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Vardanyan Says ARF-D Will Do Better This Time, Accuses Regime Of Abu

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  • Vardanyan Says ARF-D Will Do Better This Time, Accuses Regime Of Abu

    Vardanyan Says ARF-D Will Do Better This Time, Accuses Regime Of
    Abusing State Levers
    April 17, 2013

    The overwhelming majority of the voters is that segment of the
    population which is more independent and less succumbing to pressure,
    told ARF-D Supreme Council of Armenia Vice Chairman, Aghvan Vardanyan
    to in reply to a remark about the party's voters being mostly
    from outside the capital. In Vardanyan's opinion vote rigging and
    administrative levers are less efficient in the case of Yerevan's
    constituency. `I'm certain that ARF-D's policy and activities will
    have a larger response among the people of Yerevan. Party members are
    going door-to-door talking to the citizens who after comparing the
    political parties to each other state that they will vote for ARF-D'
    Vardanyan pointed out and said that this is a proof that the party's
    share of votes will be larger in Yerevan this time. reminds that in the last Yerevan municipal election which took
    place four years ago, ARF-D didn't manage to pass the 6% threshold
    necessary for having representatives in the city's governing body.


    Dashnaks Cry Foul Over Yerevan Polls
    (, April 17) - A leader of the opposition Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) on Tuesday accused the
    ruling Republican Party (HHK) of abusing its government levers to
    prevail in next month's municipal elections in Yerevan.

    `The ruling party has learned bitter lessons from the [last]
    presidential elections, and now all state and administrative resources
    are being used to make these elections apolitical and forcibly ensure
    votes [for the HHK,]' charged Aghvan Vartanian.

    Vartanian claimed that high-ranking officials at various state
    institutions are forcing their subordinates to pledge to vote for the
    HHK in the polls scheduled for May 5. `Also, time and again our
    teachers are forced to promote [the HHK] among their students' parents
    to ensure votes,' he told a news conference.

    The HHK, which is headed by President Serzh Sarkisian, has faced such
    allegations from the opposition as well as media ahead of just about
    every major election held in Armenia in the past decade. It has always
    denied them.

    Western observers reported `misuse of administrative resources' and
    `pressure on voters' by the Sarkisian campaign during the February 18
    presidential election. They said government officials are using states
    resources to campaign for Sarkisian's reelection and forcing public
    sector employees to attend his campaign rallies. Still, the observers'
    assessment of the Armenian authorities' handling of the ballot was
    otherwise largely positive.

    Vartanian, who is second on Dashnaktsutyun's list of candidates for
    Yerevan's municipal council, predicted that there will be few
    irregularities inside polling stations on May 5 not least because
    nearly half of the members of precinct election commissions will be
    appointed by opposition groups. `They will try to do [illicit] things
    outside polling stations,' he said, referring to the HHK.

    Dashnaktsutyun, which holds five seats in the Armenian parliament, is
    not represented in Yerevan's outgoing Council of Elders. The party won
    less than 5 percent of the vote in the last municipal elections held
    in May 2009. Those polls took place one month after it withdrew from
    Armenia's governing coalition.
