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Ali Hasanov: "Azerbaijan's National Interests Should Be "Red Line",

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  • Ali Hasanov: "Azerbaijan's National Interests Should Be "Red Line",


    APA, Azerbaijan
    April 23 2013

    "Any local or foreign organization, any person exerting pressure on
    Azerbaijani state, staining it, should know that hatred of people,
    public reprimand of intellectuals, scientists, writers, journalists,
    parliamentarians and officials expect them"

    Baku. Mubariz Aslanov - APA. "I have always considered that a
    great love and disinterested service to the national statehood,
    people, Motherland and strong commitment to the justice ideals
    and irreconcilability against the enemies are the main features
    characterizing a true citizen. Regardless of their social status,
    position and views, if every official, intellectual, politician,
    activist and ordinary person remains committed to their state and
    national interests and closely unite around the National Leader,
    who is leading the state to development and prosperity, the desire
    of strong state and sustainable development can become a reality,"
    chief of socio-political department of the Presidential Administration
    Ali Hasanov told APA.

    Ali Hasanov also noted: "Not giving a principal response to the some
    foreign circles, including anti-national elements, who are going
    to shake this unity, lead the country to confrontation, anarchy and
    chaos, and not exposing them, we not only demonstrate indifference
    to our significant successes achieved up to now, but also avoid the
    responsibility before young generations, whom we are going to present
    the independent and strong Azerbaijan. Therefore, our Motherland's
    initiative, national and statehood interests, our material and moral
    resources, national and moral values of vital importance should be
    "red line", inviolable principle for every Azerbaijani.

    Don't those who receive grants from Armenian lobby, pro-Armenian
    circles, stain this state from the international platforms, describe
    Armenians as oppressed and Azerbaijanis as barbarians, tell lies to
    the foreigners visiting our country deserve national hatred? Any
    local or foreign organization, any person exerting pressure on
    Azerbaijani state, staining it, should know that hatred of people,
    public reprimand of intellectuals, scientists, writers, journalists,
    parliamentarians and officials expect them. If this is not so at
    present, it means that parliamentarians, officials, public figures,
    national media and civil society institutions should think more about
    their activities," he said.

    Department chief said he always backs his views.

    "The statement made by respectable Rabiyyat Aslanova on Radio Liberty
    that I am emotional when I call on the public to demonstrate principled
    approach, reprimand to the anti-Azerbaijani local and organizations,
    is groundless. I am not in the position or age to pass decisions,
    make important challenges basing on emotions. These statements are
    my principled civil position, well-weighed official position, I will
    not retract from this position," he said.
