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ANTELIAS: Joint Statement of HH Karekin II, and HH Aram I

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  • ANTELIAS: Joint Statement of HH Karekin II, and HH Aram I

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
    Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
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    PO Box 70 317


    His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos of All Armenians, Holy See of Etchmiadzin
    His Holiness Aram I Catholicos of Cilicia, Holy See of Cilicia

    We demand that Turkey return our confiscated Churches and Church Properties

    In 2015, Armenians living in the Republics of Armenia and Karabagh and in
    the diaspora will commemorate the 1915 Genocide of the Armenian people,
    planned and executed by Ottoman Turkey.

    In 1915, more than one-and-a-half million Armenians were deported and
    massacred. The survivors found refuge in Eastern Armenia (the current
    Republic of Armenia), Syria, Lebanon, the Arab countries and all around the

    Armenians living under the Ottoman Empire in Western Armenia, Cilicia and
    other regions of Turkey lost all their personal belongings along with
    churches, monasteries, holy places, religious and educational centres,
    cultural and religious artefacts of great value, cross-stones, manuscripts
    and holy pictures. In addition to deportation and genocide, Turkey
    appropriated all of these belongings and artefacts under the pretext that
    they were "abandoned properties."

    Ninety-eight years after the Armenian Genocide, the current Turkish
    authorities, the legal successors of the Ottomans, not only deny the
    Genocide, but continue to hold on to the confiscated properties and
    artefacts, as well as church properties and religious treasures.

    We therefore, demand the following:

    1. That Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide
    2. That Turkey compensate Armenians for all their losses in human lives
    and human rights
    3. That Turkey return the Armenian churches, monasteries, church
    properties and all spiritual and cultural monuments to their rightful and
    legal owners, the Armenian people.

    As we pray for the memory of our victims of the Genocide, we
    condemn all violent acts against God-given human lives, all assaults on
    human dignity and all acts that disrupt peaceful co-existence, "for God
    [who] is a God not of disorder but of peace" (I Corinthians 14:33), invites
    people to love, to live together and cooperate in peace and harmony.

    We are grateful to all those people and governments who have
    displayed their commitment to justice by empathizing with, assisting and
    sheltering the deported survivors of the Genocide.

    The Armenian people will always remain grateful to all those
    governments, which, because of their commitment to justice, have condemned
    the inhuman acts of the Ottoman Turks and have formally recognized the
    Armenian Genocide.

    On the threshold of the 100th Anniversary commemoration of the
    Armenian Genocide, we shall pursue together the rightful and legal demands
    for justice for the Armenian people.

    Karekin II Aram I
    Catholicos of All Armenians Catholicos of Cilicia
    Etchmidadzin, Armenia Antelias, Lebanon
