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Turkey Pays $5000 For Each Killed Armenian

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  • Turkey Pays $5000 For Each Killed Armenian


    An old friend of mine visited Armenia a few days ago on personal
    business. He had lived in Armenia for several years but he returned to
    his family after the war broke out in Syria. He told interesting things
    about the life of Armenians of Aleppo as a witness and participant of
    the self-defense of the Armenian neighborhood. Here is what he told me.

    The Armenians mostly live in 3-4 districts Aleppo. 80% of Aleppo
    Armenians are in Nor Gyukh, others in Suleymanie side by side with
    Arab Christians, as well as in Vilaner and Sheik Taha where they live
    with Arab Christians and Muslims. As of recently, Armenian districts
    are quiet, the free opposition army of Syria wants to enter the
    Armenian neighborhoods but the Armenians, the army (government forces)
    resist. Once they took advantage for 2 or 3 days but were pushed back.

    The neighborhood [Nor Gyukh] is often shelled because government troops
    are there. People, Armenian churches, schools, buildings are destroyed.

    Armenians fight within the government force and the army leadership
    is satisfied with the Armenians. Armenians fear that Islamists may
    come to power, like in Egypt, and the Armenian community and cultural
    heritage will be destroyed.

    Turkey is a participant of all this which wants to perpetrate the
    second genocide in Aleppo. Once I went to bring food and fuel from
    Aleppo with another guy. We were warned to leave Aleppo with the ID
    card of a Christian or Muslim Arab. We found a Christian Arab who was
    a little like me, and I took his ID. The car was stopped and checked
    by the rebels several times on the way to the neighboring villages of
    Aleppo. They asked us if there are army soldiers or Armenians in the
    car. We certainly said no. Being asked the same question for several
    times we asked why they ask this question. One of the rebels said
    Turkey promised to pay 1000 dollars for each killed army soldier and
    5000 dollars for each killed Armenian.

    The Armenian district is the target of snipers therefore some central
    streets are closed. The street of the high school is closed. Karen
    Epeh, Sahakyan Schools, St Gregory Illuminator Church are closed. The
    main street where most shops are is closed. Sometimes the army is
    able to catch snipers. The first was an Austrian girl, a former
    biathlonist. She said she was paid 50,000 dollars a month plus a fee
    for each victim. Before she was caught she had killed an Armenian
    young man.

    A few days ago rebels intervened in the Kurdish neighborhood
    called Sheik Makhsud which is beside the Armenian neighborhood and
    is situated higher. First the Kurds defended their neighborhoods,
    the government promised to help them to defend themselves but Kurds
    were split by controversies and some of them agreed to yield. Some
    twenty days ago they yielded to the rebels in return for some money,
    which exposed the Armenian neighborhood to risk. The army felt that
    this neighborhood could not be yielded so it intervened and took the
    Kurdish neighborhood.

    There are also funny incidents. We were on duty one night, and two guys
    were walking towards our neighborhood shooting every now and then. The
    Armenians wounded them. The gunmen (who were from Afghanistan) asked
    if we could see them. They said we were given some substance and told
    that we it would make us invisible. A few days later we caught someone
    else with a sword who also said he had been given some medicine which
    would make him invisible.

    There are lots of foreigners among the rebels. Mostly Afghans and
    Chechens are sent to the front line, there are also Tunisians,
    Europeans, Filipinos, Yemeni, Saudis, Nigerians.

    The rebels are keen on the Armenian districts because it will give
    them a big advantage. Besides, they believe that the government forces
    will not raze Armenian buildings to the ground. On the contrary, the
    government tells the residents of different districts to keep their
    districts and promises to help them in every way. The government
    warns a day before the surrender to leave their homes and deploys
    artillery and air force to destroy entire districts controlled by
    the rebels. If the rebels are able take a district, the government
    considers it betrayal by residents of the district.

    What allows for hope is that the Armenians have united at this hard
    time independent from their party affiliation. Armenians abroad
    send money, food, so Armenians always have food for a month. Half
    of Armenians of Aleppo have left the country. Most of them moved to
    Armenia and Lebanon hoping to return as soon as everything ends. Most
    of them prefer to stay, noting that Syria is their home, and they will
    live both good days and hard days and will not abandon their homes.

    Mushegh Ghahriyan 16:35 23/04/2013 Story from News:
