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Armenia's Upcoming Chairman Role In Council Of Europe Prompts Concer

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  • Armenia's Upcoming Chairman Role In Council Of Europe Prompts Concer


    Sacramento Bee, CA
    April 23 2013

    By Azerbaijan Monitor
    Published: Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2013 - 3:08 am

    BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 23, 2013 -- /PRNewswire/ --

    Azerbaijan has challenged the decision to hand the chairmanship of
    the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to neighbouring
    Armenia, despite that nation's continued occupation of Azerbaijani
    territory that has displaced and violated basic rights of about one
    million of its citizens.

    Armenia will assume the six-month chair from July, prompting
    Azerbaijani delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
    Europe (PACE), Elkhan Suleymanov, to question the move in a letter
    to PACE, which he has since made public.

    "How do you assess the chairmanship of the state, which keeps under
    military occupation the territories of the other member state?" he
    asked in the letter.

    He also noted that Armenia has been handed the chair despite the fact
    it involves one Council of Europe member state occupying the land of
    another for 25 years after the invasion and in defiance of resolutions
    from the United Nations, the European Parliament and even PACE itself.

    Suleymanov also raised the issue of this year's presidential election
    in Armenia that returned to power Serzh Sargsyan, a former military
    commander linked to the massacre of civilians in the town of Khojaly,
    Azerbaijan, on 26th February of 1992.

    The PACE observer team to that election, led by Norwegian politician
    Ms Karin Woldseth, decreed the poll to be fair despite noting in
    its report the military occupation of Azerbaijani territories. This,
    said Suleymanov in his letter, contradicts all notions of "democracy,
    freedom of speech and the rule of law."

    In response to Woldseth's report, Suleymanov has submitted a counter
    motion with the support of 24 MPs' from five countries declaring the
    Armenian presidential elections to be undemocratic.

    Controversy over this issue erupted last month when Suleymanov was
    heckled and then barred from speaking while addressing a PACE session
    in Paris in the aftermath of the Armenian presidential election.

    PACE's Monitoring Committee Chairman Andres Herkel later admitted
    cutting off Suleymanov but said it was due to time management issues,
    a claim rejected by the Azerbaijani delegation.

    Following that incident Suleymanov said his complaints were largely
    ignored. This time, he hopes to establish a fresh dialogue with his
    PACE colleagues ahead of Armenia's Committee of Ministers chairmanship
    in July.

    SOURCE Azerbaijan Monitor
