
    big amount attention towards the environment, and that they never
    breached any environmental rule or statute.
    Besides these clams, the same individuals made public claims of simply
    insulting and defamatory character against the Company and its
    employees, publicly calling them `parorexia', `thief', `exploiter of
    the poor', and other, publically called the community members`cowards'
    and `corrupt', the community residents who disagreed with their
    false statements as `traitors', and the fact of the community official
    consent to construct of the new tailings dam as a `bargain'. The
    offenders, presumably, are all educated, some with scientific titles,
    all considering themselves as public representatives, while the norms
    of civilized manners, and not this obscene behavior, shall be typical
    to public or any of its representatives. One of the offenders, for
    example, went so far in his own manipulation and twisting of the
    reality, that publically accused the CEO of the Company, a descendant
    of the generation escaping the Genocide and living in Diaspora, whose
    track of record in international recognition of the Genocide is
    evident and undeniable, in `intention to take part in the Genocide'.
    Afterwards, in a clear attempt to `implement' the false and fabricated
    claims already made deliberately and disseminated, Silva Adamyan, on
    behalf of the Ecological Public Alliance, appealed to the Prime
    Minister and the Minister of Environment of Armenia, and demanded to
    `stop all the activities of Mego Gold', referencing to the same false
    accusations made.
    Considering that the deliberate manipulation and twisting the facts
    and reality shall have a potential of causing damage to the reputation
    of the same NGOs that these individuals are representing, and also
    considering, that the same individuals shall be concerned about such
    damaged reputation at the first place, the Company came up with a
    public statement in January 31, 2012, pointing to factual evidence,
    and called to refrain from damaging the reputation of the NGOs and the
    public representatives, refrain from disseminating obscurantism and
    considering the clear evidence and scientific substantiation instead,
    refrain from insulting the Company, its employees and the community
    residents, and offered a good faith cooperation with the Company in
    its everyday work aimed at protection of the environment.
    Instead of accepting the reasonable offer made by the Company which
    would be acceptable to any true public representative, the same
    individuals, without even trying to refute any of the evidence or
    expert test results and scientific substantiation provided by the
    Company, tried to continue disseminating the same false and fabricated
    claims against the Company, through changing the ways of manipulation
    First, an attempt was made to accuse the Company as if the latter
    `conceals' its mining plans and documents from the public.
    Furthermore, these individuals, while acting as falsely unaware,
    attempted to accuse the Company in `publically refuting' the presence
    of metals in the tailings dam, accused the Company in concealing the
    methodic by which the project documents were prepared', demanded
    `expert information' (as if such information was not disclosed the
    public), and, furthermore, claimed as if the information contained in
    a scientific work that was published in 2010 (Sh. Khachatryan,
    `Geological and chemical specifications of the Toukhmanuk Gold Mine')
    contradicted the information provided by the Company, and further
    claimed that the Company, its officers and specialists `deliberately
    mislead the public, by concealing the content of the tailings to be
    placed in the tailings dam and their potential effect on the health of
    the residents of the community and the entire region'.
    In fact, however, in November 27, 2012, the Company presented only the
    construction project of its new tailings dam to be constructed for the
    public hearings, including the environmental study for the
    construction of the tailings dam. While, in fact, the Company
    presented and implemented the public hearings for Toukhmanuk mining
    plan back in April 21, 2006, in the community hall of Melikgyough
    village, in presence of hundreds of attendees. For the purposes of
    such hearings, the Toukhmanuk mining plan, including the open pit
    plan, treatment plant plan, and the tailings dam construction plan
    were presented and publically discussed, along with any and all
    accompanying documents, analysis, and scientific reports, consisting
    of hundreds of pages of documents. Community officials, residents,
    public figures, intellectuals, National Assembly members, specialists,
    NGO representatives, reporters, local clergy members, and others
    simply interested in the Toukhmanuk project attended the hearings
    (please see the pictures attached). The hearings took almost all day.
    In the result, the detailed project documents, along with expert and
    scientific substantiations, were filed to the Ministry of Environment,
    along with the community's consent for the project to commence, and
    for expert examination. In the result of the expert examination,
    conducted in all detail and scrutiny, the Environmental Approval for
    Toukhmanuk Mining Plan was issued. All the documents presented at the
    hearings, then presented for the Approval, and even after the hearings
    and such Approval, are publically available at the official bodies and
    the Company, pursuant to Armenian Law on Freedom of Information.
