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Armenian Issue Must Be Pulled From Between Hammer And Anvil

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  • Armenian Issue Must Be Pulled From Between Hammer And Anvil


    The Armenian issue is a convenient lever used by leading states in
    their relations with Turkey. The general impression is that everyone
    benefits from the Armenian cause except Armenia. The role of Armenia
    does not go beyond that of an artifact.

    It first of all comes from the quality and behavior of Armenian
    officials, politicians and Diaspora organizations who refrain from
    opposing the political goals of their partners, initiatives that
    would be out of control.

    On the other hand, the behavior of foreign stakeholders is also
    understood. Armenia cannot oppose this logic but also has to "filter"
    the political goals of external parties in order to be ready for any
    turn in future developments.

    In this regard it is important to clarify Russia's attitude to the
    Armenian cause. For explicable reasons there is a stereotyped thinking
    in Armenia that Turkey and the West are against Armenia and part of
    Armenia was saved thanks to Russia. Meanwhile, historical facts and
    logic claim the opposite. Notably, Russia did not try to prevent
    displacement and massacres of Armenians and even helped Turkey to
    achieve its goals.

    Later on as the West was redesigning the Ottoman Empire and the
    Armenian state was foreseen by the agreement of Sevres, Turkey could
    prevent it with the help of Russia. Russia helped the exhausted
    Turkish government and army with weapon, troops and others. And
    in 1921 the unlawful Russian-Turkish agreement was signed by which
    Russia recognized Turkey and Turkey got the Armenian territories,
    and the present border between Armenia and Turkey was laid out.

    Armenia has not recognized this border so far while in 2011 Turkey
    and Russia reasserted their loyalty to this agreement in Moscow.

    The Russian-Turkish relations have repeatedly escalated and
    normalized at the expense of the Armenians and territories inhabited
    by Armenians. Recently Russia has built its relations with Turkey at
    the expense of the interests of Armenians, notably an effort was made
    to return Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

    The more the relations between Turkey and the West aggravate,
    the more the Russian-Turkish relations strengthen. So was in the
    abovementioned period, so is now and so will be in the future when
    the issue of Turkey's fragmentation will be on the agenda.

    Moscow and Ankara are partners in defeating Armenian claims on the
    international arena. Russia is able to neutralize all the initiatives
    relating to the Armenian issue, including the international recognition
    of the independence of Karabakh, using its levers on the Armenian
    government and its fifth column, the pro-Russian experts of Armenian
    origin and the Union of Armenians of Russia whose main goal is lobby
    of Russia's interests at the expense of the Armenian interests.

    Time changes, real issues and approaches are discussed more
    substantially in Armenia. The Armenian political class must get over
    stereotypes and style imposed on it and use the Armenian cause as its
    own weapon and rid of the role of an artifact and something between
    the hammer and anvil.

    Turkey's fragmentation may come true, and Armenia must be ready for
    that not to get under the ruins once again. We did not resist in
    West Armenia because someone had reassured that Russia would defend
    the Armenians. We resisted and won in Karabakh because there were
    no illusions, especially that Russia fought against the Armenians,
    on Azerbaijan's side.

    One more thing: whether tsarist, communist, democratic or sovereign,
    Russia conducts the same policy, which is natural and logical because
    the interests of Armenia are not in line with Russia's interests in
    the region, this is the rule and it cannot be ignored in building
    new Armenian-Russian relations.

    Haik Aramyan 16:55 24/04/2013 Story from News:
