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Armenia-Azerbaijan Region Needs A High-Level US Envoy

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  • Armenia-Azerbaijan Region Needs A High-Level US Envoy


    The Hill, DC
    April 24 2013

    By Elin Suleymanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan - 04/24/13 03:24 PM ET

    WASHINGTON -- This week, Elmar Mammadyarov became the first Azerbaijani
    Foreign Minister to visit Israel and Palestine. This trip, described
    as "historic" by the Israeli President Shimon Peres, underscored our
    many shared experiences and concern. My nation also suffered from
    war just as we were restoring our independence in 1991.

    Close to a million Azerbaijani civilians lost their homes and became
    refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) during the war with
    Armenia, centered on the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan.

    We have spared no effort to integrate our refugees and IDPs more
    broadly into Azerbaijani society, but they long to return home. We
    have built new homes for them, and we provide extensive social
    services. These cannot, however, replace the traditional lifestyles
    and communities that were lost and that they yearn to return to.

    Although our lands have been under Armenian occupation for 20 years,
    we still put our trust in negotiations and international institutions
    to help bring peace to the region and enable our displaced people to
    return to their homes. As a member of the United Nations Security
    Council, Azerbaijan actively contributes to addressing global
    challenges; in turn, we ask the international community to be more
    proactive in resolving the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

    During his visit, Minister Mammadyarov shared with the Israeli and
    Palestinian leaders our hope to see them living in peace and prosperity
    and enjoying the benefits of peace that they both deserve.

    This is our aspiration for the South Caucasus as well.

    Azerbaijan is a good friend to both the Israelis and the Palestinians.

    Our society has a long tradition of respect for the Jewish people,
    and relations between Azerbaijan and Israel are growing stronger. When
    Azerbaijan declared our independence from the former Soviet Union
    in October, 1991, Israel recognized our country two months later -
    one of the first countries to do so. In April, 1992 - 21 years ago -
    our countries formally established diplomatic ties.

    Of course, as a nation with proud a Muslim heritage and an active
    member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), we want to
    see the Palestinian people fully realize their potential and live

    As the Middle East has shown, the more time that passes with the
    conflicts unresolved, the more entrenched the sides become. But
    while Middle East peace is always a front-burner issue, the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict needs more aggressive international
    engagement. We urge the United States, for instance, to appoint a
    high-level, authoritative envoy as a mediator.

    We hope to see peace in both the Middle East and in our own region.

    Azerbaijan's rapid economic development and successful regional
    projects with Georgia and Turkey demonstrate the potential dividends of
    peace and the opportunities missed as a result of continuing hostility.

    In order to successfully resolve the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict,
    the international community needs to move with more urgency. We do
    not want the major threat this conflict poses to become a chronic
    challenge and tinderbox for our region.

    My generation grew up together with Armenian neighbors and remembers
    the warm human relations. But today, younger generations in Azerbaijan
    and Armenia do not share these human ties and do not know their
    neighbors. With a positive vision for our region's future, we can
    change that.

    Suleymanov is the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Washington, D.C.
