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The Armenian Genocide; April 24, 1915

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  • The Armenian Genocide; April 24, 1915

    Huffington Post UK
    April 25 2013

    The Armenian Genocide; April 24, 1915

    Posted: 24/04/2013 14:07

    Tsitsernakaberd is a memorial dedicated to the 1.5 Million victims of
    the Armenian Genocide; it is located on a hill (along the Hrazdan
    river) overlooking Yerevan, Armenia. Constructed in 1966, it is the
    symbol of memorial; every year on April 24, hundreds of thousands of
    Armenians gather here to remember the victims of the 1915 Armenian
    Genocide that took place in the Ottoman Empire carried out by the
    Turkish government. August 1994. Yerevan, Armenia. Photo: Edmond

    As an Armenian and a human being, I find it sad that even almost 100
    years on, the genocide of 1915 has still gone unrecognised by it's
    perpetrator and also the UK and US (considering just how many other
    countries recognise it happened makes the few denying it somewhat sad
    and suspect). For decades the Turkish governments denied the killings
    outright, but in recent years, because of all the evidence, they
    admitted to some killings, but disguised it as being part of World War
    I - which it wasn't.

    I would like the memory of the 1.5 million slaughtered to be honoured
    and their families respected by this genocide, the only one in modern
    history to have gone unrecognised, to be recognised by Turkey. It's
    about time and the only right thing to do.