    Besides these open, transparent and public proceedings of 2008, the
    Company prepared and filed the results of its massive geological
    exploration of Toukhmanuk ore field in 2006, consisting of the result
    of diamond drilling of 25,000 meters, surface and trench sampling, and
    scientific report for this exploration. All these documents are also
    publically available. In the result of the Company's scientific
    research, the Toukhmanuk Pre Feasibility Study (including the
    environmental impact study), the Toukhmanuk Metallurgical Reports
    (four of them, for the years of 2008, 2009, and 2010), also the
    Company's `Toukhmanuk Geological Exploration Report' for 2009, were
    all prepared, and filed for approval of Toukhmanuk reserves at the
    Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. All these documents are
    publically available, and the proceedings at the Ministry were all
    open for public. In fact, the scientists (Sh. Khachaturyan), who,
    according to the accusers, `revealed' the `concealed' information by
    the Company, co - authored the Company's `Toukhmanuk Geologcial
    Exploration Report', and the scientific work he published in 2010 is
    just the brief version of the Company's 2006 Report.
    One specific episode of attempts to falsely accuse the Company by
    these individuals is typical: in their fabricated attempt to `reveal
    the truth', one of this individuals, without notifying the Company or
    inviting the Company to participate, and secretly from the Company,
    initiated `sampling the tailings dam and the soils from the yards of
    the villagers of Melikgyough', then falsely announced about`revealing
    the concealed by the Company concentrations of some elements that
    exceed the limits provided under the law', and placed the statements
    in the internet, without analyzing, immediately.
    For legal consideration, it is worth to mention, that Armenian law
    (like the laws of other countries) does not provide `limits for
    concentration of elements in the tailings'. Such statement is a mere
    manipulation, and is aimed at misleading. The tailings are wastes,
    they are neither eatable, nor drinkable, for the law to provide limits
    of concentration of any elements in them. The waste is preserved in
    the tailings dams, and isolated from the outside environment, just
    because it is waste. Moreover, Armenian law considers the waste from
    mining (tailings) as `non - dangerous' waste. This is a clear and
    known fact.
    The same individuals, by the way, repeatedly refused the Company's
    offer to participate in the independent permanent environmental
    monitoring, and even analyze the duplicates of the samples in
    alternative laboratories, just to make sure that the results of the
    monitoring are correct. The Company discovered only recently the
    reasons for such refusal to participate, by the mentioned individuals.
    Although the results of the lab assessments made by the representative
    of NGO were not provided to the Company, the Company was able to
    acquire them (see attached). According to the assessment made by one
    of the labs of the Armenian National Academy of Science, the
    concentration (mg/kg) of barium (BA) in the soil of the yards of
    villagers exceeds the concentration of the same element in the
    Company's tailings (waste) by up to 2,2 times, cobalt (Co) by 2,1
    times , crome (Cr) by 2,3 times, copper (Co) by 1,8 times, nikel (Ni)
    by 1,9 times, rubidium (Rb) by 1,4 times, tin (Sn) by 2,3 times,
    stroncium (Sr) by 2,8 times, vanadium (V) by 2,3 times, zinc (Zn) by
    15,2 times, circonium (Zr) by 2 times, iron (Fe) by 2 times, titan
    (Ti) by 2 times.
    According to this assessment, and the logic of concentration of
    different elements, even if the Company tailings were not only
    released (which is ruled out by the independent and permanent
    environmental monitoring), but entirely replaced the soils (which is
    impossible), the concentration of these elements would be much less
    than those in the waste. It is also evident, that the Company waste is
    much `cleaner', in consideration of the concentration of these
    elements, than the soils of the villagers. If the concentration of
    these elements in the soil was simply compared with the same
    concentrations in the tailings, and given a simple analysis,
    logically, the representatives should had thought of something else
    than falsely accusing the Company in contaminating the soil.
    Apparently, the villagers themselves told the representatives that
    they are well aware, and were aware for a long time, of the
    concentration of at least some of these elements in their soils even
    before the Company activities began (during one of the meeting
    organized by the representatives at the community, to which the
    Company was not even invited), since back in soviet times large
    amounts of different chemicals were widely used in the community
    against rodents, and other chemicals as fertilizers, and even after
    the soviet government's banning them, these chemicals were not removed
    from the village, but buried in their soils instead, massively.
    Fertilizers are still being used. Apparently, the representatives knew
    about it, but choose to falsely accuse the Company instead, and even
    disseminated a public statement claiming, as if, that the Company `is
    refuting the results of the assessment' made by these
    representatives. Instead, the Company is expecting that these
    individual representatives themselves should refute their own
    statements against the Company.
    Moreover, understanding full well that their accusations against the
    Company are entirely false and fabricated, the same representatives
    organized different meetings at the Community, as if to discuss the
    activity of the Company, but did not invite the Company or its
    representatives to such meetings. During these meetings these
    individual representatives are trying, through spreading a mere
    obscurantism, provoke some individual residents to make false
    statements against the Company purely for a smear propaganda purposes.
    For example, during one of the meetings where the Company
    representatives participated without being invited, an NGO
    representative stated that the Company officers shall be `sentenced to
    death by hanging' , not for harming the environment, but for just
    mining the property, since mining is `evil', many other countries
    banned mining at all and officially, as mining itself if harmful, but
    encourage their companies mining in Armenia instead (such as Germany).
    Company representatives witnessed during the same meeting, that a
    specific person representing an NGO, would invite some individual
    residents he personally knew out of the discussion room, coached them
    what to say when back in the discussion room, while the other
    individual representative would videotape in detail the resident's
    yelling and simply cursing, and placing the video in the internet
    later, as if a bright evidence of the communities `resistance'. This
    behavior was not even being concealed, and no footages are placed in
    the internet by these individual representatives, where the community
    members not only disagree with their false accusation, but also oppose
    them. As a result, artificially fabricated nature of the footages
    placed in the internet by these individual representatives is
    This, indeed, is a disguised behavior. It is clear that some NGO
    representatives apparently trying to put obstacles, and even stop the
    activities of a company the record of which clearly provides that the
    company not only proved its dedication to preventing any violations of
    the environment, not only proved its dedication to social
    responsibility, but also considered these issues as a top priority.
    However, not only the false accusations against the Company don't
    stop, but escalate instead, through dirty tactics.
    Company's attempts to investigate such odd behavior resulted into sad
    revelations that the Company is disclosing herein.
    The Company was informed that some of these individual
    representatives, apparently, applied to some international and local
    sources asking for financing against environmental violations at
    Toukhmanuk, often repeatedly and morbidly insisting. The Company was
    also informed, that some international sources told these individual
    representatives, that taking into account the transparent activities
    of the Company, there are simply no evidence of any environmental
    violations at Toukhmanuk, and there is an absolute absence of any
    public awareness of such violations. Apparently, these individual
    representatives understood the advice differently: public awareness
    can be fabricated, and the evidence falsified. This is a simple soviet
    approach, which does not lead to any results anymore.
    The Company is still investigating the advice provided to these
    individual representatives by the local sources to finance for
    hindering or stopping the Company activities, however, the Company's
    specific revelations currently available are also disturbing. It has
    been for weeks, that one of these individual representatives, for
    example, is posting in her personal facebook account (through opening
    a special group) the materials posted in the internet and media a
    while ago, for the purposes of smear propaganda initiated by a former
    government official in the context of that official's corrupt demands
    against the Company. This specific individual representative became so
    exited, that even posted, and tried getting `likes' from facebook
    audience, on the media reports about another company's activities with
    the same name (Global Gold), in Kirgizia.
    This behavior is extremely concerning, is harmful to the country, the
    industry, the economy, facilitates the emigration - already a problem
    for the country, is harmful for the reputation of NGOs, and shall be
    stopped immediately. Representing group or individual interest by
    individual representatives of NGOs, and their copying corrupt
    officials' behavior cannot be allowed. Armenia deserves to have
    environmental NGO truly dedicated at protection of the environment of
    the country.
    In light of these realities, the Company is hereby requesting these
    individual representatives to disclose the international and local
    sources their applied for their activities regarding Toukhmanuk mine,
    and the purposes and conditions for such activities.
    The Company will continue working transparently and openly, including
    for the protection of the environment. As always, we are open for any
    discussion that is aimed at serving interests of the communities of
    the Company's operations.
    Global Gold Mining, LLC Armenia Branch

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